We heard that your most played character was the Orochi

We heard that your most played character was the Orochi.
I seriously hope that's not true user.

Obviously not, peacekeeper is best girl.

Hehe le deus vult Bros!

Game is deader than dead.

Why is this game so buggy and laggy, it shouldn't run this poorly.

Hell no.
The only good Samurai is Shugoki

Shitty servers

Valk main who dropped the game 3 weeks after launch.

I mean, I have sudden fps drops but it runs at 90fps in the benchmark at ultra settings, I don't understand ubisoft's optimization policy.

>any character being played at all


Ohio! I too love to make fun of those dumb knights :3 XD desu they have nothing on GRORRIOUS NIPPON des who have the BEST MOST HONORABRU WARRIORs in al of history!

they folded their katanai 100000 times over and forged them in chi magics

not to mention orochi is supa supa kawaii



>they folded their katanai 100000 times over and forged them in chi magics

audible fucking kek


You get less frames on rainy and snowy maps becuase of more partical effects. You'll also have a higher frame rate in modes with less people like duels.
I just play on low settings to get as close to 144fps as I can.

Just tried it for the first time. Dropped after 3 matches... just terrible

>playing as fatty mccheesemaster instead of IT IS I, YOSHIMITSU, the most honest class in the game

>Implying I'm Weeb


>posting fucking Yoshimitsu "the second"

Get ouf of my fucking face

Do you per chance play Shaman?

I'm still pretty salty about this game being fucking terrible, i used to be hyped pre-release.
What were they thinking??

They weren't


i love valkyrie

Zerker here. Haven't played in months.

They did everything apart from actually play their own game. Any fucking idiot could see the flaws with the system.

I've been playing for a week and it's honestly pretty fun.
The only 2 things I would consider changing would be the overall balance of the game and the optimization in some maps, besides that the game is breddy gud.

Why do zerkers hit SO FUCKING HARD with the attack from the top.
It takes half of my health holy fucking shit.

The new characters are the embodiment of powecreep if you ask me.
Both Aramusha and Shaman are fucking disgusting to play against.
The only one that's balanced is Gladiator and it's fucking trash to play with.

They're reworking base game heroes in the near future.

>Infinite Chain Finisher - A Top Heavy Attack always ends an Infinite Chain. It also inflicts extra Damage.

of course they're elevating the 10 release characters roster to the 3 piece of shit OP characters level, woah so great. Can't wait to see shugoki reworked or valkyrie reworked.

but Ara isn't even that good. Shaman is absolutely fucked though

Because it has a long wind up and easy as fuck tell. Zerks will almost always end their combo with that finisher the first time to see whether or not you know to block it. If you can't, they'll likely do it in all combos, if you can then they'll either never use it again or use it very sparingly. IIRC getting that finisher blocked or parried takes out almost all of their stamina and leaves them open to almost anything. Although I haven't played since release so maybe they've changed things up now.

Do people still play this?

Conqueror is getting reworked because apparently he can't compete with the mobility of the new characters and being a defensive guy he is "antifun" to play against.

Why the fuck does every developer think that adding a more frenetic combat system will make everything hunky-dory in a videogame?
This is fucking dark souls all over again.

He is manageable with some characters but assassins cannot deal with him in any sense lmao.

I see. I thought that it was because of other people's gear but this happened in a duel scenario so my neurons started firing.
Guess I have to be more mindful of that finisher.

they really haven't thought about the "defense" part of the game simplifying it to "Aim where your enemy has aimed and you'll block it BUT your enemy can basically shove you to hit you and stop being so defensive mindlessly BUT you can block it too and so it's useless most of the time"

But all Yoshimitsus are based, REPENT!

Conq is rightfully getting reworked, you can't use any heavy attacks against him. he is unfun to play against and with

Be very mindful of it. Zerks don't have a lot in their arsenal so once they start wailing on you with infinite chain, just be sure you don't panic and look for the right opportunity to block or parry.

Lawbringers still shit?

Exactly, that's why the ONLY defensive character is getting reworked because they don't know how to deal with it.
Well, he is a guy with a shield and a slow weapon, he should work like that.
By the same logic shugoki shouldn't be able to endure push moves or heavy attacks without faltering.
Each character has its playstyle. You cannot play as agressive with Conqueror as with other classes and he only has heavy attacks as his main source of damage, so why shouldn't he have a good defence? It's a good trade off.

Everyone dropped the game three weeks after launch.

top tier in dominion, the only mode that matters.

>the only mode that matters.


Rep 0 Orochi forever.

Too much mental scarring from Season 1 revenge build Orochis.

his only source of damage is his shieldbash, which so happens to do next to fuck all damage

Apparently Zerker rework is complete. Next up is Kensai and Conquerer.

all the terrible design choises and brokenness is so apparent in duels, it's a tier list mode, whoever has the better character wins if both players are competent.
4v4 modes and somewhat brawls are the only good modes

*whoever player picks shaman


>Season 4 starts.
>Can't play because of memory leaks all of the sudden.
>Never hear news about fixing the memory leaks.
>Uninstall game.
Oh well.

Yeah the fuck is up with that?
I can't play for more than 1 hour without my PC going to shit.

They never fixed that shit in which the score wouldn't update at the end of the round? Such basic, simple stuff that stayed the same since the beta

>wait for 10 minutes
>finally find a match
>it fails to start
>wait 15 minutes
>finally find a match
>players drop one by one till me and one other guy are fighting bots
i have 100/100 fiber with the correct NAT settings and i have played like 6 matches EVER in this fucking heap of orcshit

I eat weebs for breakfast shithead.
Conq for life.

>Implying I played that shit at all