Is Tales pandering to pedophiles now?

Is Tales pandering to pedophiles now?

Laphicet is cute.


It's always been.


All these cute boys make me want to get into this series. I've become no better than those disgusting waifufags.

>tfw watching shows just for the cuteboys

Oh dear lord


Is this from one of the mobile games?

/sm/ is better. The only good /ss/ is shota x loli, shotas don't deserve ugly hags.


shota on male
basically yaoi

shota x shota pls


>shotas don't deserve ugly hags.
unbelievably shit taste


Boys belong with boys.

>shota x loli


ITT: Degenerate weebs pedo manchilds

Mikleo is the best.....

Berseria's not a bad game by itself. Symphonia has one briefly being spanked by his big sister. Doubt any of the others would interest you if you're serious. There's not that many prominent shotas at all.

why are boys in girls clothes the best?
prove it

Laphicet is for Magilou only

just post /ss/ stuff you fags

>why are boys in girls clothes the best?
they just are

AM I the only one who enjoyed being able to sidestep and stuff an infinite amount of times?
Is that so wrong?
