>Beginning January 16, modes that offered one-time finite batches of Fight Money will no longer do so. This includes Character Stories, the General Story (A Shadow Falls), Trials, Survival, and Demonstrations – if you haven’t completed these modes yet, there’s still a few weeks left to do so before the changes occur in January!
How is this game still alive? Who is giving it money?!
Ryder Flores
fuck capcbros
Connor Bennett
I dunno user also test
Jordan Mitchell
But you don't.
Joseph Jenkins
Obvious attempt to get you to buy the game again This
Brayden Nguyen
Alright, good to know that works. Don't worry, I'm not a tripfag, just stuff I'm doing for the weekend this week.
Camden Morris
Wow fucking jews >Just buy them with fight money >Early adopters aren't getting screwed by AE Wheres your arguments now CDF?
Owen Roberts
>If you’re a new player worried about getting enough Fight Money to get the Crossover Costumes, you still gain experience points from all modes except for the General Story. It's literally nothing.
Oliver Ortiz
You don't have to buy the game again though. I don't know why you would think so
Hunter Gray
No Sodom, no buy. It's my boy's time to return.
Jonathan Kelly
a new person gets the game with all the stages, characters, and costumes I had to pay fight money for.
Adrian Rivera
It is though, you only get 1k per character level, story mode used to give 10k per character, being only 3k the fight money from experience and the other 7k a bonus for beating the mode that will not exist anymore.
Jayden Wilson
still faster than siege, but it's okay when siege does it
Nicholas Butler
>Base game is $60 >All the characters is $50 >AE is $40 >If you bought the base game now you can't get enough fight money to buy DLC chars Capcom is practically forcing people to hand over $50 for the DLC passes by making fight money hard to get
Elijah Lewis
>all the stages
stages won't be included in AE, no AE is basically SFV with separate codes for Season Pass 1 and Season Pass 2, which fucks resellers aswell
James Martinez
>If you bought the base game now you can't get enough fight money to buy DLC chars OR, crazy idea, actually play the game.
Jaxon Sullivan
>by making fight money hard to get aren't there new ways to get infinite amounts of fight money offline through the new arcade modes?
Logan Rogers
Siege was actually pretty fast if you win ranked
I carried myself by playing Thermite/Rook every game and even solo queue was happy to accommodate me
Thomas Perry
Arcade Edition is a free update you moron
Jonathan Gray
>What is reading comprehension
Carson Carter
>Sup Forums making fighting games threads
Thomas Gutierrez
best way to cheat survival without getting caught?
Matthew Peterson
He's not wrong.
If you don't have enough FM by now, fucking kill yourself.
Matthew Butler
Infinite health trainer. They look for time completed mostly.
Robert Sanders
not only that, but you now must shit up FM everymonth to get those crossover-costumes, this extra mode BETTER BE FUCKING FARMABLE
Alexander Adams
As opposed to what? /fgg/ is unironically worse than Sup Forums at the moment, might aswell go to reddit then
Brayden Cox
The CDF is strong in this thread
Liam Nelson
You'd probably be better off honestly. FG discussion on Sup Forums is laughable. Gamefaqs or shoryuken or almost any other site would be betetr.
Gavin Fisher
SHADALOO SOLDIER CHALLENGES Extra Battle will also offer a way to obtain Fight Money so you have enough to attempt each week’s challenges.
Every few weeks, a Golden Shadaloo soldier will appear separately from the weekly Crossover Costume challenges, giving you several chances to earn a decent amount of Fight Money throughout 2018! Bust out your skills against these goons and replenish your Fight Money stash.
Kevin Gomez
>must I wasn't aware I MUST get those costumes.
Jesus Christ, you people.
Leo Gonzalez
use the force harada
Charles Foster
Are you shitting me? I always thought I could do that shit whenever I needed the FM for a new character I care about. Now I have to spend the next weeks grinding the buttfuckboring single player shit or I won't ever get it? Come the fuck on. That's retarded as all hell.
