How many people here prefer to play MH on a handheld compared to a TV or Monitor?

How many people here prefer to play MH on a handheld compared to a TV or Monitor?

I am honestly sad that they aren't porting it to the Switch.I just cant feel cozy to play the game in front of my PC or TV(Ps4).

In the past I always played the games on PsP or 3DS on my big couch while laying.

I seriously hope Sony will make a new handheld or they port the game to the Switch one day.

Could the switch even run it?

Probably if they reduce some of the effects.
They somehow made Xenoblade Chronicles run on the 3DS.

the ps4 cant keep a steady frame rate so no just wait for switch verison hunter xyz342 what ever edition

>wanting the game to be handicapped by a shitty handheld with low specs and awkward controls
Hard to believe it's possible to have such shit taste.

if they're going to put it on pc, which will surely have low graphics options anyway, yes
just remove all the pointless grass and foliage and bam that right there would help a ton, the ps4 version had lag mainly in areas with lots of that stuff
it'd look worse yeah but that's the trade off for having it on a handheld

Monhun in general should never leave handhelds considering consoles can't have local play. Seriously though, hunting parties are way better in person.
In any case I don't think any MH fan worth their salt wants World to go to the switch especially since the game barely runs on PS4 as it is.

Controls where not that big of a deal on the New 3DS, its easy to get used to them.

For me its just the feeling to play aa MH game on a handheld that I enjoy and looking at the speces of the Switch it could have been good.

MH on the Vita had also nice graphics.

Anyway who here even played MH for the graphics even?

It's already being handicapped for the PS4.

Why are they not porting XX to US/EU already?

I'd say either next year or never depending on World's performance

>Controls where not that big of a deal on the New 3DS, its easy to get used to them.
pic related

Why? On the N3DS it wasn't bad.
I wish we could get a Gundam type monster hunter game.It could easy work and would be awesome.

He's not wrong. Using the Z buttons fit camera control fixes it considerably

Monster Hunter is one of the worst portable games ever though.
>Time limit
>No pause due to multiplayer
>Meant to be played multiplayer
>Can take unpredictable amounts of time, and often takes quite longer than you'd expect to beat down the dinosaur

In my opinion the best portable games are ones you can start and stop on a whim, as there are many distractions and things that can get in your way while using a portable system. As such, Monster Hunter is one of, if not the, worst possible types of games for a portable systems.

and somehow the game did very good on the PSP and 3DS.

>Can take unpredictable amounts of time, and often takes quite longer than you'd expect to beat down the dinosaur
Someone clearly stopped at the first high rank large monster.
In most cases the average player will be in the range of 12-15 minute which is perfectly acceptable for a portable game and supports the shower burst gameplay handhelds are known for having.

Fuck handhelds, none of them are comfortable to hold and MonHun was always going overboard on input complexity and scope of concept for the handhelds to handle. Being on a proper system that can do everything MH really wants to do is obviously welcome.
I don't even like Monster Hunter that much, even though I tried playing multiple titles on PSP, 3DS and Wii, all of them felt clunky, hamstrung by each system's limited buttons and one stick and piss poor concessions to elements like loading screens between tiny zones.

They didn't exactly have many other interesting titles.

>In most cases the average player will be in the range of 12-15 minute

This. After the first time you kill a monster, grinds are very predictable. And 90% of this game is grinding monsters over and over again.

Guess that shows me for testing a new phone out.

>>No pause due to multiplayer
That's wrong, though. The pause feature is just inside the menu. The game is even suspended when you close the 3DS.

>Being on a proper system that can do everything MH really wants to do is obviously welcome.
So far being on a "proper" system has only dumbed down the combat and made it anime as fuck.

No fuck you

user, you're most likely talking to a marketer for World who has never touched a game in the series.
You can't expect them to know that.

But on console and PC we can finally have changes and innovations.

It's not like they were also offered on the home consoles.

>They didn't exactly have many other interesting titles.

If there was a 2-3DS device with an HDMI port I'd be playing 4U on my TV right now. Unfortunally I had to either mod my 3ds or wait for emulators.

Hell, I think a "3DS Home Edition" would be a smart idea for Nintendo to release to capitalize on old hardware.

Except for 4U they've all been available on consoles.

There's no way the switch would run MHW very well docked if even my base PS4 couldn't maintain a stable framerate, not to mention how poorly it'd run undocked.

Fuck you, 3DS has shitloads of games. You are right about psp though.

Not even remotely close anymore. I prefer console so much more it isn't even funny.

Barely got attention in west
I think it didn't even get western release.
Wii was underpowered console and didn't really offer any significant difference to handheld version.
Didn't come in west, didn't even know there was a console version. Everyone played the PSP version on emulator.
Was pretty liked for WiiU.
No idea, haven't really followed cross.

You had this shit on handheld for years. People for once want to enjoy some nice graphics too.

The very existence and notability of the "Claw" shows the inadequacy of portable systems for controls. I have and enjoyed 3U and 4U on 3DS; that being said, while the ending of the MHW beta has me jonesing for hunting monsters I do not want to go back to those games. Having it on a proper system with comfortable controls has spoiled me on this series.

I am not buying a new 3DS just to play monster hunter, and I will not put up with either the dumb virtual dpad bullshit or the lack of control over camera. Nor sitting at home looking at a tiny screen when I have a big TV I could be playing games on. whore


>Barely got attention in west
That's the point kiddo.
>I think it didn't even get western release.
It also didn't sell in Japan.
>Wii was underpowered console and didn't really offer any significant difference to handheld version.
Well except for its higher difficulty P3rd really casualised the game. In any case this actually ended up being the only console game to cross 1m and it was still pitiful compared to the handhelds.
>Didn't come in west, didn't even know there was a console version. Everyone played the PSP version on emulator.
Doesn't change the fact that it didn't sell even on MH's home turf
>Was pretty liked for WiiU
Also outsold by the 3DS version
>No idea, haven't really followed cross.
Switch game and a port of XX on the 3ds.

In any case the options were clearly there but no one went for them.