What games let me climb tall as fuck towers?

What games let me climb tall as fuck towers?

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Infamous and Infamous 2

Grow Home

lol this dumbass felt to his death after climbing a 60 story building

Did he die

>living in such a shit country that climbing buildings is the only way to pass the time

I didn't realize a man could feel to death user. What a terrible fate.


If you fell from a 60 story building, would you have enough time to strip naked and jack off before you hit the ground?


He survived the 60 story fall with cuts and bruises

>climbs buildings like this all the time
>gets a big contest deal to get a ton of money for doing one
>plans on using it to marry his gf
>falls to his death from the very top because he couldn't do one pullup

as the old saying goes, play stupid games, win stupid prizes

Russians BTFO chinks

What's the body going to be end up like if you fell from a 60story high building?


Mirror's Edge 1 and 2

That's a man?? No wonder asian women want big white cock.

You hit terminal velocity before you hit the ground, so no worse than whatever height that would be.

Why did you make this thread again

Mashed potatoes

My fucking dick is shriveling up while watching this

>he did it to pay for his mom's hospital bills and to propose to his gf
It hurts every time to see him struggle

Lol what a retard

look up broken heart syndrome

he's dead you retarded nigger, what the fuck are you talking about

>trusting chinese architecture to support you

Damn a faggot, he didn't train enough those muscles lol

saints row 4
assassin's creed w/e
crackdown w/e
mirrors edge

>death confirmed by weaboos

This guys, is why you should be hitting up the gym daily. Fucking soyboi dont even have the strength to lift himself up in a life or death situation.

surprised he couldn't lift himself up with just his hands. You'd think someone who climbs buildings like this could do a pull up with a few fingers.

wtf lol idiot jumped away from the wall why didn't he just pull himself up I'm thinkin suicide?

dude he climbed buildings all the time, he was probably fatigued you fucking retard.

>gf is filming
>doesn't lift a finger to help

> do shit like this
> not having enough upper body strength to pull your skinny ass up a ledge


this has nothing to do with strength retard, he's tired.
He's probably functionally stronger than a /fit/ meathead that subsist on whey protein and steroids

Breath of the Wild.webm

I don't know but it wouldn't look like a human anymore

>being so dyel you can't even do a single pull up

This is what soy does to your body, RIP

This. She should have jumped over the huge gap between them and pulled him up.


Fucking soyboi lmao

Did you watch legion of skanks last night?


That's only after he already climbed up the rest of the building. He's stronger than most /fit/ aesthetic homos.

>can't do a single rep, even while using legs for support

Probably chinese propaganda. More than likely they killed him and put out this fake video to discourage people from doing it.

Must be all that soy weighing him down

faggots like this deserve death, same with spelunkers.

His girlfriend wasn't filming.

>climb buildings as sport
>thinks he can't do pull ups
Does your brain erase all the previous information it aquired after seeing something new?

>literally says he died in the video

All it takes is one bad decision to end everything you've worked for. Even if you've done it a hundred times before.

God these games would be amazing in vr

Saying he doesn't have enough strength is retarded, you don't get that high without being able to climb up. He'd probably very tired and the sort of pull requires a lot of strength already.

Hope he lived tho

Fuck off with your shit meme


nigga you think anyone is living a drop that high on pavement?

saw this thread on /x/ with few replies to it earlier and now wondering if OP is the same poster

>Hope he lived tho
He's dead, he was going to use the money he got from climbing to pay for his mom's hospital bills and propose to his gf.

Clearly he couldn't do enough reps

kek triggered estromen like you make it just so much better


>t. proud Soylent dieter

>wanted to use rest of money to pay for mum's hospital bills

It was a 62 story high building. He started climbing at the 40th foor

to be fair, there's no practical difference between 50 feet or 5000 feet, they're both lethal.

it's not even triggering, It's not even slightly annoying, you're just making yourself look like an obnoxious retard, the same kind that we used to laugh at reddit for being.

the same games that let you do somersaults from tall as fuck places

Anyone got a wider shot of the building? Hard to get a sense of scale from that video.

Ugh this shit gave me headache

i hope they make a 3rd, i really liked 2.

WAS stronger

I love that little kid. That fucking expression, man.

Someone needs to edit some kind of game over screen in here.
Bonus if he just goes down one life.

Don't know how those crazy ruskies can be leaning on metal that corrugated.
Now just imagine getting down ;^)

it literally isn't

""""men"""" whose only milk intake is soy "milk" have weaker muscles than average man who drinks milk, human body NEEDS actual milk as much as it needs meat.

Even if you don't believe us you can see it for yourself in real life by going to a shop that sells soymilk and observe the kind of people that buy it


>he says while being an equally obnoxious soyboy enabler

They aren't endangering anyone and are having fun with their own lives.
Sounds to me like your just bitter that your a no fun faggot coward user

Well the building he climbed was the Huayuan International Centre. And his body landed on a terrance.

I'm honestly surprised we don't see more deaths from shit like this.

It was one of these.

any pics of the aftermath? did he turn into a slop of bloody goop at the bottom? morbid curiosity.

super high risk, low reward, sounds fun to me
im sure russian roulette is fun too

Why is everyone so resentful about a guy doing what he loves

He probably died happier than any of you ever will

What if I'm lactose intolerant but eat beef, pork, poultry, and soy milk

Imagine what would be running through your mind as you fell from the 60th floor.

Still doesn't explain why you think these people should die.
Let them have their fun, why do you even care?

These people must have received some gift from god to attempt this kind of shit

Probably because the cameras get destroyed when they meteor to the ground along with their bodies.

Vegans have higher average testosterone levels than non-vegans.

milk isn't neccessary at all, he's memeing, protein is what builds muscle

>oh shit oh shit oh shit OH SHI-
fun final thoughts

im a literal retard for doing this.

Can someone shop the stamina meter from botw onto this?

>all these retards thinking its because he couldnt pull himself back up
He obviously went back down intentionally but noticed he was losing his grip then his grip slipped
