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please hear my cry
my wife's son deck has no pathetic cards... what it does have... *panting*... is... *panting*... is THIS!
*unleashes 7*
I don't know the context. But I assume you just RNG'd a god card in some game.
Nice one man
I can't be bothered to log in right now. Is this the usual RNG drop garbage? I thought I read that it only appeared for level 50, which I usually only get to duel maybe 3 times for each event.
Dear Lord, please kill all traps.
Level 50 Marik is now available to battle and you can keep trying after losing until you win, and you get Ra automatically once you win
Card event
You win lv 50 marik, you will have this card
Almost anyone have it
The golden chicken is fucking shit
Neat. Of course it's a dumpster card, but it's nice that it's added. I also assume Marik Ishtar will be unlockable next event.
I've been playing through Legacy and just got to 5ds. This card is amazing. I love him so much. The AI doesn't seem to realize how good he is though.
Maybe someday
How difficult is lv50 Marik for a new player?
People always talk about Golden Castle being broken but I found an even more broken card from the anime.
You can unlock Marik now.
Forgot link.
As I'm sure you can imagine, it used to be standard in EVERY deck. That, and black rose dragon.
If you have a riryoku you can murder his Ra and then the rest of the duel is easy
Depends on your deck and its spells/traps
If you have Enemy Controller it's easy enough, Wall of Disruption helps cut Ra down to size too.
how well can you deal with marik pulling out a 4k atk ra on his first turn
He starts with pic related on the field. Besides that I think it's the same as lvl40.
What about this trap card? It makes dueling Yusei super annoying, how did it fair in real life?
Which yugioh game is this, dual links or legacy?
He's also added a card that destroys one of your monsters if you destroy one of his.
Thanks guys. Guess I'll have to get lucky with the opening hand, but it doesn't sound entirely unwinnable.
>Go first
>He pops you next turn with RA
Fucking coinflip game
God that card is so annoying when you don't expect it, especially when your opponent has 3.
It was pretty annoying since backrow destruction was a bit harder back then. Mst was your best bet and it was limited to 1.
>mfw I nailed it in my first attempt
gladiator beast+balance is fucking great.
*removes your trap's penis*
*snip snip*
Also, why doesn't anyone have Monster Reborn in their decks in 5ds? It's all Call of the Haunted all the time. Monster Reborn has been banned since forever and GX characters still had it.
Monster reborn was used in the gx anime. It was never used in a single episode of 5ds.
Shouldn't Ra get equal attack points of the tributed monsters?
That's how I remember in the anime.
>tfw just used Hazy Flames and a WoD
Do you read cards before adding them to your deck?
Ra was also immune to card effects in the anime
Ra is really not that great... Is he the worst Egyptian god card?
He's the worst by far. Slifer is busted as shit.
Yes. Ra is shit. Slifer is alright. Obelisk is the best one.
If you have enough tributes for a god, shouldn't you already be winning by then?
Didn't read it lol.
Yes, but everybody knows that Marik is a shit player.
did you read my ass?
Could you imagine how bad Black rose would have been if Stardust didnt exist to keep it in check?
How are the Sacred Beasts?
*blocks your path*
Do you really not know what yugioh is
>the anime
>wife's son deck
so its full of cards about monkey kings/small children?
So is duel links using the old cards I presume? I don't wanna go back to xyz/pendulumshit.
He is live now? I'm just getting NPCs around the world, but for a little while it was constantly Marik and Arkana showing up. Guess I just need to be patient now.
Reborn was phased out at that point. More than half the duels were riding duels, which didn't have regular spells. It did make Graceful Charity 2.0 for our protag though in Speed Spell, Angel Baton.
If you haven't watched 5DS, I highly recommend it.
I legit just said that in my post dude. I was just boosting buddy that felt good.
You need +1 million points
For now at least. We are getting into GX era cards. The power-creep is slowly revealing itself though.
Depends on what you have available as fodder since you can special summon that stuff, but yes, not-God decks are better than God decks.
Pretty bad, but they have some support. Raviel is the best of the three I think, and their fusion is terrible. Dark Summoning Beast makes them pretty easy to get out, assuming you have one in your hand.
Don't bother if you're not interested in the other summoning methods at all, xyz/Pendulum/Synchro has been datamined in the voice files for a while. It's just a matter of them adding the other series and their duelists/cards.