Alexander Bennett
lol, Capcom limited FM literally only because people were stocking up on FM, do you really think they'll make something farmable? get real dude
Justin Barnes
It doesn't matter, DBF will dominate the industry by next month.
Owen Thompson
Camden Rodriguez
You forgot to mention the reward for those is like 100 FM and you have to pay 10 FM everytime to enter so the profit is like measly 90 FM.
Luke Ross
I'm convinced ArcSys fanboys hate their own games because they refuse to play them. DBFZ will have a lot of offline story mode players and will die online after 2 months.
Jayden Campbell
Anye Euros still up and interested in playing a few sets? I'm bored, but still not tired enough to sleep.
Benjamin Thompson
I completed everything but the shitty survival mode stuff, so its whatevs. Still blows tho
Gavin Turner
infinite health, dont use 1 round mod, take damage at the start and then freeze health so you dont get perfects. spend points on attack damage. you can get a character done in 40 minutes.
Ryder Barnes
One Step Forward and Two Steps Back
Julian Ramirez
Unless they pick the game up used.
Sebastian Bell
Caleb Price
Steam name?
Ryder Bell
I just opened a lobby. Look for the "Fight all night!" etc comment. Password is 4321.
Matthew Cox
Fucking glad I cheated early on to get all the easy FM. Tempted to do it again with all the season 2 characters because this kind of shit should not be tolerated or acceptable.
Jackson King
How's it any different than how they used to do it? Buying a new game every year to keep playing was annoying.
Brayden Powell
I still think it's hilarious how a large game Japanese game developer failed to implement something that even tiny companies like Riot managed to do (back in 2008).
Nip coders are some of the worst I've ever seen.
Anyone remember when Square forgot to verify their database queries and accidentally made it so players could overwrite database entries by changing one of their item slots into 99 allaghan pieces and updating by moving to a different zone?
Christopher Reed
Dropped. At least Fighter Z comes out the same month, I won't ever have to touch the game again.
Grayson Gonzalez
anyone got a link to the trainer
Noah Parker
ArcSys track record isn't good, the game will probably be dead in like a month.
Bentley Phillips
Not on PS4, also its the most popular animay.
Jace Thomas
>Not on PS4 Yes on PS4, I have a PS4 and Rev 2 is pretty dead.
>also its the most popular animay You mean among casuals who will play through story mode once and never touch the game again?
Ayden Bell
The dying screams of capcbros is hilarious. Rev 2 is perfectly healthy on PS4. Can't wait for when the entire FGC jumps ship to DBFZ. Game looks great, but ultimately once it gets stale a pretty decent portion will move on to Rev2.
Gabriel Turner
So there's no good way to get FM when AE drops? Wtf, mod time then, gonna be sure I get enough til season 4
Samuel Martin
>Sup Forums complains about shit because they're all poor NEETs or BRs who would not be happy with anything unless the developers personally came to give them a handjob >for free because they pirated the game
Kayden Nelson
>Can't wait for when the entire FGC jumps ship to DBFZ
lol, good luck with that buddy
Ryder Turner
>Comparing GG to Dragon Ball Z
Oliver Stewart
No one, SFV sales are in the fucking toilet. It's just the people who already did have it are being milked by Capcom by hem adding dozens of $4 fanservice costumes.
Jaxon Ward
just do the daily challenges for 300 fight money. You will earn that 100k for a character in no time.
Levi Torres
this is why i'm glad trump did away with net neutrality. most of Sup Forums will learn one way or another that one needs a job to pay for goods and services.
Tyler Campbell
So what should I do right now to get the most out of this?
Jeremiah Brown
Bought the game day one, bought a new arcade stick just for this game, bought the season pass because I'm a moron. This game is fucking trash I haven't touched in a long time, I think they've had 2 new character packs since I quit.
Joshua Bennett
complete everything in the game that can give you fight money, story mode, trials, survival, etc
Nolan Rogers
You might be right, but there's no reason to create a more modern, developmental updated system if you're not going to take advantage of it (I don’t mean by someone like me taking advantage of the system) and be stuck in old business practices.
