It's the best year gaming has seen in ages. What did you play this year?

It's the best year gaming has seen in ages. What did you play this year?

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I'd swap a few things around, but nothing more than a tier from where it is, surprisingly agreeable tier list

Why is shit empty?

Finally someone sees how good Prey is


Only game I played out of that list is Nier:Automata. Hollow Knight, Cuphead, Prey, Botw, Prey and Sonic Mania do interest me.


stop reminding me

I still have a good 20 games I plan to play. I got a job and stop being a neet so I couldn't finish them all by the years end

Oh fuck I misread this

Shit is empty because I didn't play anything that was shit yet.

Seriously RIP in peace. Game was too fun and didn't deserve to get killed by perfect world so they could go full lootbox.

Pyre was a steaming pile of hot garbage I have never dropped a game faster in my life.

you forgot Persona 5 you filthy pleb

>that high
Like all Supergiant games, it was 11/10 presentation layered onto a 6/10 game.

I think Prey would be consistently higher rated here were its title not a shitty cash grab move from Bethesda to keep the IP they stole and ripped to pieces

It's a genuinely great game

I like seeing Rock of Ages being noticed.

I'd pay for Prey if they removed Denuvo

I mostly played old games this year

Didn't play a ton of new games, mostly worked through remasters and stuff from my backlog, but I liked what I did play this year. P5, Zodiac Age, and 60FPS Kingdom Hearts were some of the best gaming experiences I've had since I was a dumb little kid. Sonic Mania was a lot of fun, Pyre was a great experience. Honestly, the only disappointment of the year for me was Thimbleweed Park, which was still alright. Great goddamn year, hoping 2018 can keep even some of the momentum going.

consida me trigga'd, nigga.

ACE Team is pretty great
i love the different visual styles they use for each of their games

Where is Forza 7 and Project Cars 2?

>I dropped a game with a notorious slow start early
What an authority you must be

It's no transistor but it's leagues ahead of bastions combat, git gud or raise the difficulty/Titan stars. Whichever applies


2017 not 2016

I only just got a PS4 and Kat's game comes first.

You know why what you said was stupid, but you said it anyway.

>it gets better after x hours
says every apologist ever

A hat in time
>yeah its ok i guess
ign is that you

The game picks up when you meet Manley and swings into full gear at the first liberation right.

At the end of the day though, you making a will full effort to not enjoy a game doesn't hurt me.

A Hat in Time has ridiculously simplistic controls compared to all the other good 3d platformers this year (Yo Noid! 2, Super Cloudbuilt, and Mario Odyssey (played at a friend's house)) it's carried on presentation mostly. The wall jump is practically Auto platforming, the balloons and shit you can bounce off of IS Auto platforming. It's a fun game but it's really lacking mechanically.

>Yo Noid! 2
Certainly the strangest game I played this year.

>It's the best year gaming has seen in ages.
No it hasn't.

Where is Forza 7 and Project Cars 2?

Objective top ten from an user who plays too many fucking video games

10. Hollow Knight
9. Sonic Mania
8. Nioh
7. Super Mario Odyssey
6. Cuphead
5. Fortnite Battle Royale
4. Nier Automata
3. Persona 5
2. Divinity Original Sin II
1. Breath of the Wild

Most of those aren't even comparable.

Yea, well at least I'm not adopted.


Yakuza 0, Gravity Rush 2, Near a Tomato, FFXIV: Stormblood, Horizon: Zero Awards, Divinity: Original Sin 2, Danganronpa V3. There's still at least a couple I want to complete before the year's out, probably RE7 and Hellblade since they're short. More still from this year I want to play, like Berseria, P5, gubhedd, others.

Also played games that weren't released this year, Gravity Rush Remastered, Arkham Knight, Witcher 3, Doom, Heavy Rain, Until Dawn, FFXV, Catherine, all Danganronpas before V3, The Division, and started playing Siege.

Played more games this year than I have in a while.

Yeah in retrospect this has been a really good year for new games.
Its a real shame then that I spent the entire year playing TF2 and HoMM3 like always.

World of Warcraft

>I don't own a PC: The list

Add divinity original sin 2 you fucking homo that game was great.

I own a high end gaming PC what else do you think I played all those indie games on
Probably gonna get it in the next sale, but it's a list of games I've played user

Is Pyre really that good? Thinkgen about pirating it

good list

Ever Oasis, EOV, and Pokemon USUM
Good enough.