Ra's the fucking best competitively
Sphere Mode is cheating, it's like a Kaiju++
This is the world we live in now
You fucking 2000s kids are going to kill us all when you start getting put into positions of power in the world
There are mostly older cards and no synchros or anything newer, but there's also some relatively modern (and therefore powercrept af) shit in there too
Sphere mode doesn't count. Competitively, Ra was the worst. Obelisk saw play in Frogs, and Slifer saw tech play at some point in late Zexal IIRC.
I never got into actually building a proper yugioh deck before
what should packs/structure decks should I pull from to get a good start? what are even the cool archetypes to run?
right now I haven't pulled anything and am just using kaiba with some blue eyes
Ah thanks user, didn't know. Guess it's time to face Marik a lot in the Duel Terminal.
>You can't unlock Sphere Mode
Any good ideas for a decent deck with him?
That's it brahs, I'm just gonna wait til Sphere Mode is available.
If you just want to kick ass out of the gate, buy a couple packs of Servant of Kings and run a deck of unga bunga 1800 beaters. You shouldn't think about archetypes til fairly later in the game since some of them require a shitton of jew gems to build, and they're hard to get if you waste the ones you get/earn early on
Get my wife and her Sacred Phoenix.
>letting your wife kill yourself for some dumb bird
Is a deck focused around area viable? I know todya's meta is ridiculous but I still wonder
I've always liked Ritual monsters a lot and I enjoy my Queen of the Dragon's deck as well as my Garlandolf deck. It also so happens that if you're a try hard the Ritual support cards are used in the strongest deck in the game at the moment. I would suggest lots of Neo Impact and Ultimate Rising for Sonic Birds, and Senjews at least they will always be used in ritual archtypes if you like them.
On another note whats the next event hinting at? Is it Bakura and the board game again or are we finally getting Bonz?
You need to be 18+ to post here, sweetie.
Its Bonz
>Grinding LV40 for points
>last 40 fragments
>Get locked into a Mask and Nightmare Wheel lock and dead hand until my life points are drained.
>Slifer the Sky Dragon
Sky Dragon of Osiris is much better
>saved up 9k gems from leveling/events
>literally beat everyone online, all NPCs, and Marik level 50
>all i use are Gil Garths, Chow Lens, Riryoku, Metalmorphs and Despells
>a god card
That's literally what it is
I have no idea why they say Slifer, It just sounds dumb
Pre-forbidden list yugioh was already the definition of power creep. If anything the power creep has slowed considerably in the past 5 years or so.
the best boi
when ur a kid u think ra is right
when ur an adult, you realize Wicked Avatar made more sense
this card is so fucking sick
only little soyboys can't handle 4* beatdown.
They named the English translation of the card after one of the employees at 4kids, who worked on the show at one point.
Mechanicalchaser is better bunga.
The pendulum mechanics itself was fine. It was basically "please punish me for over-extending".
It was them making PePe so fucked was the problem.
Main I want Painful Choice off the banlist for one format just like what happened to Snatch Seal during DUEA.
cheers my fellow onga bonga beatdown duelist
thats the way to go, i'm doing the same. Still at 2,5k gems tho.
This. Can't even count the number of times I fucked over a pendulum player by topdecking an MST (later replaced by Twin Twisters) or Raigeki and popping their scales or wiping their field. PePe was raped by an e-ban after one YCS IIRC. Pends were never a huge threat to players who used other summoning methods as long as you sided properly against them.
I personally hated the look of the cards and never ran a pendulum deck, and I got along fine for the brief period of time they were relevant.
Links on the other hand were much harder to adjust to, because they did throw a wrench in your gears if you ran older summoning methods.
>"please punish me for over-extending"
in theory, but I remember being salty about all the support cards that went, "Your scales can't be targeted/destroyed", basically taking most of the risk out
>not getting three
There are so many cards that could come off and not pose that big a threat. It would be cool if they cycled through banlisted cards each format, like letting us use Delinquent Duo one format, then banning it and giving us Monster Reborn the next, etc. etc.
I remember hearing that Kazuki Takahashi never wanted any of the cards he created to stay banned forever, but there are still cards that have been on it since 2004.
The Fire King version is better desu
Ishtar Fairy Smile with lots of beefy fairies to stall and draw effects to try and find him quick. Then when you find him pay however many life points for lethal and whatever your opponent has for cards to smash them all and swing face for the win.
Now if only a fucking disciple would drop.