How do you guys feel about Xenoblade's 2 localization changing things for absolutely no reason...

How do you guys feel about Xenoblade's 2 localization changing things for absolutely no reason? Is this not a form of censorship

>linking to kotaku youtube
Fucking kill yourself
>changing things
Thats exactly what a localization is you fucking retard. Thats why its called localization and not direct translation.

i feel like it doesn't really matter and they didn't censor pyra or mythra so i don't give a shit

>caring about who submitted the video when it's good content
Kill yourself goobergate

I don't care, playing the game in japanese.

>good content

>Decide to look at the video, skim through it
It's a bad video

Pyra and Myrthra will always be more fitting to the greater lore than Homura and Hikari

No they wont. lol...


>being an EOP who plays JRPGs
>in [current year]
>when the every current console is region free

>watch 2 minutes in
>some autismo is whining about avoiding overt christian references and replacing them with terms he's only ever heard in shit movies
This is too fucking much for me, holy shit.

Learning Japenese is hardddddd, I'm not a neet, I dont have the time

sounded like hes just pointing out the differences for trivia. I think a lot of you guys are just primed to take offense at anything.

It's only censorship when boobs are involved, everyone knows that.

But he's right. The Xenosaga series literally had Jesus Christ in it. Why are they tip toeing around religious references a series is well known for.

>being a person who plays JRPGs in [current year]
>when Wizardry was released 36 years ago

Sad to say it but this. The removal of certain references IS censorship but people here don't actually care about censorship unless titties get covered.

>Bravely Default
Nobody cared when the Minotaur got censored
>Bravo Bikini gets censored

>linking to kotaku youtube
get the fuck out of here

>Why are they tip toeing around religious references a series is well known for.
Because this is Nintendo, and they've spent the past 30 years trying to avoid pissing off any religious nutjobs bringing down bad PR on them?

Honestly, you could argue that the very concept of Christian mythology has a very different meaning to the Japanese, who aren't traditionally reared on it. It's an exotic fantasy, which is why replacing those myths and references with something typically mythical for westerners, like the Greek and Roman pantheons, makes perfect sense from the perspective of intended meaning.

>playing Wizardry when Ultima exist

Even if you know Japanese, your level will never be high enough to fully grasp absolutely everything in a complex JRPG unless you actually lived in Japan for some time and/or use the language on a daily basis with native speakers.

Most people bragging about knowing Japanese in here are faggots who believe that having a N1 is enough to claim that their level is good. It's not. Congrats you speak like a 15 years old. Such a low level won't give you a better experience unless you play simple games.

t. expat actually living in Japan having to refuse CVs from weebs applying for LOC positions believing that their N1 alone is enough to get hired. Hell half of them don't even get a satisfactory score on their native language recruitment test.

If exotic is good why did they change stuff like Byakko and Suzaku?

>Making shit up on the internet
Pathetic, but at least you get to feel better about yourself

This is true. You simply cannot learn any language properly unless
>A) You're a kid (Kids can learn languages amazingly easily)
>B) you go to the actual country and stay there
source; guy who lived in France for 2 years and speaks it better than college friends who took multiple courses for it.

Those are both common myths but are untrue

It's not a myth you fucking idiot. Kids learn everything faster, that's an actual fact.

Living in a country where you constantly hear another language forces you to adapter quicker, that's always true
>b-but a told me I can learn Japanese on y-youtube and with flash cards
You'll never learn Japanese

Why do Xenokiddies care about name changes so much? Is Xenoblade the only Nintendo franchise they play? No Pokemon, no Fire Emblem?

Take a chill pill, my dude

There was plenty of controversy over Fire Emblem, fuck off with your revisionist bullshit.

Name changes are almost always retarded. Something like Pokemon names are fine though because they're all puns aimed at little kids.

I was going to say Chrono Trigger is the only one I can think of with only improved names, but changing a European broadsword from Grandleon to Masamune was pretty dumb.

Hikari and Homura are both incredibly generic names. I don't know the last thing I watched or played with characters named Mithra and Pyra.