Who is the best modern video game developer and why is it Naughty Gods?
Who is the best modern video game developer and why is it Naughty Gods?
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Sup Forumstards are a cancer on Sup Forums and it's about time we start chemotherapy
It's cute how they think anyone cares about their crappy uncharted dlc
>you will never find out where OP lives so you can kill him
Damn its almost likes it Jewnakuh and not Christmas lmao fuck jew libcucks amirite bros xdd
What the fuck is wrong with people
Quick show of hands, who actually buys western games? Or better yet AAA western games?
>Celebrating Hannukah and being ok with lesbians is a political agenda
Kill yourself, my man
Nothing wrong with politicizing stuff kiddo
You first my guy
The only really geeky friend I have that also develops games is straight and white but is anyhow into these virtue signaling games.
Really makes you think.
It's almost like the "virtue signalling" is just Sup Forumstard shitposting.
>Naughty Dog
Pick one, Naughty Dog makes FMVs with barely anything you could call gameplay in between. Try and fall off a fucking ledge in Uncharted. I dare you it's fucking impossible, you're playing a walking simulator.
Maybe he just likes brown dykes. That's one of my fetishes and I'm straightish and white.
>make an uncharted themed seasons greetings but instead of using the MC you use WoC for browny points
>you're not owned
>Chloe is a bombshell in 2 and 3
>artists actually put effort to make her look ugly
Why do they do this?
I didn't know the black lady was a filthy kike
Mustve been cozy under that rock
She's a black israelite.
Last of us had gameplay. Uncharted is a fucking joke though. I practiced guitar while playing 4.
Must be nice being fucking retarded and seeing shit you don't like everywhere. Actually it sounds awful.
Fucking Naughty Goy
The western indie games are pretty decent and fun to play. The triple AAA games are boring.
The only thing that offends me about this image is that fucking Naughty Dog wouldn't pay for an artist capable of more dynamic posing. Boring, boring, boring.
Amazing display of butthurt, friend. I'm numb to your dumb namecalling. Heh, liberals being liberals, I guess.
My brother likes Uncharted. He says it's really fun.
>Amazing display of butthurt, friend. I'm numb to your dumb namecalling. Heh, liberals being liberals, I guess.
Sup Forumstards are so embarrassing
wtf, is naughty dog pro-Sup Forums?
Those are the MC of the newest game retard
if you can't see the political connotations above you're either trolling or in denial
I'd be more embarrassed to have pepe memes saved on my computer, assuming you have the right age to post here.
Naughty dog went way up their asses after uncharted 2, last of us was alright but really led to a false sense of smugness from them
Newest filler*
>no kwanza
more like bigot dog
>Happy Holidays
>and hanukkah
Hanukkah must be shit if you can't even include it with the other holidays.
Jesus autismo, you could just admit he's right instead of sperging out
or they posted the image on the first day of Hanukkah. but no, that's too logical for your pea brain.
Don't get me wrong, I prefer sexy Chloe in 2-3, but LL chloe still arouses my trousers. They made her more realistic looking
But its better than all other uncharteds
I sincerely doubt they paid anyone for that image. It's probably just someone's fanart they found on Tumblr.
They made her look like a Mexican tranny
It was considered insensitive to say just merry christmas, hence the change to happy holidays. Why do the kikes get to say happy haunaka?
I tend not to agree with retards
it's not Christmas, it is Hanukkah
Yea, just sperg instead. It's funnier. No need to reply bub
Christmas season
>tis the season
>no christmas
>no white people
>no straight people
>poo in loos despite them not doing shit right about now (and if they do idgaf india is a third world shithole that can't afford vidya)
>black jews
You're the one who keeps replying to me though.
was a minor holiday for jews on a similar level to saints feast days before it was pumped up to combat christmas
You swear?
Seasons greetings includes Christmas autismo
this game sucked cock.. i was so excited for it and it was fucking horrible
Isn't Hanukah also a Holiday?
I don't understand Jews.
Sup Forumstards everywhere. You retards don't belong here.
