This was the best game of 2017

this was the best game of 2017

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I liked it at first but I feel like it got stale as soon as you cleared the first section

It was a great game but 2017 was a great year.
Nioh can't stand against the heavy hitters but it's well worth playing.
This, though. 10 million Onryoki fights makes Jack a dull boy.

Yup. Dropped it after about 10 or 15 hours, half of which was forced. I was so hyped for it and it started out so good, but boy did I get bored fast.

I enjoyed it much more than bloodborne. The combat was so much fucking better it was unbelievable. Spent like 200 hours playing everything it had to offer. Could only bring myself to play like 50 hours of bloodborne

easily my most played game of 2017. About 350 hours on PS4 and another 140 or so on PC so far, and I'm still not bored of it.

i thought it was fantastic
it was my favorite game i have played in years

I agree.

800 hours on console

I liked it at first, but the NG+ loops got progressively less fun. I got sick of the game by WotW, by that point I was tired of spending more time in the blacksmith than actually playing.

you were clearly doing something wrong because it doesn't take more than 5 minutes to empty your entire inventory

Enjoyed it enough to finish most missions on WoTN and got to floor 120 in the Abyss. The abyss is completely cancerous on higher floors especially now more than ever with all the nerfs brought in from all the patches.

I prefer the soulsborne games more overall.

Probably the best combat of any game, ever. Ironically the only game that comes close is NGB

What other heavy hitters?

basically this. I've been saying since Bloodborne and souls came out how gutted it feels compared to something like Ninja Gaiden. I mean, at 60FPS with instant response time, it just feels better and you're warranted to make legitimately more difficult content. Many Souls games bosses rely on gimmicks or randomization because the default input latency and low framerate don't physically allow more polished bosses.

this game is better than souls

I actually feel NGB is still better in combat, but Nioh is definitely close. I think Nioh 2 will be better though, honestly. This first attempt felt really strong, but Not quite as polished as I wanted. I can't wait for more unique enemy types and more interesting combat maneuvers.


Started out strong, but...

>level design boils down to bad looking mazes lacking recognizable landmarks
>difficulty is nothing but inflated numbers - of course your game is hard when everything kills you in one hit while you need to endlessly whack away at enemies
>absurd grind for loot and needlessly convoluted smithing system relying on random drops
>story is complete nonsense, but you get minute-long cutscenes anyway
>forgettable, repetitive music

Nioh could have been so great. The combat alone combined with some light RPG elements could have easily carried the game. Why they needed to burden it with so much useless shit is beyond me. Basically, what said.

I platinumed the game on both platforms, but everything beyond the first playthrough was work, not enjoyment.

absolutely nothing you said is remotely true

If it had more enemies and removed the random gear rerolling bullshit in the higher difficulties it would have been perfect. Still got more hours into it than the souls games at least.

The OST was really good, especially the boss themes

hows the pc port?
graphically and fps wise. is it locked?

I just hope they don't go through with making it in the Sengoku era again. Like as great as it was fighting Honda and Oda, they could do more with the stuff that happened after.

It is and you know it.

umm, no

the level design is pretty linear and straightforward, the set bonuses and stat optimization allows you to get exponentially stronger, the loot grind is pretty low because of umbracite, all of the characters are based off of historical figures, the plot itself is extremely straightforward and the music isn't bad either

ur gay

>opinions simply stating the opposite without anything to back it up
Also, the tracks you posted are hot garbage.

as if what you posted wasn't purely opinion in the first place

get fucked

Bad levels (oh boy more caves), lame enemy variety (these demons are different cuz they have rocks on their backs), and an awful RNG grindy crafting system shoehorned in to stretch the game out.

HOWEVER, the combat is so fucking good that it's worth playing anyway. I hope they hire a competent level designer for the sequel if they make one.

Also the story was complete pants, just let us make a custom character and don't try to make it all historical yet nonsensical.

My opinions are profound. Yours only reflect your shit taste.

your opinions are profoundly shit
go fuck off to worship TW3 or whatever garbage you subscribe yourself to

Heavy armor sucks, does it get better late game?

It was certainly the most fun, but I hope they redo the loot system if not take it out entirely. Number grinding is the antithesis of skill based gameplay.

heavy armor is great until WotW

Is this just a Dark Souls game with a samurai skin or is it actually worth playing?

it's not dark souls

Not him, but
>the level design is pretty linear and straightforward
Doesn't make them less maze-like.
>optimization allows you to get exponentially stronger
Never to a degree where you aren't heavily outleveled. You still die from 1-2 hits, you still need to massage enemies for minutes before they give up. And that is even if you did spend time and resources on optimizing your gear
>the loot grind is pretty low because of umbracite
LOL in no way does umbracite eliminate the grind for resources and money for soul matching, or smithing texts if you want specific gear.
>all of the characters are based off of historical figures, the plot itself is extremely straightforward
There literally is no plot. Nothing significant happens between William's arrival in Japan and the end. Characters resembling historical figures changes nothing.

