You can only choose one game, user

>You can only choose one game, user.





I need to give those games a replay now that I've exhausted BotW.


Seasons. Ages is marginally harder, but less enjoyable.

Link's Awakening DX


I don't really have a legitimate reason why, I just like it better. Maybe it's that it has an actual plot, or that the time travel appeals to me more than the seasonal thing.

Because Seasons is legitimately a better game. The dungeons are consistently enjoyable, while Ages sort of takes a dump right around Crown dungeon. The areas are more fun, etc etc. Really the only thing Ages does better on the gameplay side is Seed Shooter instead of Triple Lameshot.

Seasons was a neater gimmick. Plus it had Din. And I liked the dungeons more. Plus Din.

Seasons. Got Ages first when I was a dumb 6yr old, and the gamestop cashier told me I should pick something else since the puzzles were hard. I didn't believe him, ended up getting stuck on one dungeon puzzle for 3 fucking years. /blog

Time Travel is kind of a no brainer zelda gimmick. But using snowfall? Plants growing in spring? Hot sun in Summer? Leaves in fall? Really clever.


I like ages slightly more but fuck do i wish it had the roc's cape.

Well we can't all be right.

Seasons. Dat Subrosia.


Im assuming they both play the same just with a different gimmick. I got to the 3rd essence in seasons but I liked the start of ages more, might as well go with that one.

[Spoiler]plus I like nayru more [/spoiler]
Thanks for the shilling anons, because I really like what I'm playing, will do link's awakening DX next.

Assuming you're doing linked play or whatever, if you play Ages first, you can't visit one part of the map (Sea of Storm - present) ever because fuck you.

I have this one little blacked out square that will always be that way.

Seasons has cute Subrosians

Seasons. Ages had way more tedious parts
>Crescent Island
>Rolling Ridge
>those fucking minigames

I used to hate Jabu Jabu's Belly, but it wasn't so bad the last time I replayed it. First time was a pain, though.

Seasons. Better gimmick and better goddess.

Link's Awakening

>The dungeons are consistently enjoyable, while Ages sort of takes a dump right around Crown dungeon
Mermaid's Cave had a neat gimmick, but I agree that Seasons had a much better latter half in terms of dunegons.

>bought a Atomic Purple GBC off ebay + Everdrive GB during black friday
>loaded it up with Link's Awakening: DX and the Oracles as soon as they arrived
Feels good man.

Both games have generic shitty dungeons (It's really the games main/only flaw) but Ages are slightly more interesting once they add the underwater garbage (For all the wrong reasons)

Seasons for sure. In a way, I kind of wish I'd have played ages first, so I could end with the better game in the 2nd half.

What would the Farore Oracle game have been? Oracle of ______

Farore's game would have probably been Ages, since Nayru's game was originally going to have a color gimmick.