Will gaming ever take off on other systems such as mac and linux?
Will gaming ever take off on other systems such as mac and linux?
nah, Apple refuses to support Vulkan and most game developers are never going to bother porting things to Metal.
Then they update your IOS and woops your programms aren't compatible anymore because fuck you and your hardware, but you can just buy a new Mac.
Apple doesnt give a fuck about their users.
Windows is going down the shitter, so they'll have to
It will never progress beyond dual-booting Windows alongside whatever you normally run.
2017 not using a egpu on their mac
How much time have you guys been saying this? 10 years atleast
>gaming on os designed to work
this neet fatso sob
You can VM windows on linux distros and get native performance with gpu passthrough, so I don't see a great problem there. But OSX is really not useful at all just like apple shit, so I don't care
>2017 not using a egpu on their mac
great dumbass, has nothing to do with Apple refusing to implement Vulkan support. Macs will never be good gaming machines.
post the fat edit
I love how macs are built, they are as beautiful on the inside as on the outside, too bad they are underpowered and overpriced.
Why is problems in quotations
The most popular gaming system in the world right now runs on Linux
The "current windows is worst windows" meme was always based on UI and at worst some glitchy elements before. This is the first time the problem's been with basic shit like OS updates and "can I tell my operating system not to fucking narc out my entire life while trying to sell me digital condoms?"
it's shit on macOS though
same mac in windows dualboot gives better perfomance with an egp
post the edit faggot
Mac you have to pay a licensing fee for that is insanely high and has almost no install base
So no , it isnt worth it for devs
Windows 10's recent update broke my PCIe lane drivers. One new PSU later a reinstall and rage, I have a 1 year old windows 10 version reinstalled and dual booting Ubuntu.
Fuck Microsoft.
>using win10
your fault retard
Also, using *nix software on well defined locked down systems built with it in mind from the ground up is very different to supporting it on every possible commodity PC hardware configuration.
>dobson's mac is slow as fuck
>he eats mcdonalds anyway
If dev stop using directx yes otherwise no and even then apple dont sell anything even remotely optimal for gaming and linux still don't have a perfectly retard friendly DE.
>Recording Skyrim footage at 15 fps
That guy is a fucking joke.
>being cheap magically makes things worse than more expensive things
economics isn't his specialty, is it
Windows is never ever in a thousands years going to go away, they've wayyyyyyyyyy too many dependant legacy systems. What you're saying is so stupid that I'm convinced that you're retarded, there's just no other explanation.
I'm actually upset over this. Your post has singlehandedly lower my expectation of humanity as a whole. I hope you're happy you imbecile.
>on question
>on picture
wow i guess life really is hard when your suck at computers. I don't hate mac, but to pretend that it's better than any of the other major OS just because it's more user friendly is just delusional. It's like someone with a defect spine who can't walk starts to argue that a wheelchair is better than walking - everyone around might agree but thats just because its so fucking sad.
macs don't have right click
bump the dob!!
Haha idiot apple doesn't even support GAYYYMIN RAM
>Is this loss?
That cat has seen some shit.
Is this the Dobson thread?
I do all my PC gaming on Linux. Of course you don't get many new AAA titles but they're pretty shit anyways.
You forgot
>Using said footage to call people wanting 60fps entitled
Mac? More like MAC it stop
Ha Ha!
Dobson was always rights
He's Sup Forums personified
>F O O D
>A N A L O G Y
My computer used to give me random shutdowns on windows 10. Upgraded to 7 and haven't had an issue yet.
> i dont understand how guys like sports and cars, im a unique gamer!
seriously fuck this guy, also how can you not think robot vehicles beating each other up isnt cool????
but what about OTHER GAME
Has he ever heard of a sketch book?
Jesus christ even I'm taller than this manlet
>neckbeard loser
>shirt with pizza on it
>gay bag
It's like he's trying to look like a fag
They actually do. If you want to use a mouse they support right clicks.
The track pad doesn’t have a separate left or right click buttons though it’s just a single pad , so it requires a 2 finger click though instead of a right click. It’s different at first, but it works way better once you get it.
Every time
Why am I not surprised he likes lady in the water.
Someone post the superior version.
>Drink alcohol
Probably only tried beer or straight vodka once
Well yeah, it's the blue bear.
Can't believe I missed the big get this week
Just when I thought that human trash can't get any worse.. He goes and make this comic.
Nigger this comics has existed for years. How are you just seeing it for the first time?
They also do the trick of updates that gradually (and intentionally) make your device slower and slower to make you want to buy a new one.
Fuck apple.
Because I try to see as little as possible of this garbage. So I only come across his shit in random threads like this.
>Likes the M Night movie where the critic is the villain
>arbitrary needs
Video games
To be fair, that's pretty typical of any software engineers job. 20 hours of research, 10 minute code change. No one know how the whole thing works. It's up to you to crash your Sublime or Ion or Vim or whatever text editor ctrl+f-ing for "cMode". God help you if you check it on GitHub or Subversion. The only way you're getting through this is if you hunker down, bite the pillow, and dig for hours.
Point is, this kid is pussy and probably never programmed legacy windows shit. Deal with old ass .Net and VB long enough and you can program anything. He has to be new.
Windows is still ass though. Every single Window process is on single thread.
What do you think svhost is on Windows?