What games let me have unique pets?

What games let me have unique pets?


>elves so hungry for semen that they wear a collar to not spill a single drop

What? I want a game where I can have unique followers/pets/creatures to take care of. Nu-warcraft is shitty and bareboned as fuck so thats off the list.


Shadow Dancer

That elf is hungry for french fries

Monster hunter Stories.
Rune Factory 4

Why is that elf wearing a cone?

And what goes best with french fries and is white and sticky?



white ketchup.



call a medic, we're gonna need to defrib this meme

Mayonnaise of course.

mayonnaise is terrible with french fries though

so she doesn't get fat

Why doesn't she just put the fry on the cone and slide it into her mouth?

yeah it's pretty bad

good on the burger though

post the page of her chubby sweaty belly


Who draws the best elves?

You can choose a Little Girl as a pet in Elona

Which one?

All of them.

I don't think that would actually work.

Why not?

Cuckolds need to fucking hang

Because it doesn't actually slide into your mouth. How would you pick it up? Even if you tongue could reach, how would you lift it?

with precision

>not liking NTR

fag alert

>too close to home

Haha, stupid fat elf. Let's see you stuff french fries into your mouth now.

>this shit is getting localized

The only way I could possibly see it happening if you whipped your entry head down and up and try to flip the fry airborne


What game lets me deny fatties?

>cuckfags so embarrassed to admit their fetish is shit they have to try and insult normally functioning noncucks
Lmaoing at ur life

I think I understand why Sup Forums gets so angry about cuck fetish shit. It's like a loser getting mad that someone give away something that they can never have.
>If I had a gf I would NEVER share her ;_;

Reminder no matter what way you try to delude yourself, NTR is the most omega male fetish you can have.

This should be a thing.

What makes NTR so taboo on this board?


what if I insert as the girl

Ryoko Kui, obviously.

>not inserting as the one who's fucking the slut

>why do people dislike NTR?
hmmm I wonder why.

>you will never have a belly gf

gonna just boot up an old game and try to forget about this

>Read fatty elf manga
>Think I'll like it cause thicc
>I feel both agitated and shameful
I can't think of anything but my mom with these fat girls and it frustrates the shit out of me.


you wouldn't deny her would you?

That being said, Usagi Nagomu is a great artist

You don't?
What a pleb.

What is this far elf from anyway?

vanilla fags with shit taste
Nothing wrong with NTR

>having another guy fuck your girl

Dragon's Dogma is great for this, you can customize and even train the shit out of your pawn

You can make everything from a qt smol elf to throw at enemies and lovingly carry across rivers to a swole amazon to carry all your stuff and catch you out of the air if you get picked up and dropped by a harpy



Oh my.

No. But ill fill her with baby batter and then never call her back.