The most popular game of the year and a GOTY award contender just released exclusively on xbox...

The most popular game of the year and a GOTY award contender just released exclusively on xbox. How did they botch this so badly?

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Maybe Microsoft paying out the ass for exclusivity for an unfinished game and not any money for a team to optimize the port probably doesn't help

Microsoft went nuts when they saw this was so great, and then fucked it all up.

They fell for the 4k meme

console players need to be shown what they're worth

Anybody remember when consolefags would spout "Early access! Hahaha PCfats!" nonstop?

did anyone expect different? This game runs like complete shit on PC. Even streamers with 10k PCs can't even get a stable 60fps.

Shit optimization. A 100 man game on a large map requires you to know what the fuck is going on engine wise. Fortnite could do it because all of them are fucking unreal engine devs.

>Microsoft paying out the ass for exclusivity
This is the ultimate irony of it all
>Spend millions to get exclusive rights
>Don't do anything to help support the launch so you end up with a million dollar turd

This is what happens when consolefags are exposed to a game you need to brute force to run well.
The console optimization meme has never been more hilarious.

They ACTUALLY brought in 2 big name studio/orgnization to help with the port. One was Coalition which did GOW4 (main purpose is to help with UE4 integration) and Microsoft brought their own internal engineers to optimize the game (apparently the engineering studio is one of the elite dev groups inside MS).

End result is people who get paid upper 7 figure digit salaries knowing FUCK ALL about integration and just fucking around all day in the office. Sasuga MS (also PUBG is the shittiest optimization-based game on the planet)

Why didn't they just make it so the system did 1080 and """"""""""4k"""""""""""? I would rather play real 1080p then whatever the hell they call the XBoneX resolution.


when I installed it it wouldn't even load into the match because you need a NASA quantum computer to fucking run it

like you seriously need 28 gigs of RAM or something to run this fucking game. It's absurd

They released an old buggy build of the game for the physical console release. They should have made sure to have a day 1 patch ready to get it up to date, but didn't.

No one cares about pubg since dr disrespectmywife fucked up.

>also PUBG is the shittiest optimization-based game on the planet
Oh god no, that title belongs to Ark.
Runs even worse than PUBG while running at literal PS Vita resolutions on Xbone.
Webm related.

Microsoft has their head up their asses. Sure you can blame the chinamen developing the game, but it’s on Microsoft to push the Xbone for the holiday. Sure, you could get away with it if it was slightly below the PC version, but every critical review is calling it INEXCUSABLY bad.

Quick rundown

>clueless gooks drag and drop a bunch of assets to make a "game" that barely even functions on the bestest PCs
>people are surprised when it doesn't work well on extremely underpowered hardware

Dr disrespect fucked someone who wasn't his wife and made a video crying about it.

>the graphs are literally running 3 times faster than the gameplay

Spent too much time pandering to streamers instead of fixing their game

Really makes me think that mainstream news sites eat up AAA mainstream games but shit all over small time devs. Almost like they're all in it together.

Wait. What’s it called when it’s the guy who has sex with another woman? Reverse cuck?

The human eye can't see above 15 fps anyway.

Nice meme

oh you are just KILLING it dude
i wanna donate 50 bucks to you
or give you double triple gilded gold
but this isn't reddit and you didn't put up your donation link on your signature
can i subscribe to more of your regurgitated bullshit or what
maybe you have a personal blog i can check out for more spicy stale dead on arrival memes
what is this autismo

Game alreadly run like shit on PC, but since nobody in the media plays on PC they just get along.

PUBG deserves every bit of shit it gets and more.
It was never supposed to be popular, it's just an incompetently-made early access meme, a fluke.

>To play OG Xbox games on

I guess it would just be the dr being a chad. Depends if his wife stays with him or takes out a divorce

>What's that? You want some new AAA exclusives for your Xbone One? Well I spent enough money that could have funded a few of those to get THE biggest game of the year EXCLUSIVELY* on Xbox One™ systems for a few months!
>Oh and by the way you can't complain how shitty it is because it says early access on it
>And to those 20-30m if you who own an original Xbox One just throw it in the fucking garbage and purchase an X™. I know what I'm doing

Fuck. Shit.
I just ordered a One X to play PUBG.
Is it really that bad? Fucking HELL.

>Dr Disrespect woman

>Phil fucked over Darkside to save a pittance, closed Lionhead and canned Scalebound
>proceeds to throw a giant bag of money at Bluepoint for timed console exclusivity of PUBG, which ends up being one of the worst ports of the gen

Guy’s more of a hack than that smug gook Yoshida.

>Anybody remember when consolefags would spout "Early access! Hahaha PCfats!" nonstop?

What are you on about boy? this shit still happens everyday on this board!

However I still think this whole situation is hilarious.


The game is gonna die now that the best streamer fucked things up.

>this shit still happens everyday on this board!
Alright fair enough user. It's hilarious those underage faggots thought they wouldn't suffer the same fate the fucking moment it was possible.

MS desperately wanted it out during the holiday season before the hype bubble burst. The awful controls and needing to draft in The Coalition to make it minimally functional are obvious signs. Fortnite cucking it hard didn't help either.

