Canadian thread

You may only post here if you are Canadian.
So what are you guys playing and/or planning on buying?


im never buying another game again
devs can suck my cock if they think i'm paying 80$+tax+tip

All I can think about in canadian threads is breakfast food.

MHW. maybe kirby.

Just the RE7 dlc, and Gundam.

games are haram and transphobic
we can't have those thoughts in our society so we are going to ban them

Why does this shithole not have any jobs?

What do you mean plus tip you dolt

fuckin nioh drunk of CC

whats your major?

computer engineering


I have plenty of game enough to last me a lifetime and there's nothing good on the horizon. I'm gonna finish Fatal Frame with my brother for the holidays.

Well in Ontario it's because retarded liberals thought a twenty mother fucking five percent minimum wage increase was a good idea.

>games are $90 now
i want out

hockey and bacon and gays lol

>Not moving to the south eastern tech corridor

what the fuck is wrong with you?!

Getting Oldrim for PC soon. That's it really.

Right now playing Fire Emblem Revelations and probably some 100%OJ later

literally dream about playing hockey, getting fucked in the locker rooms, and then getting some breaky after

I'm busy fucking up good game franchises

You have to move to either waterloo/certain other GTA pockets or the seattle to vancouver corridor for that

I'm not Canadian.

Who is the Red Green of vidya?

where my NAIT bros at?

Playing some Persona 5 when I have the time. Thinking of buying Digimon Cyber Sluts 2.

Who /interior BC/ here?

jade raymond


Out in NL right now for school though.

>tfw feeling like playing something cyberpunk
>got Syndicate
>it crashes on launch

Gonna buy Monhun world. It's my most anticipated game at the moment. Probably gonna play some Nioh.

>still no pictures of poutine or bacon

Fucking up... why no games about harvesting maple syrup?

I guess you can stay anyways, might as well enjoy as much as you can here while you still can

Playing KF2, Book of Demons, planning on getting RS2 tomorrow.

stardew valley

Waiting on MonHun world.

Don't give enough of a shit about much else to play. Started a new game of Metro 2033 though.


You only had to ask.
See this fucking bitch right here? I'd gulp that shit down in 3.4 seconds. Poutine is the only thing that I take selfies with.

> no longer gives 20% off video games, now only gives 10%

Guess I won't be buying video games until I go shopping in the US.

Last game I bought was an import from the states for Xenoblade 2. The art book is bigger than I thought, and the quality on par with Divinity Original Sin 2's two art books.
Fuck buying games for 80 dollars pre-tax though. I'm not buying any normal physical copies unless they're collector editions. Simply not worth it.

Got a Switch recently with a few games as part of some EB trade-in promotion for the Wii U. I normally keep my consoles, but the Wii U was a MH3U machine first and foremost. Beyond that, whatever.

So I'm playing a bit of Odyssey, BotW, and Splatoon in between bouts of WoW, which I resubbed to with a buddy from California and some local friends.

Why do we have so many underaged canadian posters who don't understand currency and unironically use Sup Forums?

mein nigga


Currently playing BotW DLC2 and MH4U cause MHW has me jonesing for some more fucking MonHun.
Planning to start Divinity 2 once I'm done with Zelda.

When Sup Forums had flags it was nothing but leafs. it was pretty hilarious

fellow leaf here

With games being $80 dollars i haven't bought any new games really. Only Nier Automata, and thats becuasse I loved Nier.

Got into longer JRPG's to save on money, as well as path of exile, but PoE is too frusterating.

Loved the Trails in the Sky series, still playing through the 3rd chapter. Would heavily recommend playing, arguably the best JRPG ever made imo.

Anyone else play any online games that aren't any of the massive ones right now? PubG, Dota, LoL, cs;go etc.

Been wanting to play someone online game again, but I'm not into the hyper competitive atmosphere that some of those games bring.

don't forget the brazilians

Asians taking more jobs than they create and driving up the housing prices

> not computer security

Splatim 2

I'm mainly trying to finish up Nioh before my holiday starts and I won't be near my PS4 Pro for a while. I really don't want to have to play the last few missions in 720p.

how can anyone forget they spam every single board

i can only tolerate playing the massive ones because im not into spending 5 minutes in a queue

But the switch is not worth the money right now.

u wot m8

Friendly reminder that Canada is the biggest cancer ruining Sup Forums and most other boards.
/vint/ was an eye opener and the only logical conclusion is to block all canadians IPs from this site.

grim dawn
wipeout omega collection
>planning on buying
vanquish at the steam winter sale
nothing else because holy shit do you think I'm made of money? fucking prices in this country I swear.

