It was better than Blade Runner '49.
It was better than Blade Runner '49
>tfw when your neo kobe pizza sinks
>not the Sega CD version
And he was a good friend.
what game is this?
Blade Runner 2.
I've yet to play Snatcher or Policenauts.
>Kojima will never remake this
Boku no Zone of the Enders
For you
and clint eastwood
it's already been remade twice by kojima
Said who?
Honestly, this game had better story. Can you imagine kojima remaking this with today's graphics?
Yeah, with Death Stranding.
So what kind of game is Snatchers? Is it just a visual novel or does it have any gameplay?
You get to SHOOT NIGGAS.
99% visual novel, 1% shooting game. If you had a light gun you actually aimed, otherwise you just move the cursor to one of 9 screen quadrants and push a button.
And for the record, the game rips off far more from Second Variety/Screamers than it does Do Androids Dream.../Blade Runner but few have heard of the first one.
Was Kojimbo a Philip K. Dick fan?
Snatcher is GOAT
Policenauts is okay, it's even more ambitious but it falls flat
>but it falls flat
on your ass?
Jamie, i've become a JUNKER
I guess. In about as much a way as James Cameron was a Harlan Ellison fan, i.e. "That's a neat idea. I'll steal it."
Any word on this game?
>liking the censored version
Enjoy your no robo gore and no naked chicks.
and more cleavage
Cancelled because of some backlash it got about something.
Also a puzzle got removed because of the lack of keyboard.
Initial release date: 2018
I wish this game was good
Don't be a retard. There was backlash, but there is no cancellation.
It's got some puzzles, you can move to and from locations, you follow leads and lines of questioning based on hunches. It's linear, but progress can be achieved in different order. There's fun side stuff to do. The term visual novel doesn't really do it justice.
I'll help fix your thread.
>Created by GaymerX
It had no chance
Is there any good way to emulate MSX? Or is it available on other things?
There is a good MSX emulator, bluemsx.
what went wrong?
Third act is a mess
but how do they unchain her?
What version is this?
Looks shitty
The Playstation/Saturn version.
Thanks, now i can avoid it
CD is the only version in english anyway
Voices aren;t bad either besides random sounding like a Hannah Barbera character