Will you be buying her game next year?

Will you be buying her game next year?


No, considering that the first game was trash.

>implying my VC waifu isn't already Alicia

Literally who?

Yes. Cant decide on ps4 or switch though.

No selvaria's game

Wait for the inevitable and superior PC version.


on Xbox One though since there's no PC version yet

Sure, if sega realized that console players don't want sega games and put it on PC. you know, like how they did with Valkyria Chronicles which was enough to actually get investment back into the IP which they wasted on console-exclusive flop and an upcoming potential flop?

I like the not so subtle "ears" on her cap

>hat with ears
Is this Federation's standard uniform?

How can Bland McBlondebitch even compete?

Only for snipers

Will Claude surpass Kurt as best MC?

>non-standart uniform
oh yeah, great idea

There are no standard uniforms in this game.

If it comes to PC I'll probably pirate it. The series doesn't seem like it's going anywhere interesting. I remember thinking during my first time with the first game that Sega would monopolize anime games with decent stories and unique gameplay that weren't your standard JRPGs or fantasy action games but they just seem dedicated to the rehash life.

Of course, I love the saga and I'm happy that they are trying to go back after that Azure abomination. I'll buy it for Switch too.

Well the game's cartoonish graphics means that it will look good on the Switch too while you'll also be able to play it handheld mode. It's turn based so it doesn't require high framerate either.

VC doesn't look good at low resolution and saying it's turn based doesn't change that you run around 3D environments while aiming. That said, I would get it on Switch too if I was a console player.

>Not interested in the game so you'll pirate it
Stop trying to justify your pirating and just say you don't like paying for shit

I was just answering OPs question.Why don't you stop trying to guilt me because you're jeaaaalous? I don't have to justify pirating games, there's nothing wrong with doing it. And I don't mind giving money to quality development but this isn't it unfortunately.

I bought 1 twice and 2 then Sega didn't even release the third game and then they made a terrible spin-off and the fifth game here has entered the series into rehash territory, and it's not even being released on PC where the series actually shines(mods, performance, and visuals). They really aren't doing this series justice.

In a heartbeat

> too good for a game
> but I'm gonna play it anyway


Not really, I pirate too, I just find your reasoning for why you'd pirate the game dumb. Same feeling for people who will pirate the latest EA shitfest because they hate the company. Kinda dumb to pirate a game because you don't like the direction it's going, cause it just betrays interest in the game despite your words.

I get your point about the last spin-off sucking but I don't see how that relates to the quality of VC4 since it looks basically the same shit as VC1 with some extra last stand stuff and grenadiers. It's a bit too similar IMO, but I get why they might want to play it safe. They're clearly going back to the roots, and if you don't support this change (cause you don't wanna pay) then what do you want from the Valkyria chronicles series? Also VC3 is fan translated, go look in the archives for that one guide post about mods for LOD and stuff. Anyway commenting on VC4s quality of development is irrelevant because you haven't played it. I would understand if you said that about revolution.

>SEGA does exactly that
>threads are nothing but complaining and people saying they're going to pirate it
What the fuck is wrong with you people?

It's because it's basically the same shit that I won't buy it. The quality is declining because they're releasing the same game over and over without taking the series in a new fresh direction. The reason that I liked it in the first place was because it was so novel. I want more of that feeling I got while playing it back in 2007 or whatever, not more of the same, but worse. It's pretty ignorant to say I can't talk about the new game's development when they've shown plenty to judge. Don't be that guy who ignores red flags.

Also about VC3, fan translations are garbage in my experience and I don't want to play a PSP game in 2017.

>Sup Forums is one person

I was never one of those people and this isn't a proper sequel, it's a rehash of the first game's idea.

They haven't released a real VC game in a pretty long time though, and it's clearly a different setting and story, so it's not like you're buying VC1 again. I really don't get your thinking about how it could be worse. It's actually more ignorant to judge it as bad without any real indication of terrible quality so far. List your "red flags" of trivial bullshit, so far what you've got is that it's a rehash, no shit.