Should I play FFXV? Because I get mixed messages about it, and I'm bored as fuck.

>Friendly reminder
We created that saying, pay up.

>yfw TTC pass is 150 dollars and it was 114 in 2013 but the government every year says inflation is lower than 1%

>ttc pass
>not using a presto card

Nothing, I'm poor as fuck and minimum wage raising means everything else will get more expensive. I want to buy a switch because of bayonetta 3 but I guess I'll wait until I somehow get rich.

The only games I'm interested on the switch are not out yet, new From game, new SMT game, I alreday have BotW on Wiiu, but I don't think that BotW is that great of a game. Mario odyssey is well another mario game. What else is there?

they had a e3 sale where most upcoming games of next year (or later) were $50 dollars.

>TTC pass is 150 dollars
makes me glad I escaped that hellhole of a province
it's going to be a long eight years before somebody does something about Trudeau

if you dont use a presto card i literally will hunt you down bitch

literally not a thing, games have remained the same price for years post min wage increases

gonna get monster hunter world when it comes out on pa4 but that gonna be a chunk of change right there, plus I'll need a PS+ which is even more money. Viva la canada! ni hao!


Playing NGB and about to start MH4U for the first time.

aside from Splatoon 2 and Xenoblade 2? Absolutely fucking nothing non-Mario related. The rest is multiplat you could get on PC/PS4.

I have relatives in Canada (Vancouver) may I please post here too?

nigga what?

Only if you watch Letterkenny.

how is net neutrality gonna affect us lads?

go do something medical related. it's pretty much impossible to lose a job in a hospital.

It is, the only people who disagree are higher ups who refuse to take a pay cut and whine that they 'can't afford to pay their workers'

hes an american trying to fit in

more companies will start servers in other countries/move hq/etc especially if internet based
but we already have NN laws and even though our gov bodies deserve a lot of criticism, they aren't nearly as incompetent as down south

Where in BC can I get a job that will allow me to move out and not travel 1 hour to work and back everyday? Coquitlam sucks.

Alberta fag here,

I don't know I get the impression that Trudeau has embarrassed himself to many times. Not showing up to work, not attending parliament hearings, forgetting he was supposed to attend the TTP signing, etc... He just seems kind of bad at his job.

Its worth it for the Scarborough subway

Will barely do anything different, you can expect the cable/ISP companies to stagnate by doing fuck all.


I got on the train at College the other day and saw this and I still can't believe how shitty the rest of the continent's transit systems must be for it to be true.

I want to play Rainbow Six Siege but it's always on sale for $30

I wanna buy a good dungeon keeper game but dungeons 3 performance is abyssimal and there are no fix to the shitty thing. Any ideas? Was thinking War for the Overworld

it's literally mindblowing how shitty the rest of the continent is

>Snowed a bit in Toronto
Will we finally get another white Christmas



has 1/4 of the exp rates to grind the +30 operators. It will take 16+ hours to unlock one at that rate, the game is a micro transaction hellhole.

Also I didn't notice the upside-down T until now.

I'm so embarrassed by this city.

Sasktel is a crown corporation and has been doing well for over 100 years. Bell is expanding its fiber and Rogers had gigabit Internet for $75 a month.

When businesses go south because of the higher wages + high taxes + lower profit, there will be far too few jobs and far too many idle hands. And everyone knows idle hands make for the devil's work.
And before you blame businesses for not taking it up the ass, they have no obligation to do anything except tighten their belts, downsize, and expand on more temporary/seasonal work hires while in this country.

it feels like -30 in montreal right now.

I mean the $20 version not the free version rip

It's going to rain on Monday. ;_;


wages are also going up down south in all of the livable places
so uh congrats

>have to pay $100 per vidya
>still have net neutrality so companies aren't shaking us down for even more money than usual
Things always even out up here in Canada.

>canada threads are always full of east coast posters

fucking trudeau allowed vegan groups to post anti-meat ads all over TTC for FREE. Instead of improving the service with paid ads (like every other subway in the world) no, we have to see vegan memes every day

thats like where 80% of canada resides