Pokemon XD

pokemon XD

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fuck off

>hp goes to 0
>lose a life

first pokemon game I played

oh i get it because XD is the name of the game but it's also emoticon and we hate people who use that emoticon because they are most like from reddit and reddit is bad


kill yourself

XD indeed.

I liked this game and colosseum

Colosseum is the best Pokemon game Nintendo's ever shat out. Shame they didn't stick with the style of game and dropped it after XDD

Kill yourself.

Yeah it really is, I remember seeing it in some game magazine and my mind was blown away that there would be a full 3D Pokémon adventure game. I loved the stadium games and Pokémon snap I really wish they'd make another, is Pokken any good? Seems kinda cool


Being able to steal Pokemon was an insane concept and would be cool as fuck to bring back. Haven't tried Pokken yet, but it looks like a decent enough fighter. Here's hoping the Pokemon game for Switch has some resemblance to Colosseum/XPP.

What does XD even stand for in that game? Extra darkness?

I love Pokemon XD!

Extra Dimension if I remember correctly

Yeah, they were awesome games, I really want a new stadium though, I keep hearing people say oh but there's 3D battles on the 3DS so what's the point, well I just wanna plug the game in pick my Pokémon and fight I don't wanna play a game and find a friend to play the game. Stadium was fun because someone could come over and you didn't need all the game boys and link cables or DS's and whatever

They made it, it's called battle revolution.

Does it have rentals? I read that it doesn't


XD is a longer, better and more polished game, but there's just something about Colosseum that makes me like it more.

XD having like four times the amount of shadow pokemon and giving them interesting egg moves on purification made replaying the game fun, I probably played the game with five different teams, one per eeveelution, since it was one of the few games I actually owned.

They really need to make another game like the GC games.
All Double Battles constantly keeps things interesting and having an actual plot where the goal is to defeat the evil team rather than a pokemon league is so much better.

>shopping a Reddit meme onto Gale of Darkness

unironically would've been a much better title


Not like Stadium, sadly. You get a trainer card with six rental Pokemon, you can go to one of the colosseums to trade your rentals for your opponents' pokemon, and mix and match until you get what you want.

It's extremely retarded. I ended up just creating my own "rentals" years back, so I could still play the game with friends. Even then it's still tedious.

Pokken is just okay. I enjoy playing it with my little brother but its a fighting game that is really far removed from xd or colosseum. Its more of a rock paper scissors type of fighting game with stance shifting than an actual fighting game though

This and Colliseum had amazing soundtracks.

God I wish they got Genius Sonority back for another one of these games. All they’ve been doing lately is Shuffle and Denpa Men.

Adobe Xd is a real thing

i want to fuck that mosquito

That’s a fly, user. Do you even fap in the Sup Forums threads?

Mega Man X3

>you will never ever be able to discuss this game on any board

The music really was something else in those games


I liked this game because every pokemon learned new moves it wasn't able to otherwise. I miss shit like that.

Pretty sure nobody anywhere uses XD anymore anyway. If I remember right it was more characteristic of Gaia fags back when this meme began.

I would be extremely happy if the Switch game ends up having a Stadium-style mode.

Also they should bring back having shades change depending on nickname. That was fun in 2.

I used to think that as a kid, but on replay it's actually kinda shit. Double battles are so much more shallow than single battles, and the game moves at a fucking snail pace because the move animations are too long.

The pool of available Pokemon is way too small, and purifying shadow Pokemon is a pain in the ass. It's especially bad in Colloseum where the shadow Pokemon all just know the one fucking shadow move and they don't have the quick purification system from Gale of Darkness.

The graphics are also pretty fucking bad, even by the standards of the time. The Pokemon models are okay but the humans look abysmal.

The music and towns are god tier though.

Nigger just get your friend to download Pokemon online or Pokemon showdown.

Boom, you can battle with any Pokemon you can conceive of.

Oh, it still exists.
Just not in places where the average IQ is three digits.
I know 100 is always supposed to be average, but that's retarded and I'm going to keep treating it a like a power level.

What do you mean that it's retarded that 100 is average? The test is literally designed to have a bell curve distribution with the peak at 100.

What's retarded is people claiming to have IQs of 160+ when a standard IQ test isn't even designed to measure that high, because past 130ish it doesn't make a significant difference to predicting academic success.

>Pretty sure nobody anywhere uses XD anymore
Little kids and spics still use it
Hell, spic meme culture still hasn't left 2009, they even steal dead memes from here and twist them around in Spanish

pretty good game. if they ever going back to doing something like this, i hope they put in a skip/fastforward button for the animations.

I mean at this point the games aren't all that different from the mainline series.

Only difference is that you steal shadow Pokemon rather than catch wild Pokemon, and there are no routes.

I suppose the fact that all the battles are doubles is a pretty significant difference, but honestly I think doubles is shit.

i liked that every battle was a double battle so you needed to build a team of pokemon that worked well together as a team.

Because it makes comparing current intelligence to past intelligence more complicated than it needs to be.

I think double battles actually have the opposite effect. Single battles require perfect team synergy, with each Pokemon serving it's own individual role. Double battles just involve spamming high damage moves at your opponent because every Pokemon can get KOd the same turn it comes out.

Of course this really only applies to multiplayer. In single player you don't need any synergy regardless of format because gamefreak designs these games to be beaten by 3 year olds.

I've heard about that kind of thing on /vp/.
A Spanish user basically admitted that all the smart people learn English and flee to the Anglonet.

Intelligence as measured by IQ is just a measure of latent potential, not a measure of knowledge.

Your IQ shouldn't change dramatically over your lifespan as IQ tests are altered depending on your age.

If you want to measure personal growth it's way more efficient to do so though other means like academic test scores.



nobody used "XD" back when the game released

Are you kidding? Back in 2006 XD was all the rage on MSN.

I should know about that, because *Record scratch* Yep, that's me

Xtra Dimension