What the FUCK was her problem?

What the FUCK was her problem?

Her hometown got Mana-Nuked.

That she is only second best girl after Sylvanas.


What the fuck is your problem posting this shit thread every day?

She got redpilled about the horde, it only took 12 years and her city to be nuked to finally change her mind.

Her feelings for Thrall were unrequited. Women handle being friendzoned worse than men do.

Her hair clip

Horde keep muckin things up and her daddy's righteous horde rage is finally kicking in



pick one and only one

She can't hatefuck Sylvannas because she's a decaying corpse. Jaina is also rotter but that is on he inside.

She's a miracle of the universe and didn't do anything wrong.

She did literally nothing wrong.


they needed a leader that absolutely hated the horde after they decided to make varian super king


>obvious clipping in a promotional image
When will video games get past this?

What the fuck is your problem? Why are you on a image board complaining about a fictional character instead of being outside and getting some pussy? Did Chad and Tyrone looked at you funny? Did they hurt your feeling? And did they steal that cute girl you were looking in your classroom. I don't why you obsess over this instead of making your parents happy. The only way for them to be completed disappointed in you if you traped for Chad and Tyrone and get fucked in front of your parents while saying "are you of me now mom and dad?" "Look what your boy become".

Clipping? Or promotional images including clipping?

Clipping can be fixed it just requires a fair amount of resources.

someone needs to do a picture of punished jaina playing an accordian while looking forward sternly


>create a neutral harbor
>let alliance use it to bring their tanks to Kalimdor and attack the barrens
>get pissy when the horde attacks the harbor


Ever since icc (where arthas raped her with an ice shard cock until she suffered a mental breakdown), jaina has never been the same

Justifications don't really matter. Horde are filth that should be exterminated.

She didn't listen to her father. The horde will never stop killing. They need to be put down.

From my point of view it is the lifecucks who are evil

She got what was coming to her. She shouldn't have broken Theramore's neutrality, and she shouldn't have started slaughtering innocent civilians in Dalaran. She's gone through a lot, but she's still a self centered bitch.

losing Arthas & him becoming a Columbine-tier killer but on a wordlwide scale because she wouldn't give up the wizard-puss, killed her own dad for her "ideals" with a half-orc half-ogre, then mad Thrall stepped down and let an orc with dady-issues nuke her hometown despite building a fucking battlebridge straight into the barrens and killing tauren. Just your typical woman given too many leader privileges without any credentials.

I can wait for Sylvanas to die. Such a retarded choice for a leader, the horde deserve someone much better. It does not even make sense. Its for the SJWs and the PC fags, i fucking swear.


>tfw ywn commit necrophilia with sylvanas

I mean, they haven't changed Warchiefs for like 2 weeks, so it'll be due.

Apparently they have the general story arc planned out multiple expansions ahead of time, so let's hope they actually do something worthwhile and constructive with Sylvanas as warchief, but it's Blizzard writing, so they won't. I would have even taken fucking Lor'themar over Sylvanas.

Shes the only character left in WoW that is even remotely relatable or acts like an actual person. Blizzard's writers have to be the shittiest writers on the planet.

she is a whore that betrayed her king


Except she has some of the worst writing in the entire game. They have no clue what to do with her character so they kind of use her as a catalyst for certain events. Ignoring how she was actually previously written as a character. One minute she loves the Horde and wants peace, the next she wants to literally exterminate them, it's been going back and forth for awhile now until they needed a "villain" for the Horde player. Not to mention most of her "growth" ie: the bombing of Theramore, was her fault to begin with. It would be fine if they wrote her in a way which made it seem like she slowly evolved to get to where she's at now, but it more so looks like she's just a schizophrenic bipolar.

that's ok they will make her something like elune reincarnated and she burned down the nelf tree because it was an old god, then she will assend into the sky with fire wings and then become the leader of the horde and ally

Don't say that, because they might actually do it.


>a sexy elf lady who was murdered by a man is for SJWs

you've gone beyond the pale with this one

>One minute she loves the Horde and wants peace

She wanted peace, but she only liked Thrall, because he wanted peace.

>next she wants to literally exterminate them

When you're the person who extends the olive branch, and the people you're trying to make peace with keep fucking up and then eventually nuke your home, that's gonna fuckin' happen.

Did you forget wrathgate? The horde is tacitly responsible for that by virture of siding with the forsaken, but even THEN Jaina defended the horde. She got fooled one time too many. Her becoming bitter didn't fucking happen overnight, it was building for ages.

>was her fault to begin with

Nice victim blaming.

Also daily reminder that Garrosh was already planning to secure Kalimdor before any efforts were made by Theramore to reinforce the completely legitmate Alliance presence on the continent of the world that they are actually from and not alien invaders in.

Baine fucking Bloodhoof is the one who warned Jaina about Garrosh's plans, did you forget that too? Even a Horde leader could see Garrosh's actions were bullshit.

You aren't paying attention if you think Jaina is now a "bad guy" or that it was just a switch blizzard flipped to create drama.