Resident Evil Thread.
Give me your unpopular opinions regarding the franchise.
Personally, I think Resident Evil 1 is the best the series has to offer.
Resident Evil Thread?
remake > 2 = 1 > CV/3 = 4 > 0 >> 5 >> 6
REmake 2 is dead.
My unpopular opinion is that I sincerely hope REmake 2 is first person VR.
1 was good 2 was better 3 was abit more action-y but still a good game.
the spin offs werent that bad, solid gameplay and puzzles. 4 5 6 were just fragrant bullshit
who's the guy on the cover?
Have never played 2 or 3. Are the Gamecube versions good, or should I try to get them somewhere else?
Playing through Revelations 2. I'm glad Raid mode in this had regular zombies in addition to the other enemies from other games.
Story mode so far is allright. Feels like Resident Evil 4 part 2 with Ashley actually being useful.
Umbrella Chronicles is underrated as a nostalgia side game
Best version of RE1 is the DS port
Agreed on the spoiler. Is Raid Mode in Rev 2 as good as Rev 1?
Classic friendless ranking.
I really need to get on with REV2. While I never played REV1, my brother told me it isn't all that great. I feel a little hypocrital wanting a game with Barry for so long and not getting around to playing it. I am working through RE7's new DLC modes now, so that is capturing more of my attention.
The two new modes are good as well. I'd probably give Chris's campaign a 7/10, since it was a little too short and linear, but it had some nice action set-pieces that you would expect as the final act of a RE game and a great final boss monster design. I haven't finished End of Zoe but the mode is so silly and goofy that it is very charming. Just some crazy mofo punching everything and eating bugs. Since it feels longer I am liking it more.
Re1-4 is all you need. Same with SH. 0 Was alright tho.
Nah it's shite. Tons of grinding and multiple currency bullshit geared towards microtransactions. Raid 1 was awesome tho
>Personally, I think Resident Evil 1 is the best the series has to offer
It is my personal fave but idk if it is objectively the best.
This isn't a bad ranking actually
What makes you think that?
They're good.
RE1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> REmake
I tried playing 4 again after a few years' hiatus and I have no fucking idea how I beat this game. I have zero muscle memory for the controls, but somehow I did great the last time I played.
have you tried gitting gud?
>just noticed those faces in OP's pic
What about the spiders?
I loved UC for what it was, wasn't a big fan of how the RE3 segment glossed over so many details but the side stories were cool and the game offered closure on a lot of things
4th survivor was honestly terrifying, with the radio chatter and everything
Reposting from other thread. Objective list. Disagree, and I might question your intelligence.
REmake/1 > 4 > CV > 2 > 3 > 7 > CVX > REV1 > 5 > 6 > REV2
Where does 0 fit?
Shit, I knew I forgot something. I'd put it between REV1 and 5. I still think it's the worst of the classic RE games. And on second thought, I'd be willing to switch 3 and 7 around or have them equal.
The Saturn version is great to the changes they made in the tyrant fight. Worth a replay if youve played the PS1 version, but you shouldnt spoil it for yourself
Interesting... not many folks who put a classic-style entry at number one would follow with an action oriented one. Either you judge each title strictly on their own merit as a game, or you're grading entirely on nostalgia
I like the movies. Yeah they suck, but you know what? Sometimes I like watching bad movies.
6 is a good game and has the best gameplay and there is nothing you can do to change that
I judge them on their own merit, I'd say. I have more playtime on RE5 than any other game in the series, but I still consider it weaker than the rest for how it was handled and what it represents. Maybe if Capcom stuck to their guns and gave us a game closer to the reveal trailer, I'd change my opinion. Despite that, it was still just a mediocre shooter with outdated controls.
which do you prefer
I really don't agree with people who think that non-DS OST is universally better in every way.
I'm more concerned about the guy with the gun how did it take me so many years to realize?
>5 and 6 are so bad that they absolutely require co-op to produce any enjoyment
Nice touch with that implication. I doubt many got it.
I think playing REmake without the orignal tank controls is better.
serious talk
OG version sounds better initially but it ends up feeling unfinished, like it's a first draft or something.
DC version sounds better overall.
>his parents didn't give him a sibling
Its a mashup of a bunch of different images. Its not even Chris on the cover.
Operation Racoon City is a pretty good game.
