I'll start
atari posting and ataribox
Failed Sup Forums memes
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All of them
Backflip outta the thread
>atari posting
Just wait, jive turkey. Our wooden messiah is coming.
It failed before it began because it was Infogrammes that own the Atari name and brand and are pushing the Atari box, not the original.
Atariposting has been pretty fucking successful considering how uneventful Atari has been for decades.
It represents Sup Forums's discountenance towards the stagnant industry, they want things to be shaken up.
Atari-posting was the best thing to happen in 2017. Except maybe Twin Peaks Season 3.
Atariposting was good and fun, but like all good things it had to end sometime.
When the fuck is Ataribox supposed to come out anyways?
>Putting an afro and a headband on wojack and pretending a dead company is back
>Best thing about 2017
I don't know whether to feel pity for you or disappointment.
The delayed the crowd funding campaign.
So not anytime soon.
atari posting was the same circlejerk of 40 year old guys each and every thread. not a single person under 30 gave a shit about it. fucking grandpas still posting on Sup Forums, what the hell is wrong with them.
>I knee palindrome your sister
>failed Sup Forums memes
I've been waiting to use pic related for a while.
try again user
What a shocker.
Delete this post now or I'm gonna sit down.
Memes are just dumb shit that people do for fun
Speak for yourself jive turkey.
I'm not a day older than 25 and I'm just now learning to embrace the GROOVY!
I sunk money into that thing and shipped it to high hell and back. Now whenever it's brought up I just want to hang myself. I'd Is this how bitcoin investors feel?
The music people were posting was top notch. When have we ever been able to post groovy music other than then?
Why do so many autismos take everything so seriously now?
I mean fuck, if you are taking wojaks seriously, fucking kill yourself
>Nintenbros still this assblasted about THAT webm
God bless that user who started all this.
Honestly I think this is the first meme since JUSTposting that's nothing more than pure fun to me.
It's only a matter of time until one of you faggots posts it on reddit and it's ruined forever isn't it.
Move aside jive turkeys, this is now an Atari thread
I'm sad that its dead.
True, it was really fun. Nothing mean or ironic about it either. Just fun for it's own sake.
>that video
jesus christ, we've gone too far
that dancing is garbage
the meme is top notch, though
anything from after 2013, but probably even a few years before that honestly
TORtanic was so good and then nothing that good ever happened again
Post groovy tunes
Atari posting was the last pure thing to come out of this site
Grooveposting was a very entertaining 12 or so hours.
Don't listen to those jive asses bros!
The new era of GROOVE is just beginning!
How the fuck is Fesh Pince still existing on Sup Forums? That shit is almost a decade old.
Atari had literally nothing to do with Disco.
The "Ataribox" is not related to the 70s Atari in any way.
This meme is pathetic.
Fesh Pince transcends time and space
thank god the arbiter of memes graces us with his presence. what's your favorite meme? virgin vs chad?
Literally SEETHING that the king is returning to his rightful throne
Same reason people still post skooks
It's just really damn good
What's the matter daddy-o, don't know how to dance?
Its a reaction image that can be used for many reasons.
>"Pathetic" he whispered under his breath, turning away from the group of people interacting with a common yet goofy interest
>He was superior, he knew for certain
>Now to spread the meme on Reddit, to ruin their fun by making the meme cancer, even if it means he'll have to see it everyday for the next 12-36 months
>This is how he's always won
>He is The Funny Man
Retarded Sup Forums bullshit.
are you implying that it's considered a failure EVEN WHEN it's repeatedly spammed everyday!?
The stupid thing about the two scoops meme is that was that it was Sup Forums making fun of liberals for making a big deal out of ice cream, but the scoops thing was liberals making fun of Trump for being petty.
So Sup Forums making fun of liberals for being petty, but the liberals were just mocking trump for being petty, so Sup Forums missed the point.
>stupid Sup Forumseogaffers don't know this is a Sup Forums meme
You seriously have to go back.
Wojak in general. It's like everyone posting those faces is obligated to get super defensive.
How is having more icecream because you want more, a petty act? It's almost like you don't understand the words you use. Liberals mocking it was indeed petty though, because it literally doesn't matter.
Subverted console war memes and hype 70s disco jive. Shit was beautiful while it lasted, and if you didn't like it, you can fuck right off.
Your shitty memes are awful. Try comiing up with something new instead of slapping a goddamn afro on a 10 year old meme you newfags.
It died peacefully in its sleep, like all good memes. It is beyond Reddit's grasp now, in a better place free from suffering.
I assure you, the meme is good. You don't understand because you are not a connoisseur like me.
In 2011 when Sup Forums started to get upset that people were stealing memes and even selling them some people had the idea of making a meme so offensive that no one would want to steal it. Actually now that I think about it it was the same idea behind nu-Pepe.
A drawfag even made a couple comics of it but elected to call it "foreign face"
Not gonna lie, I think we lost a great thing when DELEGATESposting died. Seeing Ted Cruz and Jeb memes was better than the modern "look at this person who is mad that trump won" things.
>this sub
>ass blasted by opinions
idk if that is how it works nigga
i can safely say poopoo pepe was better
you mean this one?
goddamn I remember that shit, feels like forever ago
Now you know why it's in the "failed meme" thread
It's weird
People always post Colbert for two scoops, but he never once mentioned Trump's ice cream dilemma
People always say "It's 2016!" for John Oliver, but he never once said that, or even made the "It's current year!" appeal.
I just find it confusing. Like, why is it even a thing? What is it trying to convey other than just being weird?
The ONLY people talking about two scoops were alt-right folks. They just couldn't wait to bring up some half a minute morning fluff segment at every opportunity.
John was infamous for saying "come on it's 2015!" and it just stuck as current year man. People applied 2016 to him to keep the meme fresh.
This is just unfunny polandball which normies love.
And no constant spam by a group of minorities doesn't constitute as a "successful meme".
Yeah I always found it weird because I watch Colbert every day and I never saw him get angry over the two scoops thing.
the alt-right crowd is absolutely suffocating for things to talk about or complain about to keep their hamster wheel spinning so they take everything they can get.
I remember when there was so little to talk about that the minute some tranny uploaded their video about gender shit all the alt-right channels jumped on them to flip their shit for a video, echoing the same shit over and over again like they do
Once more, I'm pretty sure he never said "Come on it's 2015!" or any [currentYear]
There was somebody on Sup Forums asking for the video of it so they could make an remix. Nobody was able to produce anything.
t. nintendie
I own a PS4 you faggot.
There are more I'm sure, but I really don't care enough to do more than a casual google search.
>not chickenenwinnigish
I pity you.
Post your battle stations
Have I been on /fit/ and /toy/ too much to miss this Atari meme until this thread? When did this start?
When they announced the Ataribox in June
It only lasted a week
At least the 70s music nostalgia was cool.
Earlier this year Atari claimed that they were gonna make an "Atari Box" and kept it vague enough that memesters could pretend that it was suddenly going to capsize the entire market and bring about a new era of retro 70s gaming.
>if Nintendo doesn't give us shitty games Sony and Microsoft will finally get good games
I still don't understand why they even bothered porting Doom and Wolfenstein 2 for the Switch instead of developing something unique.