I have been called, I must answer. Always

I have been called, I must answer. Always.

big guy

is that gaben

Best cinematic hopefully they make a widowmaker one and show her nice ass

they already did

I need more Soldier 76

We need a Pharah short to finally prove that she isnt lesbo


He would probably change his mind if telemarketers exited in overwatch world.

i love bara!

Why does Germany exist in the future?

Their biggest mistake was letting Tracer be used as gay propaganda. It's far more interesting to have the debate open. Alas, juden gotta jude

It barely exists now

I actually teared up in that scene

>best cinematic
>not Last Bastion
Any of the cinematics with dialogue suck ass

We need a first-person Hog cinematic where he just stays silent the entire time, back before the reactor explosion that destroyed Australia

Living in fear sucks.

I mean threads like are discussing ass and tits without a care in the world and meanwhile I have to watch everything I say and do.


>implying Last Bastion did not have dialogue

Just because you don't speak beep boop, doesn't mean there wasn't dialogue.

The Junkrat cinematic wasn't as bad as the others at least. It probably had an entirely different team working on it.

>Living in fear sucks.
I know net neutrality's in total peril and all that but try to stay reasonable here.
Sup Forums's just a site.

If they make her gay I will drop the game so hard. And yes I know its waifu faggotry

worst housamo


Is that fat Geralt?

>you now realise the Omnics are the good guys
>they are trying to liberate Germany from invading rapefugees
>The Crusaders and soldiers are defending Merkels legacy.