How do you do light/heavy attacks in the PC version?

How do you do light/heavy attacks in the PC version?

I know that in the PS2 version it was pressure sensitive, but how do they emulate this in the PC edition?

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Cut#Silent_Hill_2_FMV_Enhancement_Pack's_Cut#Silent_Hill_2_Fog_Fix

You don't, all are heavy on PC because lol fuck you shit port. Emulate PS2 ver.

Press forward with the attack button to do a heavy attack.

Just beat the PC port recently and that's how you do the forward swing with the giant knife. So should work for every other melee weapon.

*heavy swing

I see you've never played the PC version. Meanwhile, I've never emulated it. So how do you handle the pressure sensitive attacks on a modern controller with only digital face buttons in PCSX2? Do you have to assign the X button to one of the triggers of an X input controller?

I have a Dual Shock 3 which supports pressure sensitivity so I don't give a shit, and yeah I didn't try PC version because I saw how fucking gutted it is in terms of atmosphere and visuals.
No matter what fixes you use, you can't fix lack of volumetric particles and fog on PC and you can't fix the shit framerate in FMVs.

There are fixes that replace the FMVs.
And there's a fix that makes the fog to be more like the PS2's fog.
I will admit the sound is still pre-played like on the Xbox instead of streamed like on the PS2 though.'s_Cut#Silent_Hill_2_FMV_Enhancement_Pack's_Cut#Silent_Hill_2_Fog_Fix

How did you manage to get your DS3 to work with pressure sensitivity on PCSX2?

The FMV "fix" just turns it from silky smooth 15 fps to silky smooth 30 FPS.
PS2 is 60 FPS.
And the fog fix just changes the alpha layer on the fog texture to be better, it doesn't do anything about the lack of actual volumetric fog and particles. It's still purely 2D sprite based on PC.
It's a shit port that will never be as good as emulating PS2 version.

Does that work with PCSX2 1.4.0? That guide is from 2013.

It works with literally all of them, SCP isn't even made for PCSX2, it's universal PC driver for Dual Shock 3. The custom LilyPad plugin that SCP comes with is what allows pressure sensitivity in PCSX2, you need to use that plugin as your controller plugin.

While I can get PS2 controllers no problem, are PS3/PS4 controllers also pressure-sensitive? Cause at one point I will likely emulate.

Dual Shock 3 (PS3 one) is.
Dual Shock 4 (PS4 one) is not.

I will keep in mind.

And I already thought up a solution for half of the pressure sensitive cases: hold/tap (for emulators).

Nah, it's not working for me. I've tried a bunch of different ways, but either the emulator crashes or the Native box just stays greyed out.

>And I already thought up a solution for half of the pressure sensitive cases: hold/tap (for emulators).

That doesn't really work, because technically you should be able to differentiate between holding a soft-press and holding a hard-press too. It's the difference between aiming a gun and firing it full-auto no MGS3, for example.

just plug in a controller, it works

you may want to patch the .exe with Xinput Plus
The game doesn't register some buttons on an Xbox controller

The fog looks pretty good to me.

as for the FMVs, I never played the original PS2 version. So I can't say.

Still, some sort of solution needs to be made, otherwise everyone is fucked forever.

Will the Silent Hill trilogy ever be topped?

What do you mean by "topped"? You cannot make a sequel anymore, the canon has been raped to death already. The ONLY correct solution would be to make new and original horror games. You won't be able top top the SH trilogy, but it is very possible to reach the same level.