You must not play a lot of translated stuff then. Looks good and plays pretty well in PPSSPP at 1080p upscaled with mods to remove some of PSP's visual limitations. The real problem is basically you don't want to play valkyria chronicles at all, but you're also being super tsundere and want to play it anyway for free. What does pirating give you if you don't want more Valkyria Chronicles? You contradictory faggot

But I thought this is what you wanted? You wanted a sequel that was like the first game and not the PSP games that were limited by the hardware. This is what you fucking wanted.

I just decided to get it for the Ps4 since it will obviously look better on it. Unless it has online for whatever reason then Id get it for the Switch since online is cheaper there.

If all you're going to do is ignore me and put words in my mouth, I'll just leave.

You clearly have me mixed up for someone else.

She has Nao Touyama. Shes already superior to cat lady.

>PSP games don't count as proper sequels because they're on PSP and not PS3
>VC4 doesn't count as a proper sequel because it's like VC1

People just want to complain.

>>PSP games don't count
No one in this thread even said this.

I didn't put any words in your mouth dude, that's literally what your posts say. I get that you want something novel and ground breaking, me too. What would you want for a new fresh direction?

>sega doesnt bother to give the West VC2 and VC3 on PS4
>skips right to VC4
They dont.

It's not literally what I've been saying, that's why I said you're putting words in my mouth.

What are you saying then?

That may be true but pretty much every VC thread people that only played 1 shit on 2 and 3 because they're on PSP.

Only if it has a scoring system that isn't retarded, the classes are actually balanced, and missions are designed in a way such that they require actual tactics and just running up to enemy units and blasting them in the face one-by-one like a stilted TPS isn't viable. Otherwise it'll be apparent that Sega has no interest in actually making a good game.

I dunno you didn't understand me the first time around, maybe reinterpret what I said.

The only VC game that felt like a rehash was VC3 where levels where literally copy and pasted from vc2

Azure was new yet not what fans wanted and 2 was a new game but wasn't able to give the same experience as VC since it was limited

I don't think people that are calling the sequels rehashs even care about VC

Basically you don't want to pay for it because you don't like the trend it's following of rehashing things with lower quality. Sure. But I think that there is no steady decline, since VC was pretty much dead since VC3, they tried to bring it back with Revolution and now we have VC4. More of the same shit but we don't KNOW that it is worse or part of the steady decline like you say. But its more if the same shit that I liked in VC1. You liked it because it was new the first time, and I don't think the game has to be novel to be enjoyable enough to pay for. That's probably where we differ in opinion.
My problem is that you want to pirate it anyway, did you just mean that you want to play it but won't pay them because you don't like that they made it like VC1? Then why play it?

Plus pirating more niche games is pretty low.

I didn't really specify there was a steady decline, I just said that there was a decline so no sense supporting a series that is, in whatever way, on a decline. Anyway I don't get why you're trying to guilt me so hard, it's just one game. Hell it might not even come to PC.

Also You're implying I want to play this game. Not really, but I'll pirate it anyway and see how it is. Like I bought 2 but barely played it since it had an extreme jump in difficulty that seemed to imply grinding. So I'll pirate this one and see what's changed, but I'm quite confident I know what's changed looking at what they've already shwon.

>being a moralfag

I'm not saying everyone on PC pirates, but let's say it does come to PC at some point.

Everyone pirates it. Should there be a next game it's not coming to PC because of low sales for the previous one.

Do you not see how you're shooting yourself in the foot?

It's assumed the only reason 4 exists was because of 1's PC release. Your argument is a waste of time.

If everyone pirated it wouldn't that just mean the game looked like shit?

The game needs these things:

>acceptable story/writing
>builds on the good parts of the gameplay from the previous games
>split promotions for the base classes, or at least alternate weapons for every class like lancers having mortars
>side characters that matter
>no bullshit ____rush strats or anything that comically breaks the game
>more variety in objectives

I'll probably buy it either way, but I think it'd harm the game to completely re-tread VC1 in gameplay.

I'm not trying to guilt trip you, you're just assuming I'm part of the buyfag defense force. I just don't like the attitude of pretending you're not interested and then pirating it, seems you're just pirating it for a free trial though.

whatever steady decline or not it's the same shit. There's a point in supporting a series if it seems to be coming out of a decline. Going back to the start is a big improvement from being dead, and being a shit spinoff. If you feel it's on a decline, that's fine, but I can't really see why you think that.

