Think it's getting revealed tomorrow?

Think it's getting revealed tomorrow?

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No, Switch is too weak to run DS3

No, because FROM is retarded and so is Bandai Namco

I doubt Nintendudes would like DaS.

Is something happening tomorrow?

I'm probably gonna get a taco after my exam

I hope its only the first two, no way FROM can optimally port 3

I hope you fail and don't get a taco.

Why is nintendo the only console to get these fake mock ups?


>switch has so few games fans have to pretend games are being ported

>essential collection
>No bloodborne
>not even demon's souls
>the shitty fucking switch hardware dropping frames worse than no DSfix pc in blighttown swamp and new londo ladder
I hope it gets revealed tomorrow just so I can laugh at nitendawgz.

why would it be announced tomorrow? is there an event happening?

If Dark Souls comes to Switch it will probably be in the worst way possible, which can be any one or a combination of the following

>only Dark Souls 1 released and at full price ($60), with the other sequels to be released very slowly or not at all
>Dark Souls trilogy but each costs $60
>Dark Souls trilogy but no physical version
>if they come together only one will be on the cartridge while the other two have to be downloaded
>framerates and general performance even worse than the original Xbox 360/PS3 versions somehow
>no PtD, SotS or Ringed City, have to be purchased separately or aren't available at all

Would they even be able to fit the DaS trilogy on a Switch cartridge?

Jesus. What says about Sup Forums is true. This really is the worst place on the Internet.

Someon named Marcus Sellars on Twitter posted that there would be a Namco event December 15 and Nintendo would have a big presence.

In the article I posted, someone stated they heard there would be a closed door Namco event in Paris, although he hasn't heard much about a big Nintendo presence.

Runs Doom and Wolfenstein just fine user. Runs Yooka Laylee too.

oh, yeah i remember that event. but i heard later it was canceled or fake news or something. any proof its still going?

They could release multiple carts in a set y'know.

Yes, with completely neutered visuals and resolution, and runs worse in TV mode.

The fact that Xenosaga is on that list confirms that it’s not gonna happen. Bamco hates Xenosaga

So don't buy it.

But don't talk a bunch of horseshit about how it CAN'T run it. Because that's a load of shit.

Better to just play it on it's preferred console then. Might as well not exist.

Just give me the Xenosaga HD Collection and I'll be happy.
Hell, just give me Episode 1 and 3.

That sounds outrageously expensive.

All three Dark Souls games would be about 40 GB, I think Switch game cards go up to 32 GB, although I'm not sure what's stopping them from making bigger sizes of card since SD cards can hold way more.

Unfortunately, considering that Bayonetta 2 comes on the cartridge but Bayonetta 1 has to be downloaded, I really can't see Nintendo putting all three Souls games on a single cartridge, although it would be nice.

>30 fps
no, it doesn't run them "fine"

Nintendo cucks dreaming about ports? Hmm...

Is this generation of games really just people buying the same exact game over and over again

Even skyrim port bombed, there is no way they buy this

No way they’d release this only on Switch

You know how much money they would make fixing DS1 and DS2 then putting it all into a collection? Releasing it just on the switch would be literally retarded

from couldn't port ds1 to pc optimally and you think they can port ds3 to switch

30 fps is perfectly playable.

>this is what console children believe

nothing is happening tomorrow faggot it was just fake news.

why are the jap covers so much better

what's tomorrow

>Dark Souls collection
>Two games that DON’T have Dark Souls in the name and are exclusives on another platform

>buy physical copy of Dark Souls Collection
>2 of the 3 games are digital download codes

>I can't handle watching lower fps
>I'm the superior one
You know there is a lot of 60fps console games now and people switch between them and regular games all of the time

>there is a lot of 60fps console games now
nice joke

my birthday

any plans
you should buy yourself a video game, treat yourself