ITT: Sup Forums designs their dream Kaiju fighting game
Also, What the fuck happened to this game?
ITT: Sup Forums designs their dream Kaiju fighting game
Also, What the fuck happened to this game?
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A real damn shame too.
Oh no. How bad are we talking?
>he doesn't know
Fill me in with the whole thing.
I'm ready.
I've heard only bits and snippets of this game over the years, but the picture I got is that a backer paid a fair amount to have his green furry kangaroo added and the Macrosaurus of (his/someone else?) affection.
The devs rolled with it, made a pretty cool lookin' concept, and then the furry and his buddies kept pressuring them massively for more and more concessions. The devs eventually collapsed under the weight of the resultant tumours.
We could use a lorefag for the real details.
Would've mained the fuck outta these games if it ever happened
>game dev uses backer money
>says if you pledge enough money then they will add backer made characters
>this opens the floodgates to furfags with disposable NEET income
>they flood the game with shit designs of their own fursona
>force the game devs to balance the game around their character
>devs have to bow to them or lose the sweet furry dosh
>game dead before even an alpha is made
some furry spent a fortune to get his fursona and his boyfriend's into the game, but he refused to make his fursona look kaiju like, and threatened to pull money if his demands weren't met
Another huge thing he did was getting Red (from the godzilla creepypasta) shitcanned, because his super special fursona should be immune to red's hypnosis ability and because they couldn't work around it they just canned Red
pic related was why he didn't make a kaiju for a kaiju fighting game
Sadly this game had too many ideas guys
nothin personnel
The downfall and cancellation of this game hurts more than Silent Hills. I just want another game like Destroy All Monsters, that shit was so cash.
>this game was ruined by furfags
Autistics like that Furfag group shouldn't be allowed to have that kind of money tbqhwyfm
>i dont want to appeal the kaiju masses
I'm at a loss for words
How the fuck can someone that autistic like Duncan have so mucb shekels?
One of the dev team actually died during the development. I shit you not.
probably a furry induced aneurysm
is there any concept art for the furfag idiot?
>Another huge thing he did was getting Red (from the godzilla creepypasta) shitcanned, because his super special fursona should be immune to red's hypnosis ability and because they couldn't work around it they just canned Red
Damn, I knew about Duncan and Macrosaurus' furfaggotry, but wow
Legend has it that furries have some kind of mystical font of infinite wealth from which they draw the resources necessary to commission their seemingly endless barrage of horrible fursona fetish pictures. Although it remains a mystery to this day.
Look upon it and despair
God I hate furries. and self inserts
Popufur macrofag unleashed his army of drones which took the game down with it
you can tell they tried as hard as they could, yet t still clashes with everything.
fucking furfaggots, I swear. I hope duncan survives a grease fire
Why doesn't Sup Forums just fucking make a Kaiju fighting game? /agdg/ manages to put out shit every month and their threads are nothing but sourcefag posting and the eternal nodev.
we're actually jaded assholes who rarely even play games and come here to suck out the remaining joy from people who still do and generally rain on everybody's parade for fun
>Fat fucking dinosaur that eats space-time
Macrosaurus's creator was an alright guy and Macro wasn't that bad.
>tfw no scorpion kaiju
Did anyone see the alpha videos they put out? The gameplay looked like complete ass.
>that thing
what the fuck
Not that thing.
THAT thing.
Read the thread you retard nigger
Nobody comes to Sup Forums with the plan to do something.
well now i want to see his design
the green kang
>What the fuck happened to this game?
Furries happened, whenever you hear someone say "furries arent that bad" or "bronies are worse", first off tell them bronies are just another shade of furry and secondly point them in the direction of kaiju combat.
You know the first time I saw this it didn't even click that it was a fetish thing until I heard the story. Apparently that one's owner was super embarrassed of how kangaroo kuk dragged him into it and actually worked with the devs to make it something worth adding
Would have been my main.
Because I'm making an alien dating sim since I'm too unskilled to work with anything else
My nigga.