Azure + 4 to me are the signals of the decline. The psp games were just psp games, don't have a problem with portable titles. Thehy are what they are.

But yeah, I'm not really interested so I'll try it out for free.

Zero chance of that. But at least the announcement got me replaying VC and reminded me how much I loved this game.


I can't help but see anything between VC3 and Revolution as a flatline, it's been quite some time since 2011. So VC4 that looks like a VC1 style story on good hardware is incline to me

>being a moralfag
We didn't get VC3 in the west because VC2 bombed hard and got pirated to hell and back so it's not like there's no consequences.



VC3 was just a portable game, it was a different thing. Azure seems ridiculously bad and 4 doesn't look that much better. At least the gameplay is the same as the first game unlike Azure but that's not anything to get excited over.

That is conjecture. There were hundreds of PSP games that Japan didn't bring to the west. Also VC1 bombed too, so why did we get VC2?

Source or shut the fuck up you fucking pirate

So is this going to be turn based?

No, I'm not complaining about VC3, I'm just saying it that I'm glad it's coming back from all those years of nothing. Cautiously optimistic

Edelweiss I > Edelweiss 2 aesthetic wise prove me wrong

Learn to read kid, I said "assumed".I probably spent more money on this series than you too.

4 years don't often pass between one title releasing and another one starting development. It seemed like 3 was the end of VC until 1's surprising success on PC. Soon after that came out development of 4 started.

With how AR was received, most likely.

They really should have just let AR be a hack-n-slash ARPG instead of this weird mesh of FF12 and Dynasty Warriors.

it was shit before and after the "revamp"

Just edgy earflap.

More like
>Raita on a leash

He tuns out shit if you don't control his impulses.

Nah, Raita is always great


t. literal faggot

Nah half his stuff is shit.

Raita is literally awful. It's amazing what Sega got him to design because most of it turned out good.

Your parents should be ashamed for having raised someone this gay

It's too bad they only ever controlled him once.

You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. He's done plenty of amazing works before VC.


>raita approaches sega after VC1
>"hey guys........ i really like jerking off to high school girls that's what most of my drawings are"
>"can I?" *drools*
>sure you creep let's see how it goes
>this kills valkyria chronicles

I feel bad for your poor eyesight

I feel bad that you have shit taste yet don't realize it.

VC2 and VC3 sold more than VC1 dumbass. It was only when the PC remaster for VC1 came out that it beat the other two in sales.

VC1 sold 1.5 million copies before Steam, so 2.5~ million in total. VC2+3 combined didn't sell 1 million.

He does pretty good males.
I really like Kintoki and Moriarity's designs in FGO.

Most of his work previous to VC was about fictional reimaginings of WW2. You should try actually spending 10 seconds doing some research before spouting shit.

>researching shit art
my bad I meant to say "most of my porns are"

I like the combat up until the valkyria shit starts to come in. That is the gayest shit ever.

Even his porn barely involves high school at all outside of flashbacks. There is literally no indication that he was the one who proposed the school setting for VC2, especially considering that almost everything he's made concerning military works is more in line with VC1 and VC3.

I remember when Raita was revealed to be on VC4 and everyone rejoiced. That was fun.

Depends, they on whether or not they are dumbing down the gameplay to VC1 levels of simple and easy. Class removal is already confirmed, I'm waiting to see if they cut vehicle customisation as well.

>Class removal is already confirmed
I didn't see anything about this. Branching classes seems like a given.

I love me some artillery.


Raita is also a military otaku, he would never propose the school setting.

They mentioned it in one of the reveals, VC4 is following VC1's fixed everything no customisation.

I will buy her game, and make her cute feet get all smelly from marinating in her thick boots all day!

I've only played 1, should I play 2 or 3 before this one?

I doubt he even had much say in deciding the setting to begin with really. People implying that he would make a push for it is stupid. Raita has always been an excellent artist, especially for military shit, and tends to be autistically detailed about it.

VC1 didn't have fixed everything and there was customization. And VC4's news didn't say this at all.

You could if you want. They might include DLC missions down the line involving the VC3 crowd since it takes place around the same time as this one and VC1 does.