Also the music is generic as fuck. Nioh was fun for a few hours, but doesn't deserve to be named in a single sentence with Bloodborne. Here's hoping From actually makes a Weeb Souls.

>but doesn't deserve to be named in a single sentence with Bloodborne
But it does, it's bosses and general gameplay are much better. Nioh's combat puts bloodbornes to shame

I enjoyed my time playing it and think its good (even if the DLC became more about grinding and min/maxing than fun) but HELL NO.

There were a lot of games this year I liked WAY more.

lol u mad cuz bad

How fucking pitiful is your life that you define yourself over hyping heavily flawed games like Nioh simply because they're not mainstream? Maybe suicide is your answer.

It's more Diablo than Dark Souls


>Never to a degree where you aren't heavily outleveled. You still die from 1-2 hits, you still need to massage enemies for minutes before they give up. And that is even if you did spend time and resources on optimizing your gear
Did you use tonfas and light armor for the whole game or something?

Are the DLC worth buying? I played through the main game once and didn't really have any desire to just replay the same shit in NG+, but I think I'd totally be up for new content.

It's loaded with too much bullshit for this to be true. From knows that less is more. Nioh seems like a mess of underdeveloped ideas in comparison.

Also, Nioh's areas don't hold a candle to Bloodborne's. The art is so far ahead, it's not even funny anymore.

Oh yeah, and Nioh recycles areas mercilessly.

Which diablo ? They're kinda different if you count D3.

Nioh is a weird bastardization of d3 and souls.
Still fun though.

It's okay, but beware: The DLC is the definition of stat-bloat.

Only played 3, basically trying to say it's heavily loot focused unlike DS

Odachi and Tonfa are fun but the difficulty is scaled around people that played through a good portion of NG+ so it'll be pretty miserable the first time around unless you grind.

smithing texts are worthless when ethereal gear exists

smithing texts are only necessary if you want to lower the stat requirements on your gear, but with no reason to limit level that makes forging unnecessary

divine + gear is acquired from naturally playing the game with no farm necessary and missions like restless spirits drops 2m gold per run

resources are basically non-issue

the biggest grind would be divine fragments, but umbracites are there to counter that randomness

there is only a large grind if you want statically perfect gear and for anything less than perfect by a 0.1 percentage point it doesn't matter

>Never to a degree where you aren't heavily outleveled
it completely depends on your gear, level and difficulty

on WotD in full, appropriate level tatenashi with proper use of wind/devigorate/weaken melee you are virtually unkillable, the most important thing being how you spec

and linear is literally the antithesis of maze-like

I liked it but wouldn't even put it in my top 5 of 2017

Game is so mediocre, and I really can’t fucking stand the comparisons to Soulsborne. This game, at most, is almost on par with Dark Souls 2.

Got to the Kinki region and stopped trying to enjoy it. Combat doesn’t feel satisfying. Bosses are either incredibly easy or flat out complete bullshit.
I can’t even describe what I find it so mediocre. Somehow the game made me feel literally nothing for every hour I put into it. Got so tired of just cheesing the game.

And genuinely, do stats do fucking anything in this game?
I specced for Katanas and tried a decent levelled Tonfa, and the damage difference was incredibly small.
Always felt like no matter how I specced my character I was doing it wrong.

What are the other games?

Not only are the levels repetitive as fuck the loot grinding autistic as fuck and is content constantly rehashed across regions (fighting the same bosses and doing the same side missions cross region) but the game completely breaks on higher difficulties. Way of the Wise and Way of the Nioh might be the most awfully designed NG+ modes I've ever played. Then you just have plainly unfair DLC bosses like Masamune Yukimura and Maria and you have a game with great combat ruined by cheap bullshit and autism.

That’s literally the point of Souls combat. It’s not action cancelling chain combos. It’s big lumbering swings that have consequences.

on the spectrum of souls games that are most similar to Nioh, Dark Souls 2 is on the furthest possible end

yes, stats matter

builds are everything, you're just shit

>Budget Souls


pick one and only one

I liked the music but everything else is true. Levels with no recognisable landmarks really irked me.

souls, like everyone else

unless it's 2 or 3

both horribly shit games

>level design boils down to bad looking mazes lacking recognizable landmarks
For the most part true until the DLCs

>difficulty is nothing but inflated numbers - of course your game is hard when everything kills you in one hit while you need to endlessly whack away at enemies
Don't make a glass cannon build if you don't want to be 1 hit. Even on WotN you can not be 1 hit by the hardest hitting things in the game with the appropriate builds.

>absurd grind for loot and needlessly convoluted smithing system relying on random drops
It's a loot grind game, its also one of the most lax in terms of time grinding to getting something new in its genre. The crafting system is also incredibly customisable allowing you to achieve your desired goal much faster than other loot grind games.

