Persona thread

Why are the Persona 4’s characters’ personas not evolved in the spin offs even though it is canon that Yu has maxed out their s links? Even Persona 3’s characters have their personas evolved in Persona 4 Arena. Will Persona 5 do the same?

Because they preferred the original designs, if you want an universe reason, maybe its because in p3 the characters evolved their personas themselves instead of the p4 cast evolving through Yu's friendship, so since Yu moved away their bond weakened and so did their persona. It also seems like in p3 the reason for evolving their personas was just far stronger.

>it is canon that Yu maxed out their s links
is it? The reason P3 had evolved persona is because it was part of their story, in P4 it's entirely optional since you need to max the links out

I think it is since Chie is still thinking of becoming a police officer, yukiko is taking over the amagi inn, rise is going back to becoming an idol again and the other characters are mentioning their futures which only happens if you max out their s links

>needing to evolve your persona at all

This is called a Naoto

Wonder why his persona never evolved

He had his shit together from the start unlike everyone else, Cerberus was all he needed.

I always thought it was already evolved. It already has an immunity. And his social link in P3P isn't him learning anything about himself, he just becomes better friends with SEES.

Because he is a fucking dog.

A dog that can use a persona

i miss yukikofag

because arcsys forgot

But even Dancing All Night has the 1st stage personas


I love Fuuka

His Persona comes pre-evolved to begin with, note how it already starts with an immunity.
I guarantee you that un-evolved his persona would most likely be Pascal.

sudden urge to play persona 4 golden but i sold my psvita...

what are some games that have simmular gameplay as persona that are available on ps2,ps4 or pc?


The anime didn't evolve their personas either IIRC. And it came out before the spin-offs. So it was probably because they thought fans were more familiar with the initial personas' designs.

Senran Kagura

>Senran Kagura
that doesn't seem simmular at all, except both are weeb games

I have failed you user, I will go commit sudoku now. But you should play it anyway.

persona 4

isn't normal p4 super gimped?

Is she the best girl in all of persona?

A bit but if it's your only way to play P4 it's better than nothing.