>No thread on this
No thread on this
>that fucking thumbnail
>black beard was nigger
>black female
>some trans looking goblin
Off the plank with thee
Is there any hope for this game? Don't answer, i will never play it anyway.
that's great, back to your death stranding threads.
Kys poltard
Why are you obsessed with race?
There's nothing wrong with a skin color option in games with character customization.
Man why can't my GF be like that?
Why are you a nigger?
i dont have any friends on xbone so i wont get it unless they have forced game chat like some of the cod games.
>black people being cast as thieves
what's the problem here?
His question was better, nigger.
fucking niggers am i right wew kek
>you can stay in the crows nest
>you can be black
This is nice and all but 24 player per man is kind of bad when UE4 can handle up to 100 players
>24 player per man
Blackwake is better.
Blackwake is a completely different genre.
Looks fun. Can't wait to play the single player campaign
24 people on each map.
Je t'aime, user
Can't wait to stream this and then cheat on my wife!
The funny thing about this pic is the original was just as unaware, just as strawmanning, and just as retarded as your edit. It's an exact replica of why the original was retarded. Both of you, back to
I mean pirates where about as diverse as things could get back then
I mean im in the alpha and while its fun its way to dependent on the community for said fun and once they open the floodgates and anyone can get in and the community goes to shit so will the game
I mean on the 4 man ship its flat out impossible to manage without teamwork and goodluck with teamwork when the game is full of 12 year olds due to cross platform multiplayer that just want to run around and will only actually help in combat.
Everyone who made those classic games you liked, every great nostalgic memory you have, those people are all dead.
They're gone. Just accept it and you'll be happier.
This game might as well be from a new, untested studio, which is fine I guess, but there's no need for them to parade around with a dead man's name imo.
>the game has a literal handwringing gold jew
Old Rare was never good, DKC was their best work and that was mediocre at best
I heard the devs are aiming for 100 players a server but due to the fact the map is smaller in the alpha they are not putting as many players in the alpha tests
Very different game though. Black wake is much more casual and its flat out PvP where as sea of thieves is more complex and is a mix of PvE and PvP and PvP encounters in sea of thieves are quite rare but in my opinion are more fun than in blackwake due to the downtime and the fact there are more things you can do in combat (like tossing vomit in peoples face, Using the waves to make it so enemy's shoot over you, Leading them to outposts so skeletons shoot at their ship, Sneaking onto their boat and steering it into an island or doping their anchor)
>The funny thing about this pic is the original was just as unaware, just as strawmanning, and just as retarded as your edit. It's an exact replica of why the original was retarded
Thats the joke
its supposed to make fun of how Sup Forums are the SJWs of the right
2/10 false flag, try harder lib
This is just fucking sad. The game is obviously based around microtransactions.
Shit is gonna flop so fucking hard.
hello nigger
based Asterix
>more than one minute apart
fug off Sup Forumslet
is this the viva pinata engine
People were saying that each server has 24 people max.
You won't get us to hate Sup Forums, they are our brothers
>Marketing this badly
this game will be DoA
Oh boy look at all this fun shit that is not in the alpha yet (other than 2 of the trading company's as the merchant ones are not in yet)
Boy this shit will have a huge impact on the core gameplay loop they keep telling us alpha testers we are there to test but they fail to provide us with things in the core gameplay loop
I mean I get it I sunk over 100 hours in the damn alpha and if they had all the content in there i'd get all my playtime in the alpha and never buy the game but they should still atleast give us a taste of some of these features so we can provide the feedback we where put in the alpha for
I enjoyed whats in the alpha but they really are not handling this well and I feel like the games going to flop and that sucks because I dont want it to but if this is how they are going to manage their alpha test thats what is going to happen
>no thread about this
>with that art style and characters
jeez i wonder why right
Literal retard
So you are saying its unrealistic to potray black people as thieves, murderers and rapists?
what are you an SJW?
I always wanted a game similar to this. I played a pirate point and click adventure once that had a similar style.
Sadly this game is probably pozzed to shit.
It's cross-platform with PC
I'm okay with black pirates because it's historically accurate but black female pirate captains is where the line was crossed for me.
Fuck this game I'm sticking with Blackwake and waiting on new shit
Whats wrong with the art style
I kind of dig if for the kind of game it is and it mixes really well with the water
dont have any friends on pc either. all of my friends are sony worshippers
>i want a game about being a scurvy slimy misfit social outcast thief to only let you play as handsome blonde chads
>historical accuracy
>in a cartoony game with skeletons walking around
Hang yourself poltard
The game for now in the alpha randomly generates you a character. So sex, Body type and race is all random
The game also lacks any real captain as all plays kind of need to work together to get the ship to go anywhere (someone to look at the map on the lower deck and provide directions, Someone on the wheel, Someone on the sails to turn them so they catch the wind better and someone in the crows nest calling out things the ship is going to hit or other ships)
I've never seen any confirmation on how you get new ships, or if you can just steal and sell other players ships
Literally the only thing bad about the visuals in this game is the character models, and it's not third person, so you barely ever see them. The water looks fantastic, and you see that a whole fucking lot.
you buy them with shark cards
>historically accurate
Ah yes, the classic battle cry of the Sup Forums SJW grasping at straws to find a reason to not like something.