>story is complete nonsense, but you get minute-long cutscenes anyway
This is your bad, the story isn't nonsense at all.

>forgettable, repetitive music
Simply not true, it has some stinkers but it has a bunch of solid music.

Stop defending a game that everyone outside of a few hipsters on Sup Forums agrees is mediocre

Nigga, you spend three playthroughs before ethereal gear even starts dropping. That's the opposite of an argument. And even then, the point still stands: rng is necessary if I want specific gear.

And resources, you run out of money pretty fast if you optimize via reforge or soul matching. Even umbracite doesn't grant every wish you might have. And it's finite, which means grinding again.

Mazes are nothing more than a bunch of linear corridors sometimes not leading towards the exit, which is Nioh's level design in a nutshell.

>Even on WotN you can not be 1 hit by the hardest hitting things in the game with the appropriate builds
Untrue all you do on WotN is spam quick change or you're fucked. Also the story isn't nonsense its just barely fucking there and shitty. Its hilarious how a game with more cutscenes than souls/bloodborne can have a story that is even more bare bones.

Trying it out, thanks for the input boys.

Full heavy gear body/strength builds totally negate 1 hits outside of extreme cases on WotN.



Post proof. My character has 7.4k hp and is getting one-two shot by skeletons.

>Taking 7.4k damage in 1 hit after heavy armor mitigation from generic skeletons

talk out your ass more bruh

It’s good that you enjoyed it user.
That doesn’t mean it’s not painfully average.

Bloodborne = Dark Souls 1 > Demon Souls = Nioh > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2

>you spend three playthroughs before ethereal gear even starts dropping
That's nice, but it doesn't change the fact that forging is unnecessary unless you want to autistically set a self imposed cap on level and optimize around it.

>rng is necessary if I want specific gear
You get a gorrillian dupilcates of every single set in the game from revenants, to the point that you just end up disassembling 95% of it for the divine fragments. And if you don't get it from revenants, you just farm the boss that drops it a few times. Getting the gear set you want is incredibly easy for divine gear.

>you run out of money pretty fast if you optimize via reforge or soul matching
Once again, a run of restless spirits gets you 2 million gold. A run of restless spirits takes no more than a few minutes.

>Even umbracite doesn't grant every wish you might have
Yes, it actually does. Reforge three stats then check umbracite. If you don't see the stat you want, reforge 3 more stats and repeat. Umbracite is extremely efficient for getting the rolls you want and the difference between umbracite rolls and autistic divine reforging is literally a 0.1%. So if you want to go full autism, yes, it's a grind. If you are okay with a 0.1% difference in final blow damage or something, then no, it doesn't matter and it's hardly a farm at all.

>it's finite, which means grinding again
You get one guaranteed umbracite of varying quality from a coop session which takes

I don't find joy in painfully average games. This one is better than souls.

Some people enjoy mediocre games. I enjoy the Mad Max game. But I know it’s mediocre.
Nioh is mediocre.

Kato is the best spirit in the game so pick him for your starter.
Tonfas require a lot of work to be as good as other weapons, but other than that you should do whatever you feel like because everything is viable.

nioh has objectively better combat than souls, so I guess you're calling souls shit

I have a theory that anyone excessively praising the game is a NEET. How far off am I?

you're not far off because the gear/gear stat system is an autist's playground

lol Nope.

>trying out odachis for the achievement
>end up enjoying it
Spearfag range without the taste of dick in my mouth. I like it.

GOTY 2017 was certainly not the shitty bastard child of Ninja Gaiden and Dark Souls that fails to be half as good as either.

maybe for you but mine was NieR: Automata

>stats matter
>not skill

stats, builds and skill matters

the amount of skill necessary is dependent on how well you build

>mfw I've autistically mained 1 kat for 60 hours straight

I'd say it's more like your build determines the kind of skills you need.
If you're a tank with a heavy weapon you learn when to take small knicks to hit back with massive damage, learn what each attack does to your guard and how to keep enough ki for a freak guard.
If you're running glass cannon you learn how to keep sneaking in hits while you dodge around waiting for your opening to deal massive damage. Learning where to position yourself and really honing your dodges to get the absolute most out of your short iframes.

best weapon class, prove me wrong.

>Nioh > Dark Souls 3



dark souls 2 and 3 are trash

40+ tries to kill Umi-Bozu. Fuck this boss.

hyottoko masks + light all the fires = ez

I agree. Had more fun with it than anything else.

You know you can light your weapon on fire using the bonfires right?

> Kato is the best spirit in the game
Newfag detected

Shit taste of a pleb

>mfw try every weapon for the dojo mission
>All of them are good
Its just like when they say are girls are good,you just dont belive it at first

>ok first just hit level 300 and wear this set of eth gear and these two spirits
Good advice bro.