Why did he do it

>FPS on a console


Wife probably let herself go after childbirth and him getting a lot of money.

Honestly I kind of figured that early access shit was going to bleed to the console market eventually, it's only down hill from here on out.

Money and fame goes to your head, even something as retarded as """game""" fame. He probably felt entitled to it after being a big shot getting flown out to big events and award shoes all the time.
Apparently he used to be a hound dog at cons and shit too, trying to hit up titty streamers nonstop.

same people that unironically payed notch billions of dollars for autsimcraft

>needing to draft in The Coalition to make it minimally functional
Holy shit what?

i wanna know how the chinks can play this shit when the game requires a good pc

no one gives a fuck it's shitty streamerbait early access game #5522.

A lot of people are still playing it for how terrible it is. Even more will on a console since it came out right before Christmas.

fortnite did it because the graphics are cartoonish and less intensive than uncreative shitty pubg graphics. pubg devs are retards.
Yes, yes, I know, Polycuck lol

>“PUBG is really getting the boutique, first-party, white-glove treatment from Microsoft.”
Bigger lol

So now they're wasting actual first party devs time?

Good job Phil

>Gears 5 gets delayed because The Coalition is wasting time trying to make a broken mess run on Xbox One

>it's microsofts fault for a shit port

yeah i forgot microsoft own bluehole and this game isn't terribly optimized on pc already..
oh wait..

Considering they've got their own engineers and first party devs working on it, yea, it kinda is their fault.

Yes. Because a STREAMER did something, nobody will ever play the game. Wow! Ecelebs just dictate my entire being so I only play what they tell me to, I mean, what they are being paid by the publishers to sell to me.

err, no it isn't. the game code is a jumbled mess and it's a miracle they even got it to work on low end hardware which was low end even in 2011. they said themselves this game is a bunch of spaghetti code. if the coalition didn't help with the port it probably wouldn't even be on the xbox at all. it's down to bluehole to work on the actual engine optimizations and the shitty cpu hog netcode.

Pubg on PC runs fine now as long as you are not a fucking retard that tries to go low settings on a good pc.

On xbox they just fucked up because muh 4k. Trying to push a meme on technology that just ain't there yet, not even on PC.

So it's the fault of the Xbone for being shit?
If you can't fix a poorly-optimized game utilizing your best engineers and 1st party devs when you pay for timed exclusivity of said game, yea, it's kind of your fault.

graphics are client side issues, pubg has horrible issues server side too

Which one?

are you retarded or just pretending to be retarded? the microsoft devs don't make the game you colossal moron. all they do is help getting it to run on the xbox. that's all. they don't make the assets, they don't control how demanding anything within the game is and they don't make the netcode. sony had a dedicated team going round to every country in the world doing this same shit yet literally every ps3 port was some shit 640p low settings 5 fps garbage compared to the 360. let me guess it's the sony teams fault and not the devs who actually made the game right? tell me again how battlefront 2 can hit 4k and nets a near locked 60 fps with ~high settings on x1x but this game struggles at very low whilst having no dynamic elements at all

>yet literally every ps3 port was some shit 640p low settings 5 fps garbage compared to the 360.
Because the PS3's architecture was retarded.
If you design a shit system and games run poorly on it, that's your fault.

The PS3 was just Sony's attempt at making their stupid server processors popular, the Cell was never designed for games.

tell me again how battlefront 2 can hit 4k and nets a near locked 60 fps with ~high settings on x1x but this game struggles at very low whilst having no dynamic elements at all
tell me again how gears 4 utilizes 4k textures and assets whist being 60 fps and having dynamic world elements yet the most you can change in this game world is breaking the wood on a fucking door
tell me again how this game runs at 80 fps average on my 1070 at very low when i get over 200 fps on the lowest settings in a way more demanding game like gta 5
it's ALL the fault of the console right? bluehole are the greatest devs to have ever graced this earth amirite?

>tell me again how battlefront 2 can hit 4k and nets a near locked 60 fps with ~high settings on x1x but this game struggles at very low whilst having no dynamic elements at all
PUBG is open world
>tell me again how gears 4 utilizes 4k textures and assets whist being 60 fps and having dynamic world elements yet the most you can change in this game world is breaking the wood on a fucking door
Gears 4 isn't open world
>tell me again how this game runs at 80 fps average on my 1070 at very low when i get over 200 fps on the lowest settings in a way more demanding game like gta 5
>Implying you even have a 1070
Try again, we both know you're a poorfag.

That Greenburg guy tweeted out that it'll get updated each week going forward. It's obvious that MS wanted to get this game out there in time for the holidays and be able to work on it from here on out. Since it's in preview they can just shrug their shoulders and say "we're working on it".

This, MS just want to sell their new hardware during holidays they don't care about performance.

>battlefront 2
>64 player battles
>dynamic world elements like destroy-able foliage and terrain
these effects hit the processor way fucking more than a barren world with nothing in it. the biggest demand in pubg isn't even the graphics it's the shitty netcode. even epic game have a 100 player battle royal but it doesn't run like shit because they don't have an abortion tier netcode which rapes the cpu.