In the alpha atleast there are just 2 ships 1 for 1 or 2 man crews and another for 4 man crews and no way to get new ones
and no you cant steal ships yet
So far, you just spawn into the game on a ship. You can drive any ship that you come across, but you would have to convince its crew to let you do that, and if you die, you'll respawn on your ship or a new ship if your current one sinks.
You don't buy or sell them, but this is a barebones alpha, so it's hard to say what the end plan is.
This! I played the alpha and it was fun for like 2 hours then it got stale as fuck because it hade nothing like what they showed in this video.
its 24 in the alpha will be 100 in the full game
Why this this shitty art style so popular? It's fucking ugly.
Bullshit! Source on this?
Just like pirates where
it's people who grew up liking le neo-disney/dreamworks style. they then did art studies on it and developed it. real artists are hard to find nowadays.
>Windows 10 only
Well that kills that.
>complaining about black pirates
Im in the alpha and i've heard this from like 10 different players. Im assuming the devs said it in a podcast or some shit
Im not shocked at all by this is as most the stuff in the trailer is not in the alpha yet (they only have 2 of the trading none of the animals or any rifle or any of that shit) the alpha is really held back in alot of ways and its fucking annoying
>Why this this shitty art style so popular?
>literally 1 of 2 games I seen with this art style
why are some anons so retarded and try their best to hate anything that to them is "popular"?
>windows 10
>black people being cast as pirates
Nothing wrong
>Black Beard as a literal black
Enougha this shit, if somebody portrayed Shaka Zulu as white dude you wouldnt hear the endof it.
it works well with this games setting, It will age decently and its easy to run
Its not portraying Blackbeard as a black the playermodles are randomly generated off of a body type, Gender, face type and race
it has nothing to do with SJWs the game does not even have any proper pirate NPCs the only NPC characters are at outposts to give you quests
I'm also in the alpha and you rarely encounter any ships at all so I hope you're right. The should also add sea monsters that you have to kill as quests, would be nice to fight something like the kraken or maybe undead ships.
This game looks so fucking boring and bland...
Looks like a fucking chinese f2p
The devs have already stated there wont be any NPC driven ships but there will be a kraken
I like everything this guy's saying expect fr the combat.
There's only one cutlass, one cannon, one gun, and zero skill. This shit sound repetitive as fuck. And for a game without building or crafting, this baby-tier combat will surely sink it.
I will say this as an alpha tester I have fun in the game but its the community that makes it fun more than the game itself. I mean it is a community focused game and I get that but the community has a 99% chance of going to shit when the game comes out and is no longer just full of heavily filtered alpha testers and the game is going to need more than just a fun community with gameplay and a world build for said fun community to be able to have more interactions.
I may have some storys with the alpha that i'll remember for years but not a single one of them did not involve the games community and I doubt the community will be good when the game comes out
You got it half right. Basically the industry has been invaded by tumblr artists that are disney/dreamworks rejects. They have a philosophical disdain for aesthetics and a lack of talent.
The alpha is barebone as fuck, but there will be different weapons (blunderbuss and sniper). I'm disappointed that there arn't any different ammo types for the cannons or upgrades for your ship yet.
Yea the devs are really focused on the idea all progression should be purely cosmetic an idea I dont really agree with.
But I will say I must disagree with the no skill part. Most of the games skill comes from team coordination. Sails need to be catching the wind, There is not minimap so you need go to a physical map on your ship to know where you are going and there are no quest markers so you need to give directions, The sails block the drivers view so you need to help keep the driver from hitting a rock.
There are no details telling you the arc of a canon or any of that shit either
Now basic player on player combat or player on skeleton combat is casual as fuck but its no where near the games focus so it does not need to be as in depth as the ship combat
I hope when chickens are added you can load those into canons
I want them to add heated shots that starts fire and chained cannon balls that fucks up the sail.
I think he's saying it's dangerous plant the idea in you impressionable people that blacks can swim.
I dont think that would work with how the game is now and the current repair system
So...you are telling me the game is not worth it ?
I've seen enough.
Fires would definitely work since you can fill your buckets with water. Damaged sails would be harder though.
Okay, the teamwork aspect does complicate things nicely, so I'll give them that. Reminds me of Captain Sonar or the ships in Pirates of the Caribbean Online.
However, that just drives the point home that if you are not playing with a coordinated group of friends, you're missing out on more than half the fun.
If you are not playing with a coordinated group the game is practically unplayable on the 4 man ship so you'd be stick with the 2 or 1 man ship
now in the alpha from my experience most people have mics and everyone is willing to coordinate so thats not a big issue but when it gets full of kids and shit yea I do worry for what the game will become and that despite all the content the alpha lacks it will still be the best the game ever was (though there is also the fact that due to the NDA you cant look up guides and ruin the game for yourself and thats nice )
Yes but the only way to get said water would be to be taking in water on the ship or jumping in the water and to jump into the water and get back on the ship the boat would have to be slowed down or stopped
Im saying it depends on how good the community is when the game comes out and i'd wait if I where you
female pirate had to disguise themselves as men or theyd certainly get raped. Very very few exceptions, usually the captain's or other higher ranked pirate's bitch.
I mean most the time yea but I recall hearing about 1 or 2 legendary female pirates atleast enough to have female be a gender players randomly generated character can be