The franchise was never good whatsoever
As a guy who was mostly playing Quake on PC at the time I felt the gaming community was missing out. People acted like RE with it's tank controls was revolutionary when quake was out with internet play. Lol.
I tried that once, it's fucking ridiculous.
>Run forward by pulling down analog stick
>Camera angle changes
>Pulling down analog stick now corresponds to running back the way I came
>Camera angle changes again
>Repeats several times a second
Static camera angles are precisely the reason why tank controls exist in the first place. RE6 and Chris' campaign is proof that angle-dependent controls are completely incompatible with arbitrary camera angle changes.
....I'm okay with this.
>still living with your siblings at the time RE5 is released
>let alone RE6
underage pls go
classic RE is meant to be played with a d-pad
any other opinion is objective wrong and you can get fucked to be quite honest
What's wrong with Rev2? Was about to buy it for my switch
>Being an only child
Must hurt
user RE5 is 9 years old now.
Yes, if they're stupid ass Americans running away at 18 for the debt machine they would still be 23 today
7 > all
>what is playing on PC
I have a confession
I haven't played it. I just placed it at the bottom but it's the only Resident Evil game that looked so bland and uninteresting, that I hated it without even playing it. Give it a shot, though.
It's on sale on PS4 so I might cave in and buy it.
I dunno but it looks like it could harpoon a motherfucker in half
Remake>1>2>4>5(with coop)>7>3>5>CE>6
>tfw still living with parents
>tfw full time job after college
>tfw don't have to pay for rent, food, utilities
>tfw will have a shit ton of money saved up for when I do move out in the future
I love my parents
>hate the awful box art
>one day realize that instead of Chris's face being poorly drawn it's intended to be half in fear to show it's a horror game
>love the awful box art
There's absolutely nothing about what you pointed out that contradicts anything I said.
user please. The controls 100% perfect.
>on default dpad is old tank controls and analogue stick is new control scheme
>navigate screens with dpad
>circle around and avoid enemies with the stick
Literally perfect. Wouldn't wanna go back to only tank controls
You do realize that new scheme is an after-thought and that the game wasn't built with it in mind? You do understand that its literally a cheat of sorts and that you move way faster and quicker with that scheme than you are supposed to?
Might as well play on easy, doesn't matter.
why do amerimutt cover art always suck?
I enjoyed 7. 1 and 4 are my favorites though.
Well I finished the game on real survival anyway so that was my "normal" playthrough then
>user please. The controls 100% perfect.
7 is garbage and should not exist
why doesn't she put on a little weight if she wants to cosplay as jill instead of a skeleton? I know she's the facial capture of jill but she looks like a recovering meth addict, not jill
>DS port
Are you fuckers memeing? I've never played an RE game and want to start from 1 (not the remake). Should I play the PS1 original, PS1 DC or DS?
The REmake is actually tense at points and a good game. You probably will get scared or atleast filled with dread at times. The original is only worth a play if you are looking for a laugh or like jacking off to shitty 90s polygons.
DS is a bit easier, there is quick turn, designated knife button, reload button etc. It should be played later on just for the novelty.
There is PS1 original, PS1 directors cut and PS1 directors cut Dualshock edition. PS1 and PS1 DC have original OST, DC dualshock has a new OST. Get te non-dualshock. DC.
You can select the original campaign in Directors Cut anyway for what its worth. However, arrange (new campaign) has a new default handgun that is a lot more powerful and that can roll critical headshots, which happens often and overall makes the game a lot easier. Just something to take into account.
tl;dr a lot of autistic differences but its honestly all the same except don't play REmake first because REmake was designed in mind with people who played original first because the game fucks with you intentionally, playing off your previous knowledge of the game.
>playing REmake without playing original first
Jesus christ, at least contain your shitty opinions to yourself. Gameplay is literally the same.
It's literally not. I wouldn't the original to anyone as their first entry into the series especially in 2017.
Yes gameplay is the same. Except in REmake you have shitty instant defensive items that are basically "get out of jail free" cards, making the game easy as shit. Not to mention how said items don't even take inventory slots.
Seriously, fuck off.
Evil within 2 is the most resident evil game out.
The original is just as easy with tilting the shotgun up and one shotting every zombie. The crimson heads in REmake are one of the best things to ever hit this franchise. Why are you so defensive?
user you clearly didn't even play the original. In original you don't even have to tilt the shotgun up to decapitate zombies.
