ITT: post objectively good Zelda bosses

ITT: post objectively good Zelda bosses

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The ones in the original game.

The only game that's objectively good.

Tabletposting so no poc, but Stallord

>Dark Link even being mentioned

Fraaz from ST


the peak of Twilight Princess

Zelda has good bosses?

Goht is the all time best for being just a whole lot fun

Who even is the bottom one, I didn’t know you fought a shrine keeper

still mad he wasn't in hyrule warriors

What does he say again? yfw he got up and the music started playing

DLC #2.

So you got me to watch the video of the fight at least. Looks like the best one in the game but that isn't saying much.

All three of Majora's phases are best. Hard more is without FDM

>Who even is the bottom one, I didn’t know you fought a shrine keeper

Monk Maz Koshia. DLC boss

Ooga booga

The bosses in this series are so boring and unremarkable. But Monk Maz is probably the only one I care for.

You couldn't make a boss like him in 2017. He's basically a giga nigga

but he was a FUN giga nigga


> Breath of Shit
> having something good in it

he's based more on aztec culture and south americans dont tend to get ass pained and pull the race card over being represented in games like that, they actually like it.

It's Kino Monk, the best fucking boss fight in the series.

Not even joking. And don't watch a video, you have to experience the fight for yourself to really understand why it's the best.



except shitcanos

I'm not at that part yet OP. On a scale of 1 to 10 how close is it to this fight?


user, do you have autism?

>That moment when he fucking shadow clone himself
I gotta admit that bossfight whats so good, even more because he wasn't another fucking ganon spawn thing.

Skyward sword fight was pretty good

>You have proven to possess the power of a true hero.
>In the name of the goddess Hylia...
>I offer this final trial!