>The game uses the same tired tropes from every anime in the last century.
>"This game actually has pretty good writing, I promise."
Have you ever fell for this lie? What game was it? And who lied to you?
The game uses the same tired tropes from every anime in the last century
Other urls found in this thread:
Hey eric
I don't get it. Are you shilling a 6 year old youtube channel? Or accusing me of being the owner of that channel?
Eric you know what the deal is. There’s no need to be mad anymore.
>you don't kill god
argument invalidated
>Have you ever fell for this lie? What game was it? And who lied to you?
Every anime game every.
Nier, all the VN's shilled for steam, etc
>3 cutscenes ruin the entire plot
If you really think I'm this Eric person, and you're really trying to settle some kind of old beef, that that's very sad for both him and you.
You don't? I'm surprised, I would have thought that Architect guy they mentioned in the trailers would be the final boss
Weebs don't defend their shit anymore because they have different standards, they like anime's special brand of bad. Now they just REEEEE real hard when you point it out and call you a normie.
>Winning a fight
>Cutscene forces me to lose the fight
Fucking nice. Great game.
Even dunkey who's a massive nintenbro and easily entertained faggot think this game is thrash.
Didn't Dunkey also make a video about how you should regard a reviewer's tastes, wherein he explains how he has a distaste RPGs?
And there it is again. Anyone want to bet how long until then next time this Webm is posted? Tomorrow morning maybe?
2 hrs
he also said something along the lines of... "you don't have to see eye to eye with someone on every game to put your trust in them"
What the fuck is going today? Why so much xenoshiposting? Is the blundergag back?
Yeah, because you can trust them to properly review types of games that they don't have a distaste for. So for the most part, you can trust them. That doesn't mean you assume they're trustworthy for all types of games.
i'm saying i still trust and like dunkey but i absolutely do not see eye to eye with him here except for the fan service to an extent but i feel that's pretty harmless
OP here, this is an honest to goodness topic about the time someone defended a game's writing, despite the game having all the redflags of shit writing. This game just happens to be a new and eye catching example.
>Just a few posts ago
>"Even Dunkey thinks the game is trash! No excuses!"
>"I absolutely don't see eye to eye with him here"
Stop wasting my time.
It’s the same webm that’s been posted over and over. This is bait
Are you literally 12? The game is maybe a week or two old at the max. That's still new.
Things get better later.
nice try eric you asshole i know its you
that is the channel of the shitposter that makes these threads
He had a shitty video on Metroid too, he doesn't think well of that game when he clearly sucks massive dick at games that actually require any amount of thinking to them.
Don't bother listening to XB2IDF, brother. You can clearly tell that they haven't even played this trash and are only going off what their favorite Ninty-bought reviewer told them. This is why I always strike down XB2 shill threads: they never have honest discussion, preferring to just waifupost.
And now's when the opinion of some youtube retard infects the mind of the brainlet shitposter and they think it adds to their shitposting in any way.
Holy fuck you retards are so pathetic and predictable.
i'm not the same person, if you didn't gather that.
But I made the thread, and that isn't my youtube channel, and my name isn't Eric.
I just think the game looks stupid, and this webm serves as a good reason why.
Yes she is.
I figured as much. But you should regard what people before you are saying, so that my words have context. Therefore, you're not fighting causes I never taken, confusing the matter.
If you think Xenoblade 2 is cliche and unoriginal, you haven't SEEN cliche and unoriginal.