I am defensive because you are openly shitting on a game and claiming how said game should be avoided at all costs, when in reality its not only a classic but an essential experience if you want to enjoy REmake after it the way it was meant to be enjoyed. Which you clearly don't and didn't.
RE1 aged like shit in visual aspect, but it still looks okay enough if you play on real hardware. Regardless to visuals, controls are tight and responsive and it plays just the same as REmake.
There are like 4 crimsonheads that you will encounter in REmake. It's one of the most overstated gimmicks. On my blind run I didnt even bother burning them because it was pointless given how little time i would spent around them at that point in the game.
Lots of implications there, friend. I played the shit out of the original as a kid. You want a timestamp of my birth certificate or something?
Not something I would recommend to someone as their first entry unless they really like playing as a square fighting other square shaped objects. The whole game plays as some campy b-movie too. Now RE2, I could recommend that as a good starting point but REmake is where I'd suggest. Keep being mad though I guess.
>lol umad!!!!
Friend not everyone has issues playing old games like you seem to have. I grew up with ps1 games and I am well used to them at this point. Telling someone to avoid playing a game because it doesn't look pretty enough is plain and simply dumb.
It's boring. Empty hallway after empty hallway and shit dialogue.
Gaiden is good
Raid mode in Rev2 is addictive as fuck and Moira is my main. I have NEVER spent this much time on a “mercs” mode in an RE game and i literally cannot tell you what makes this one so good. I am STILL playing it regularly.
>not posting the music
>youre about 13
>its around 1999
>youve played shooters before
>you take this home from video ezy
>jam it in ps
>turn it on
>play to first zombie cutscene
many boys am become men through that fucking game cover.
Are there more jrpg with an active element as seen in that gif you are aware of?
>be 8
>get childminded after school
>play PlayStation with daughter
>her dad has RE1
>must be an army man game
>load a save rather than new game
>its a house?
>walk upstairs
>some dude down the hall
>a hostage or something are we here to rescue him?
>starts eating Chris
>blood everywhere
>he dies in a mess on the floor
Shadow Hearts 2.
Grandia games, to a degree.
Thanks, minasan. I'll emulate the non-DS Director's Cut as soon as I get a new controller. I'm thinking of going chronological, so I won't play REmake before the first three.
I know about the dualshock edition OST, btw.
New OST is not completely horrible, here's an example. There are couple of tunes that are straight up more fitting in the new one. But save theme is vastly superior in original and that's what matters. At some point down the line if you get an itching for a classic RE again, give it a shot.
But we actually did something to change that...we complained soo much that the next title becomes a FPS.We thankfully will never see a RE like 6 again.And that you have to deal with it bitchboy
Something more akin to southpark stick of truth maybe? Ill probably play gaiden since it fits my description somewhat
Gaiden is pretty horrible dude, don't get your hopes too high. Its very trial and error because typically you dont find keys dumped around but instead have to kill enemies who drop them. And you never know which enemies. Its not that hard but its a depararture in every way of principle from classic RE games.
Unironically if you like timed inputs I think you should give The Witcher 1 a chance, its a marvelous game.
I think it's a good game but some things are just fucking retarded like the very limited inventory and if you pick up an item you can't get rid of it but have to go back to the place where you found it, it's just fucking annoying.
Fun fact, my cousin designed that cover.
Shit witcher 2 and 3 were absolutely disappointing in the combat department are you sure this will fit the bill? Not that i dont trust you but, my internet is kinda limited and downloading takes ages.
Be a10 year old
>finally got a ps1 the big videogame in the time
>Heard in magazines how RE2 was amazing
>Get it start game.
>Cant movie the character right because the concept of tank controls are a alien idea for me
>Cant shoot right because "using two buttons to shoot WTF?"
>See the death scene
>Cry like a bitch for like 10 minutes
>Parents still mocks me to this day
Yes. TW1 basically you aim at an enemy and click once. Then the cursor changes color and you are meant to click again when its fully charged, and attacks fail if you miss. Its simple but addictive. Also there are couple of different combat stances depending on amount and type of enemies so rhythms vary a lot. Its very comfy and animations are pretty good for the time, you are selecting the enemies and clicking properly and Geralt is slaying shit left and right. Its an RPG in true sense.
what gun is he holding? i never figured it out.
failed experiment tier.