>Gears 4 isn't open world
open world =/= demand
fucking minecraft is open world yet runs at 60 fps just fine and the cpu calculations for all the moved blocks is way more demanding than fucking pubg

>Try again, we both know you're a poorfag.
neck yourself retard. you want a pic of my graphics card?

I'm still amazed how PUBG is so poorly optimized while also looking like garbage, and they're going out of early access soon.

I don't get it.

microsoft developed this game it's all their fault
microsoft own bluehole

Microsoft literally held bluehole at gunpoint and forced them to make a game that runs badly
One (You) = one prayer

>t.people who knows nothing about devving
Pubgs problem is vegetation optimization, none of those games renders thousands of trees and grass models at any given time.
You get 30-40 more fps on the new map even though it has more buildings.

Xbox release is so bad it ruined DrDisrespect's marriage

Pubg isnt even optimised on PC, developers are lazy cunts

>these effects hit the processor way fucking more than a barren world with nothing in it.
No, not really, especially considering the map size in PUBG.
>open world =/= demand
Yes it does.
Pretty much every open world game runs like shit on consoles thanks to their shit CPUs.
And Minecraft is a fucking blocky lego turd, is that your bar for a well-running open world game on consoles?
Fucking kek.
>neck yourself retard.
>Random picture of PUBG playtime
You sure showed me.

you sound like the retard who was saying the test servers have better performance yesterday and got blown the fuck out by me when i told you it was solely due to the less foliage. i told you to kill yourself then and i'll tell you to kill yourself now

But the old map runs better too

>No, not really, especially considering the map size in PUBG.
the fact you're claiming the gpu renders the whole map at once just shows how retarded you really are

>Yes it does.
explain how fortnite runs just fine without dropping to 12 fps then even though it's an open world game with 100 players in a game and has dynamic building elements which is way more demanding on cpu than pubg which has literally 1 (ONE) dynamic element which is breaking fucking wood

>You sure showed me.
it's all a lie amirite? no one will criticise the devs instead of microsoft or nvidia for the shit performance right? god who would do such a thing!

>tfw you run at 60fps at almost max settings with a 1050ti and i7
Kill yourself, retard.

i had to drop an extra 100 on 8gb ram just so i don't get the shitty mushy textures problem

>the fact you're claiming the gpu renders the whole map at once just shows how retarded you really are
Are you fucking stupid?
Do you think that because the actual map is occluded that that shit isn't stored somewhere and doesn't need to be constantly accessed by the HDD/CPU?
Are you stupid?
>explain how fortnite runs just fine without dropping to 12 fps then even though it's an open world game with 100 players in a game and has dynamic building elements which is way more demanding on cpu than pubg which has literally 1 (ONE) dynamic element which is breaking fucking wood
Fortnite is an UE4 game created by Epic, the developer that literally created Unreal Engine.
Obviously they're going to optimize better than some third party dev.
>it's all a lie amirite?
>More random pictures of PUBG playtime
You're sure showing me user!

on another*

Do what? Stop being retarded faggots thinking everyone knows what streamers do and actually say what he did. This isn't rebbit, fags.

That's a good question.
How do you fuck up so badly?

Are we not going to talk about the elephant in the room?

>Are you fucking stupid?
are you? why don't you explain to all of us how this game fails to run at above 12 fps on xbox and struggles to hit anywhere near 60 fps on ultra on a 1070 when battlefront 2 which is a WAY more cpu demanding game with more cpu demanding elements runs at over 100 fps at the same settings and gta 5 which has to render 50+ npcs/cars etc at once runs at 60+ fps maxed out. go on explain it to us all then if it's not shit optimization. lets wait and laugh.

>Obviously they're going to optimize better than some third party dev.
hm? what's that? i though you said this game should be perfect because MS developed it for the xbox? keep the narrative straight at least.

>You're sure showing me user!
>this damage control

fucking KEK. you are so mad right now. i bet you don't even own this game and are a false flagging sony nigger who just comes into these threads to shit on pc

>released exclusively* on xbox
>* also on PC
Lol at deluded xcucks

Tbf the only people I see hating on this game are Sony fans

That's what I'm saying you idiot, foliage rending sucks in pubg

>Has a wife
>Has a kid
>Has fame
>Goes out and fucks some tight teen pussy
He flew too close to the sun

it's easy to see when you're arguing with a sony nigger because they always blame the platform for performance like this other guy is blaming everyone but the devs for the bad performance on pc/xbox

I own the game and have 170 hours and it is objectively a pretty shit game that hasn't been improved upon for like 3 months

>Make game
>It doesn't work
>People buy it


That doesn't take anything away from what I said. The only people I see hating on this game are Sony fans.

Maybe it's time for them to switch fucking jaguar for something in at least "ok tier"?

PUBG is a rushed out early access mess made to sell as many copies as possible for as little money as possible.

You're stupid if you think it's enough to turn down graphics and fps will be skyhigh
PUBG is CPU intensive, and it even more laggy because those retards chose UE for game like this
also, fortnite isn't lagging cuz it's map even smaller than pubg map