Having player input on a game's development is never a good idea
Reminds me of this.
This one was also a fursona. a karate dragon waifu. The backer was the opposite of Duncan though and wanted them to do what was necessary to make it work so they made it into a sentai monster.
The only problem is the 3d modeler got triggered and made her flat ranting about objectification.
I'd basically be a drawfag with no other skill to help , so basically next to useless.
putting someone's thoughts into a visual form is pretty fucking useful
>wanting to play this garbage
that was just the free test game not what the actual main game would have been
at least from what i remember
I'm a drawfag who squandered his talent and grew to hate drawing and anything associated with it
That's not the actual game, that was a seperate browser game version for shit like facebook they were doing first to then use the money they got from there to help fund the actual game
this screams furry fetish
What a waste of an amazing design
>mfw he would have gotten shit canned because of the Furfag
>he didn't use that privilege to add a megazord or mech of any kind
why do devs use this shit as a backer incentive? the only time I've ever seen it NOT go horribly wrong was undertale, and that was only because toby tucked the fetish faggotry into a deep dark corner where normal people would never find it
Wait, what?
I've been trying to make a King of the Monsters ripoff, but gave up after I couldn't get the attack animation to play correctly.
Still have the characters.
There was a secret character named So Sorry who appeared in a lot of fat fetish art
post some nigger. King of the Monsters was my shit as a kid
o yea that shit
It doesn't matter, the kickstarter was for a "franchise" that never had a game to back it up.
One of the backer rewards for undertale was to put in the backer's oc and have them be a boss fight. Three of them where put in and Muffet was the only one put on the main route.
what was the third one? I only knew muffet and the fat faggot were backer stuff
Because to ask for large sums of cash you have to offer significant benefits. It's important to remember that this was a very large sum of money that you needed to contribute to be allowed to have your own character included, for that price you need to offer some kind of big incentive.
Though you are correct that it's still quite a risk that you could stumble upon a turd like Duncan that just ruins your whole fucking campaign with rampant autism.
its funny that ela isnt even the corniest or edgiest character in the game now
Huh, never even knew there were other bosses. Never would've guessed about muffet being an oc.
Remember when some guy made a drawing of the pope killing his OC?
What the fuck man
Enter your fursona into a kaiju game then not want it being a kaiju?
She's still a self insert
yeah it was a disaster pretty much
wasn't there a book too about one of the kaiju?
This fag, he's fought by loitering near the mystery door in snowden
Duncan is literally part of the furry mafia.
He has as much influence as he needs since he's been around long enough to have connections and dirt on everyone.
he looks alright
It might have made sense if it was a scalie.
oh this isn't too bad design wise
I hope you're not gonna tell me this guy is associated with some kinda reverse anal bleeding nipple hyper vore or some shit
Honestly between Skullgirls and Them Fightin Herds bronies actually have a better record for backing indie game creation. I can't think of any project they destroyed, but I haven't actually looked at the fandom in years.
Did Them Fightin Herds actually manage to become a thing?
Would this of gone the way of the Star Citizen if furries hadn't kick their shit in? All I have seen of this game is awesome concept art, which can be difficult to translate to 3D
I have never seen this before
>furry mafia
I thought that was a /trash/ meme. Is that a real thing?
It worked out fine with darkest dungeon. It's furfag backer wasn't an uber autist and actually worked with the devs to make a neat character that actually fucking fits into the game
He's alright, just wasn't all that special I guess
The last vidya Sup Forums tried to make was Broquest, which had one drawfag and an endless supply of bickering "idea guys" behind it who couldn't actually produce anything.
Then the drawfag left to go make a porn game, which he got fired from because he didn't do the work he was paid to do.
I like this.
What porn game?
Is that actually what he looks like? Quite a funny design
oh lets not forget this
Sort of. It's not like he're bussing around narcotics or killing people like it's the godfather, But he does have a lot of clout and can basically do whatever he wants.