Christmas is the only holiday worth a damn right about now faggot so fuck all these other people
what about it? seasons greetings and happy holidays are old as fuck phrases. back in the '50s Eisenhower didn't even say merry Christmas, he said seasons greetings and happy holidays because Christcucks didn't have a persecution complex then. in fact, no one cared until the late 90s/early 2000s.
and Christmas was a holiday invented solely to convert Pagans, who gives a fuck?
>gay nigger jew woman acting shy around a gay hindu woman
show me something that ticks more politically correct boxes.This shit is impossible.
I don't see the problem. You Sup Forumstards go looking for innocuous shit to bitch about.
>birthday of our lord Jesus christ
>solely to convert the pagans
Sure the christmas tree and shit where pagan things but traditions don't go against the lord
we dindu nuffin
we good boyz
>Seasons greetings includes Christmas autismo
Pretending that Hanukhaahu and Christmas have anything to do with each other is multi-cult, bullshit and lies. Fuck off.
Not an argument
naughty shit
Go suck stepfans cock
explain to me what is innocuous about four descriptors, "gay," "nigger," "jew" and "woman?" All four of them together is just impossible. That is the opposite of innocuous.
>Happy Holidays
Don't care.
>Happy Hanukah
Why didn't they just include Hanukah to Holidays?
poor b8
they posted it on the first day of Hanukkah
>this picture
Well I guess I have been delusional for the past 20 years and all those games I played were actually shit in comparison to Modern western movies I MEAN games
>Why didn't they just include Hanukah to Holidays?
I think it's time we had the talk about a Final Solution to the Jewish Question.
Virgin confirmed. Chloe is what real woman are made of.
who said I wasn't serious
Goddamn she should switch arms sometimes when she jerks off
Why does Sup Forums even invade Sup Forums?
Your average Sup Forumstard already knows that SJWs fuck shit up int the gaymang industry, why do they still need to shitpost about it here?
bitches need attention
>lets celebrate our prophets birth
>should we do it when he was born?
>no lets do it on the day pagans celebrate the sun, the same ones we want to convert
trying too hard mang. even the dumbest christians tend to know this.
>Why does Sup Forums even invade Sup Forums?
because it's not an invasion, because a lot of people browse both and other boards, because each individual board is not a walled-off community that is culturally separate and existing in a bubble. You can thank Sup Forums for your Kornhausers and Sup Forums for baneposting by the way, you empty-headed newfag.
because the average Sup Forumstard is a Sup Forums crossboarder since the 2016 elections and basically, you're gay
>pol at it again!!!!
>oh god!! go back to pol!!!!
>if you hate forced in sjw shit then you need to go back to pol
>last word
Crossboarding is cancer and so are you, fuck off
Just because you bury your head doesn't mean it's not there
Cause Sup Forums did nothing to fix the sjw problem
Spoken like a true crossboarding cancerous newfag
Go take a look at Sup Forums to see how much less cancer there would be without crossboarding
Nope, by the oldest definition of cancer on Sup Forums you are the actual cancer here.
Take your bleeding heart and shove it deep in your ass.
>season's greetings
>no mention of christmas
yeah dropped these faggots.
I see so many more soyboys than polfags. I think you guys should both get your own /v section where you can argue about this type of dumb shit and keep ALL politics off a video games board.
>this entire thread
>and burgerclapland still won't say Christmas
Meme country?
Meme country,
Excuses, excuses
Why does it matter if it's not Jesus' literal birthday (which nobody, even today, knows)? It's meant to be symbolic and the cornerstone of all christian traditions.
Like that user said, Hannukah is an extremely minor jew celebration in terms of importance. It's only a thing in the U.S. due to jew corporatism and to act as a counterpart to Christmas.
"what it looks like when a lefty liberal cuck soyboy is caught posting in an evironment which is not walled off and moderated in his favor, such that a dissenting opinion or three is allowed to reach his eyes and ears, causing visible distress and a loss of basic function and control as he realizes that the world does not simply bend to his every tear and offense, Exhibit A" submitted for your approval.