Will the repeal of Net Neutrality finally kill of LPs on Youtube for good?

Will the repeal of Net Neutrality finally kill of LPs on Youtube for good?

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No, well done faggot


>Ajit Pai and the FCC commission only have this much power because of the the very Title II regulations they repealed

yes, everything you hate will be gone
everything you like will also be gone, and will probably be gone first

>people don't seem to remember that the net neutrality law was around since like 2014
>Nothing will probably change but people are still freaking out

Something bad is going to happen. The internet is way too big for this, its not like television. TV is a dead medium anyways, the internet is far from dead.

I hope so.

>not smol Indian
Shit meme


>government regulation of information is a GOOD thing
lol today has been great for reactions of idiots

Friendly reminder


I fucking wish.

It's not all bad.

I want twitter and netflix to finally die
Fucking normalfags

That's essentially why repubs regulations, gaming related or no, tend to be very short term. They essentially kill all of their power, then next term dems bring the power back.

Why is this board so triggered by e-celebs? I don't get it.
I don't watch any, but I don't care about them or acknowledge their existence at all.


isp can show the xkcd comic as long as they want because they are private companies but the government must respect the constitution.
>inb4 the government don't give shit about the constitution

Everyone keeps complaining about how they don't want companies to be able to charge for selected access to sites. Nobody seems to have figured out that the first company that tries to do so is going to nose dive into the ground because everyone hates it.

fuck you leddit
the poo browses Sup Forums so we're good

actually that's hate speech, time to get arrested you bigot

>why is this board so triggered about something that doesn't belong

Based Oppai

1. ISPs can not block or throttle you if it's not explicitly stated in the contract. Even under Title I regulation the FCC can still step in in matters of transparency.

2. Even if they make a new contract that explicitly states that they are going to erect a paywall on certain sites, the FTC would step in because A) They've all gone on public record saying that they wouldn't (dishonesty) and B) it would give their economic partners an unfair advantage (anti-competition and unfairness to the consumer)

in america it doesn't matter because in a lot of places there's only one provider "playing ball" as it were, because your only alternative is some no-name with questionable uptime and a much smaller fraction of the speed

too bad 3/4 of all americans only have access to 1 ISP in their local area, so they could do anything they want and customers can't do shit

Because Sup Forums is full of jealous and butthurt children.

>will repealing something that's only been enforced for 2 years kill off something that's been around something far longer than that
This is how stupid you sound

It wasn't regulating information, it was regulating ISPs to keep them from throttling access to things that they didn't want their costumers to use.

so why don't those same ISPs just charge $500 a month for internet? Everyone needs it and they're the only ones available after all, and all corporations are by default evil and want the most money possible

>deals were made with netflix to extort money so the ISPs stop fucking throttling

thats a fucking roundabout way of saying that they were actaully throttling netflix

I love how this number gets bigger and bigger and bigger by the day
>almost a third!
>almost half!!
>over half!!!

You know what's even stupider than that?

Yeah exactly like shitty business practices in video games like microtransactions and lootboxes! You tell 'em.

>companies should be allowed to go ape-wild so they can squeeze more money out of me

Damn, I hope you're not doing this for free.

No, we don't want any more immigrants, they take all the jobs and can't even make a double double correctly.

Reducing the government's power is a good thing.

I love how think calling their congressman matters, it's common knowledge that ISPs pay politicians off to vote against it, wouldn't be surprised it was mostly democrats, and even if they do manage to get enough votes, Trump would just veto it anyway and then they have to get a 2/3 vote, which is significantly harder

I mean, Battlefront II got BTFO for it's microtransaction system

I am guessing that someone will pull a gun and shoot him dead.This is America after all.

Except it was found that Netflix was the one throttling people themselves, deliberately so in order to make up a case against Comcast since Netflix was refusing to pay their fair share.

whats LP?
Long Play?

>as long as it's not the gubermint!

fuck off ancap scum


If you really think future EA games won't still have micro-transactions, you must be extremely naive.

>>companies should be allowed to go ape-wild so they can squeeze more money out of me

Yeah remember when they did this before 2014 :O

Oh wait


>its ok if corporations do it
oy vey

>something that's been around something far longer than that
yeah man, 3 whole decades. and it's barely changed at all in that time. it'll be around forever


Good riddance

I agree, if someone is willing to buy it, then I should be able to sell it, no matter what it is.

Every criticism about corporations applies to the government except the government has no incentive to improve itself because it's illegal to choose an alternative. The government is a business that has a monopoly on whatever it feels like and you can't do anything about it. Businesses are effectively regulated by market forces.

>free market
>3 companies have s monopoly on the entire ISP industry
I hope this is bait.

because there isn't literally only 1 ISP in the area, just others that have no branding and often have lesser bandwidth

If your choices are 60mbps for $40 or 300mbps for $100, to throw out numbers from my ass, its more enticing to get the 300mbps package if you sometimes need more than 60mbps. However, if its then 60 mbps for $40 and 300 mbps for $500, you might just make do with the 60 mbps since you can't afford the $450

Because locking out poor people from their service will negate the price increase profits. There's a shitload more poorfags than richfags

That's just a straight up lie, most people have access to at least 40 internet providers

>Net Neutrality is a conspiracy

>Watch vidya video that pops up in recommendations
>Some kind of vidya news/commentary/analysis channel
>Starts video talking about NN
>Claims that NN is responsible for channels like his being able to persist
Am I uninformed or does no one actually know what Net Neutrality is?

