How do we rid the video game community of autismos and aspies?
How do we rid the video game community of autismos and aspies?
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That's very rude of you to say. The community isn't the problem it's the devs mainly.
Starting with you lel
let the sjws win.
Make more mature games.
It's a problem that transcends sociopolitics, I'm afraid.
Truly /ourguy/.
the poster below myself literally has autism
I like video games
>Not special enough of a snowflake
>Have to go in so deep that you are a special ice crystal
my condolences
Close down Sup Forums
Oh, fuck off OP.
lol fuck off aspie
>be an alpha Chad on stage
>this unknown entity comes up
>"and alright now this... thing"
Went to my first ever anime and video game convention anime USA. This medium really does draw in the worst specimens of the human race you can imagine. People on the spectrum everywhere. Degeneration is a main staple of every single one of the people I met there. Horrible socializing skills and genuinely awkward personalities.
If you wanted to purify a gene pool, start with an anime convention and you'll make your work significantly easier.
You don't.
I truly believe there is no such thing as Autism. As much as Sup Forums tries to disprove me, I believe it's mostly socially stunted kids (by parents no teaching/hard time to fit in at school) that also get medicated to where they can't be fixed. To me it is like a kid was outed because he cared more for sonic than a boring teacher or rap the other kids are into, so they medicate the kid fucking up the brain. Pharmacy/Doctor/negligent parents/fake support group scam
you definitely have some autismal tendencies if you post on this website, now kill yourself.
You don't, its essentially a community built on them by them for whoever likes games. Trying to remove autists from the gaming community would be the same as trying to remove all the chinese from china with a small stick.
You don't even fucking need to either, as 1st reply says it ain't them that the problem, its publishers.
You guys have never been around REAL autistic kids before. I went to a facility for autistic children. Fights breaking out every hour. Arguments over who gets to sit on the side of a couch. Trying to fight the staff because they won't let you go out. Screaming for no fucking reason. Absolute fucking hell.
>Sup Forums vs reddit in a nutshell
>I truly believe there is no such thing as Autism
>watching anime
ban playstation
It's normies that are the problem, dumbshit.
Ban multiplayer games.
>Complains about autists and autiism.
>Goes to a site filled with exactly that which constantly hates normalfags and casuals.