They just couldn't resist could they?

Why is it that DICE cannot restrain themselves from adding on some form of dindu into the scout class in particular?

Other urls found in this thread:

That doesnt look like a maori. looks like a negro

Played this game for like 2 weeks before realizing that it was just Call Of Duty with battlefield name on it.

That seems less outrageous than black germans & russian chicks.

why do you even care?

Because scouts are fucking niggers
check my 6

But Maori fought in the war...?

Like, what, are you angry they're being historically accurate?

blacks run good

What? He looks like a negro.

maoris actually fought in ww1 though unlike some made up black german division

>Why is it that DICE

DICE also resisted the addition of women to the red army

>he thinks DICE aren't at fault here when they are the ones actually making the game.
>DICE also resisted the addition of women to the red army
But that's wrong, no one working at DICE said that. The person who said that was a supposed former employee of the company, he wasn't working on the game, though.

*goes to kfc*
*joins bikies*
*beats missus*
*dies prematurely of heart disease*

>Men died in the first great war to end it all
>only to be overshadowed by niggers and women that weren't even there.


do they even know what maori is?

these are the faces behind Sup Forums shitposting

Not only they fought the war but they have in their record one of the best victories against the brittish army in a smart way. Search for it, they were fine

the ones crying about black people and women

You have your answer daily a godless nation that allows feminism to rule and faggotry to be legalized and forced on children, this is also the same nation that for some unclear agenda wants to bring migrants who are religious and have a completely different mind set than theirs it makes no sense at.

i work at DICE and we HATE niggers and women

For as right as you are about Sup Forumsfags, it still doesn't change the fact that DICE cant even accurately portray the original world war.

I don't think new zealanders were fighting the british in ww1

Doesn't look the same.
OP pic is straight up nigger.

>he plays battlefield 1

seems fine to me, thanks to God NN is going to get repealed soo poor communists can shitpost in our boards

Sorry, wasnt exactly what I was trying to point it out, I meant they were a good "organized" army and that they already fought other great armies, but they fought the wars anyway

>Maori's are niggers
Fucking Americunts

>Maori's were actually in WW1 unlike some German dindu's
>he doesn't know that Maoris are based
but worst of all
>he still plays BF1

>Meanwhile at Aryan Turkish Side

do you purposely find the pettiest shit to be angry about?

>mega milk milk jug
>skim milk
That shit ain't mega at all.

Do those count as Aryan in America?

That guy doesn't look like a maori

That's cool, but in what fucking world is that guy Maori?

It`s unsurprising, I doubt a Swede has ever seen a Maori in his life.


Why does he have the Australian slouch and not the lemon squeezer? They're right there in the background image.

more like mutticans

>get angry at accurate depiction of ANZAC soldier
>nobody gives a shit about the russian sinead o'connor snipers

they're swedish. they spread their buttcheeks for any brown ape looking thing

is it true that its illegal for swedes to not have buttsex with brown people on a daily basis?

im asking for a friend


>the faces of leftists

>misplelling mario on the add
shamefur dispray


Maori's a the native New Zealanders. Before that, genetic data suggests they are from Taiwan. Maori are gooks not niggers.

they're like roided up seasians

does drinking too much soy just effect your eyes to the point of needing glasses or something?

Yeah, I'm sure all 200 who fought changed the tide of the war, nigger please

Aussies and kiwis had armies too small so we combined them into one corps called the ANZACs.

so white males?

i thought most maoris were white anyway whats the fucken deal dice ea

>fair amount of them look normal to above-average
>Sup Forums fags all hideous
What did he mean by this?

More effective than 1000 brits desu, in fact anzacs in general just have big penises and big brain.
Yeah, brainlet man

>people acting like maoris are niggers
>not total bros who are busy kicking out the chinese menace as we speak

I expected no less of T_D refugees.


Because they're from Sweden, and a particularily cucked region of Stockholm, for that matter.

Seriously, if regular Swedes are cucks, the people who live and work in Södermalm are the cuckest of all cucks, which is just the place where DICE is located.

the average american Sup Forumstard probably doesn't even know what they are

Looks Indian not Maori

Cool idea shit execution

>Maori used to fuck up other polynesians
>Brits come and fuck them up

Who cares if the broken warrior tribe is drafted into the other warrior islanders?

Back to gaf you newfag nigger

>not posting the fat titty milfs

I have a folder full of trump girls, one of these days I have to make a collage. Too many qts

She actually has a cute face.
More of her?

I have a couple of images, but I don't know who she is. sorry

>doesn't look like one

heres some more literal Sup Forums

It is ridiculosly easy for DICE to shield themselves form all the whining and bitching. Just make it alternative history. Set it in 1921 or something and say that the war never ended.

You posted a bunch of attention whoring LARPing plebbitors
They do not represent Sup Forums in any way

literally just some normal looking teenagers

>Sup Forums have the audacity to call other people soyboys when they look like this

>attention whoring redditors
That encompases all political activists.

Watching the vid seems like they've mistaken the New Guienan drafts as Maoris for some reason.

Teenagers being the main force behind political activism is proof of how much of a joke the american political circus is.

Hillary supporters are finally trying to counter the soyboy meme, because we know its true.

unfortunately true. Nobody below 30 should be voting. I don't care if that means I can't vote of a couple of years.

will she ever return?

No one should.
The last 50 years have shown how fucking retarded and easy to manipulate civilians are.
The presence of commies and neo-nazis prove that civilians can't be trusted.

>The last 50 years
try all of human history
people are harder to manipulate than ever before, in the dark ages all you needed was the church telling you you'd go to hell if you didn't give them all your money

democracy is a cop-out, literally mob rule.

that's why libertarianism is the only way

>can turn americans into commies and nazis
>can turn people against their own people and side with terrorists
Nope, people have never been this stupid.
A few centuries ago every now and then they actually did something and made revolutions.
Now all they do is talk about how fictional characters in movies and games offen them for different, but equally pointless reasons.

the "I can't believe you disagree with me" face, they all have it

I'm talking about the previous picture, dumbass.

teenagers are so cute

yeah i'm sure things would be better if alt-right tards started a civil war instead of just shitposting on the internet
people have always been dumb

They would either win, or die, but at least people would stop pretending that crying over movies and videogames will save the world.
It's not like political activists are going to achieve anything aside from electing a moderate president who won't do much.

alt-right is just a meme
Nobody that "follows" the alt-right are aware of the original core values.

For the right, it's just a rejection of the racism/sexism/transphobia narrative
For leftists, its the "Hitler" that they hoped would materialize.

They weren't mixing uniforms, at least not initially; and the nog/Maori doesn't look like he's been in a trench for a year.

anzacs fought primarily in turkey/Africa iirc


Atleast this time there are no women around.

that image is false, pol is made up of a majority of spics and niggers surprisingly, but it's pol they like self hate

I don't know ask alex jones

Those theatres had their trenches, too. They transferred to the Western Front shortly after, about a tenth remained in Egypt and the Levant.

>literally no u
good job proving his point