This, where I live there is literally only one ISP. There isn't even a shitty no-name alternative, it IS the shitty no-name. They already gouge you every way they can get away with. In order to get internet faster than 5mb/s you need to get one of their phone/internet/cable packages, with the net result that I'm forced to pay $70/month to get even just 15mb/s (~2mB/s).

I don't see this improving with the repeal of NN.

>except the government has no incentive to improve itself because it's illegal to choose an alternative
Holy shit are you retarded. Do you even know what a democracy is or how it works.
Oh right you're American with a two party system lmao.

I do and it sucked, good thing they were limited in their power to fuck people over until now. Also if this does go through, the GOP will try to repeal even more laws related to it if the ISPs think they can get away with it and throw money at them for it like they're doing with the NN repeal.

It'll improve because they'll be fucking you over harder, but at least the gubments not as big!!!

Do you expect people to pay $1000 a month for a leased line to a business fiber network? We're talking about customers looking for Internet access for their homes that is affordable enough to justify.

are you having a stroke?

>the government is a business that has a monopoly on whatever it feels like
>what are elections
republicucks are retarded as usual
politicians who blatantly vote against their constituents' interests risk losing their next election in favor of somebody who the people want.

>right to free speech absolutely only includes that the government itself can't obstruct your expression of opinion
Surely it also means fellow citizens aren't allowed to obstruct it?

>what are 4G networks
>what is satellite

Now that NN is repealed, we should start trying to declassify electricity, gas, and water services as utilities as well, so that we can reduce the government meddling in private business and encourage competition.

>I agree, if someone is willing to buy it, then I should be able to sell it, no matter what it is.
So basically you're saying you're okay with drug dealers, black market weapons being sold to terrorists, and child prostitution then?


I'm sorry, what? I can fire my governor, I can't fire someone from a buisness that they own. You have less control over a CEO than a Senator, that's why Sentator's suck up to CEOs for campaign money so they don't have to be as scared of their constituents actually voting based on who seems less likely to fuck them over rather than just who paid for the biggest add blitz.

as long as there's a market, there's a sale baby

This is the part I don't understand. Maybe I'm just a brainlet, but if these regulations were so important, wouldn't people have noticed when they were first implemented? "Oh thank god we have net neutrality now," or something.

But nobody did and the internet was mostly fine before they came into effect.

If it's really just about streaming video and other high-intensity traffic, then ok this repeal might be bad for heavy netflix users or Netflix itself but it's not the end of the world.

I mean, the government does all of those things, so why not?

Just get rid of the government entirely if you're going to let corporations rule your lives. We might as well be living in Bioshock at that point.

Smudboy seems to be one of the only people on Youtube that actually tries to explain on a technical level what it is. Unfortunately since he isn't some meme LPer that spouts cringey shit and crying about gibs no one will ever see it.


>implying elections do shit
Senators have an insane reelection rate because nobody gives a fuck. Nobody votes for them because everybody thinks that the president is the "leader". You can't do anything about a senator that you don't like.

>I do and it sucked,

Nice lie shareblue

but at least we won't be commies!

NN threads have been getting deleted because they belong on Sup Forums.

>satellite and 4g
>being competitive at fucking all with landline internet

Nigger have you ever even used a satellite connection? It's literally the worst. I know because I lived with it for years.

t. citydwelling cakeboy who has never lived in an area with a monopolized ISP

>mfw Sup Forums only supports repealing NN cause Reddit is against it
honestly the dumbest fucking people

Stop being a manchildren

Internet isnt everything go outside and live

They did. It's why people like the Roosevelts were seen as the saviors of this country from the free-market bullshit that made them all wage slaves in awful conditions.

Companies (i.e. Comcast) keeps buying out the competition.


/ourACTUALguy/ Troy Leavitt has a neat take on the subject.


waste management seems to do well as a utility service while being privately owned

>reddit spacing
Checks out.

Nigger do you know anything about the fucking Constitution of the United States? It's not rules for the common person or corporations they're rules for the fucking government.

They don't.

>You can't do anything about a senator that you don't like.
No, you've never tried doing anything.

Yeah, I'm sure that's what it is and it isn't just you pulling numbers out of your ass.

I'm just going with the flow of repealing NN. The GOP says repealing it is good for the people, so with that exact logic, we should also declassify electricity and gas and such as well, since they're in the exact same boat.

This whole thing started because Comcast was throttling Netflix over bandwidth fees, instead of paying their fees they sucked up to the government to avoid it and now that consumers pay for that bandwidth, it actually had a negative economic impact on consumers and people think it's okay because Obama said it was okay and it had a nice name

>Hates Satellite internet
What's wrong goy don't like silky smooth 10kb/s downloads?