Matthew Bell
They attempted and they failed. Nips can't into western development practices.
Lincoln Garcia
What's the best way to beat Menat's survival mode? Her tools just don't seem to work on tougher computer opponents. It's the only normal survival I haven't done.
>mfw I've bought both season passes so far and will buy the third
Hudson Rodriguez
On PS4 so it's not really an option.
Brandon Morris
they haven't posted the info yet?
Daniel Adams
i feel bad for ps4 players.
Angel Campbell
Did you not see the views that DBFZ got? The entire FGC hates Capcom and Street Fighter right now.
I'll be sure to screencap your post for posterity.
Ian Adams
don't worry bros, there will: 1 - be a launch on bug so you can buy everything while remaining with your current FM so you newfags can cath up 2 - the missions will be shorter now, as in you will be able to get 5k twice or even 3 or 4 times a week now, or they will just straight up make the 5k mission a daily thing now
Ryder Turner
And I'll screencap yours when your flavor of the month becomes a shitshow side parlor
Julian Ramirez
How do you get around a CC button mashing Rashid?
Asking for a friend.
Angel Evans
You know Evo is debating whether or not to add Marvel right? Arcsys already have the top 3 slots with Xrd, DBFZ, and their BB tag team game. Capcom is about to go bankrupt, bro.
Liam Perez
Nigga I don't give two shits about Marvel.
>top 3 slots You ain't top unless you Sunday
Hunter Nguyen
mad nobody wants to buy you game
Zachary Hughes
LMFAO? Do I look mad? Capcom is done. No one cares about that trash company anymore. Meanwhile, look at ASW: Huge hit after huge hit, and they're about to drop two big ones on Capcom come 2018.
>Download Pulzer's Macro Creator >Start game >Activate One hit kill, no stun, infinite hp on trainer >Go to survival mode >Go to character at bottom of a column >Start survival mode >Activate macro >it'll complete survival mode then go to the next character and start it again automatically >Come back >$$$
Sebastian Myers
The honeymoon is over! Back to your greedy ways after a good capcup showing. I WILL NOT be purchasing the season pass as long as this FM nerf exists! Good job losing money! Capcom is nothing more than a Japanese EA.
Jace Ramirez
You're pretty fucking mad if you're arguing against a guy who's on your side
Dylan Foster
ohk will flag up capcoms end. id advise not doing this.
Eli Anderson
One of those links better be dolphin porn
Chase Sullivan
GGs fellow germanbro whom I just had matches with. That was way more fun than I expected matches with a random guy from Sup Forums to be.
The overhead faint into raging demon was pretty damn slick.
Brayden Evans
Thanks for the matches.
Rashid is a fag though and that whirlwind spin shouldn't be safe.
Jacob Gonzalez
No the issue isn't in the OHK it's the amount of time it takes to complete survival mode. This macro waits about 10secs on the timer before spamming LP, when you get to Extreme difficulty of Survival Modes due to the AI it can take upwards to 30secs on the timer to actually get the kill even with the OHK. I just started running this macro again, got all the characters and have about 150k FM left over and still half the extreme survivals and story modes to do.
Jaxon James
IKR, it honestly is a retarded tool.
Evan Lopez
>Huge hit after huge hit One dead game after another.
MeanwhileSFV has more sales than any ASW game combined.
Aiden Ross
You cucks still have weekly fm challenges.
Jacob Nelson
>The overhead faint into raging demon was pretty damn slick. I fucked it up the second time. :(
Also, my Juri is trash.
Caleb Lopez
SFV is a flop because it had a high budget and was below projected sales. ASW games might sell less but proportionally they're more successfull.
Nathan Powell
Yeah I dunno man. I don't have to keep buying new versions anymore and I don't care about cosmetics. This new system is a straight upgrade for me.
Logan Ortiz
I'll be buying this even if I dont play fighting games at all.
Jackson Williams
who this semen demon
Levi Fisher
same here, how can you beat the survival mode in ps4? hard and extreme mode are fucking difficult