"One copy of Dark Souls 3 please.. *heavy breathing*.. I really enjoy the feeling of engagement and superiority after I pawn some noobs"
"One copy of Dark Souls 3 please.. *heavy breathing*...
Dark Souls 3 is not a PvP game.
how could they screw up so bad
DS3 is a PvP game. It's not because you are so bad at pvp that it means it wasn't made to be played as a pvp game too. Get better and overcome the challenge the game gives you or steer aside faggot.
shut up you retard.
you sound like you got invaded at the high wall, i'm gonna go invade there now because of your post
>pvping in dark souls
If you're delusional it is. In reality the "PvP" consists of pathetic tryhard cheaters following a meta, min/maxing, and then pretending they're good when they "beat" other players.
it's a single player game with tacked on multiplayer
just because it's the only game where you manage to beat people, doesnt mean it's some competetive pvp game
"Nigger I told you already this ain't no fucking fast food joint."
SL 120-125 PVP in Dark Souls 1 is the best experience any souls game has to offer provided you don't suck.
I remember going to EB and getting my Dark Souls reservation, I thought it might have been sold out, and looked at the clerk like I would kill him if I didn't get it, he looked legitimately scared.
tfw no fat hairy virgin bf
>People unironically think that being good at this garbage is a bragging right currently.
it's a singleplayer game tho, multiplayer is just a bonus gimmick. It needs more people to be a fun multiplayer experience
you act like it isn't, it's proof that one is better than the other
That's a bit high, I normally did PvP at around SL80. The true masters did it around SL60 from what I heard. I main character was at like SL100 though so yeah, I had some fun with high level PvP.
pvp in the first game was the best, I had some fun in II as well but no so much in the third game.
Dark Suls 3 luls
>never gonna pvp in demon souls
git gud peasants
What a fresh and new idea for a thread, this place is constantly surprising me with all the new and innovative ideas that spring from it.
Good sir, on behalf of my staff, let me apologize for killing your shitty thread.
-Black Constable
>playing Dark Souls for the """"pvp""""
Which souls game has the best pvp?
DaS1 PvP was God tier, just like the first half of the game.
>servers shutting down next year
>doesn't think there's a PS4 remaster coming
God I hope there is one. And the 6th archstone is fixed and transports you to a remaster of the first Dark Souls
Makes me wonder if they'll tone down magic in a remaster.
>backstab and fog ring: the game was god tier pvp
That's right.
I don't think so.
I'm not minmaxing anything, I don't care going naked with merely my fists. I beat people with my shitty build, without parry, throwing knife and firebombs, just me and my sword. Fighting against that awful reality you describe very well, and it saddens me because this meta kills the rpg aspect of this game, I like to invade characters, not a bland pasta.
No it's not the only game where the combat is fun indeed.
But you see the thing with competition it's that it only appears when you have the right mindset. You know that naive saying about tales being cool because they tell us dragon can be defeated well that's basically the same thing here. That's the fighting spirit, of going all out upon someone more equipped, more cheesy, more virtually powerful than you and still win. That's the competitive aspect I find in this game.
What you are saying is entirely true.
It's proof that one autistic retard spent days farming offline for the cheapest weapons while looking up how to build a lagswitch