>Muh internet won't be throttled Pt.1
Muh internet won't be throttled Pt.1
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>Muh internet won't be throttled Pt.2
[Please upgrade your service package to see this post!]
Shut up bitch boy. LOL
MB and Mb are not the same thing, retard.
the real retard is (you)
I called and bitch so they fixed it pt.1
I called and bitch so they fixed it pt.2
my isp already throttles my shit because i play private server mmos
your internet is faster than USB2.0
fuck you
i bet you're not even in the states
Not vidya
Still, WTF America.
Feels good being Europe at least today
is it over already?
It's not throttling, retard.
Nope, goes to Congress. If that's what you mean.
throttle me daddy`
what does that mean, is there still a chance that they tell that harlem shaking poo to go fuck himself and we're safe?
Stop being manipulated by stupid people.
there wasn't already any regulation in practice
nothing changes
Yes, children will continue to cry and yell about things they don't understand and still lose.
it's funny how usa prides itself on being the melting pot of the world and home to so many cultures when you allow a 2nd gen poo in the loo immigrant mouthbreather cuck you like that
and by funny i mean depressing
Shit like this just makes me more glad I moved out of America.
ok, do we know what congress is thinking? are they against it or for it? I have a feeling Trump won't listen to a brown
Trump wants the ending of it just like the brown guy.
>I have a feeling Trump won't listen to a brown
That guy was appointed by trump
i doubt its going to pass anyway
>OK guys what do we do
>Out ourselves as the big meanie everyone fears, do a shitton of paper work, lose voters
>or do nothing
Do you really think they like working?
>literal gorillion votes against FCC's net neutrality
>"hey mtv this is Pajeet from FCC welcome to Jackass"
>Net neutrality obliterated
>land of the "free".com for 29.99 $
cuckmerica everyone
>it's funny how usa prides itself on being the melting pot of the world
What are you talking about? People don't like that, it's only Jews parroting that.
you're a fucking idiot. i'm glad you're gone.
Its not happening till another like another 4 months, your internet is just trash
Looks like weeb developers will finally have to learn file compression or lose USA.
Nigger don't be stupid. It's not something that's going to happen overnight, it's going to be gradual so they can ease consumers into it. The difference will be very noticeable a year, five years, ten years from now.
Can you please add a seizure warning
>That guy was appointed by trump
actually by obama but kept around by trump
Because no one cares about you? Hardly any american would ever enter a thread about this if it was happening in your irrelevant country soyboy.
That's still twice as fast as my internet you entitled faggot.
>Las Vegas
Why the fuck would you live in that sin city?
kek you're just mad i was able to get out of that hole and you're still trapped there.
chill and cheap
You're about as equally buttblasted about Europe as Europeans about your freedom land. Now scram, you haven't purchased the necessary packet list to be in this thread
>tfw ill come here to shitpost unaffected everyday as usual
More like your people can't stop bitching.
>soon children and neets will have to ask their bill paying parents to buy the Sup Forums package for them
Deep down this is how I feel about everything
what a horrible timeline we live in
>t. buttmad american
I bet it took you half an hour to upload this post.
could you imagine is something mattered? we could have been freed from this place, this internet. truly we are the deplorables
Meanwhile idiots keep asking the government to regulate microtransactions, why are people so fucking stupid? I bet they want to regulate the internet because people kept bitching about "trolls and toxic people" and "muh safe space".
The point is that they whine.
Pajeets do not belong in here.
My Democrat dad says it too. MSNBC is a drug.
those two are not even remotely close to one another though
The point is, you don't ask the government to turn around to protect you and then bitch when they impose what they think it is good for you.
>I bet they want to regulate the internet because people kept bitching about "trolls and toxic people" and "muh safe space".
are you retarded or do you genuinely not understand
>you are wrong but I won't tell you why
Fuck off.
who are quoting?
you realize that this thing was about losing regulations since said regulations were to keep the ISPs from taking advantage of consumers which they still do just to a lesser degree
I'm waiting for something to happen. wake me up when something happens, when something matters
this, my cousin already rooted here going three years and says real estate is cheap as fuck. gonna miss the fuck out of socal but definitely moving here as soon as I can.
it still hasn't gone through Congress and it will not happen instantly just like if you take cough suppressant it does not prevent you from coughing instantly
the changes will made gradually and then probably ramp up quickly once they(ISPs) have decide a course of action
let me know when this matters, wake me up when anything matters. this doesn't matter. can't we have one friggin' happening that actually matters?
trump wants it too dipshit, he wants to de-regulate everything he can to destroy this country's middle class and enhance life for the rich. Republicans have always been about wanting 2 groups in america, the haves and have nots, so even if trump has no personal designs about the internet he will be all for de-reging the shit out of it so he will be seen as some kind of reagan 2.0 god even though nothing that stupid fuck did worked
>downloading torrent
guys?????? i thought op was kidding
it hasn't even gone in affect yet idiot, it'll take a few weeks or even a couple months
>gets told his stance is retarded
>doesn't have a rebuttal
>avatar fagging
I'm waiting.
>do nothing or do something and get paid by lobbyists
Are you actually taking him seriously?
He's just fucking with you and you look stupid responding to him.
What's with the amount of people here who type using Twitter-speak?
What the fuck is this "hmmmmmmmmm" shit?
It hasn't even gone through congress
Literally grasping at straws
thats what happens to a man who thinks anything matters
>Three different speed test sites give three different results
What the fuck is going on?
youre paranoid because literally nothing has happened yet, it needs to go through congress
Could you guys keep your propaganda on your board please?
It won't take effect yet. Doing it right now, when all attention is on them would be stupid.They'll probably start throtteling whenever Dems are in charge again, so they'll look like the bad guys.
>Dems are in charge again
>americans start hearing this blared every time they open up an internet browser
>Having shitty internet
Texas master race
Funny, my Steam has been doing that for months.
>m-muh net neutrality
steam is a piece of shit, it will also just randomly flatline your download for seemingly no reason
Are you ready? Are you ready to see what electing Trump will do to the internet?
Now that NN has been repealed, pic related will become a reality any day now. Nothing is stopping this from happening anymore.
>Tell the government what to do and bitch when they do something you didn't tell them to do
That aside NN is fucking retarded and is a shit tier bandaid to the actual problem of monopolies that ISP's have. Fucking laughable with the "Pay 5.99 to see this post!" bullshit when websites already censor people they don't like.
>any day now!
>says the increasingly nervous shill
Say goodbye to your internet friends...
W-what's happening guys? Why is this popping up whenever I try to watch a youtube video?
I thought a vote for Trump would stop things like this happening...
>school websites
What's the point of this?
based orange manlet
Everybody do the Harlem Jew!
what? NO
Fucking Trump why woudl he do this
Does pic related look good to you? Republicans thought it did, so they voted to make it become reality yesterday.
Get ready to pay, literally.
He played us like fools... he made us think that he had our(white men) best interests in mind and that he would get rid of the immigrants once and for all.
We were played like the idiots we are...
>random collage made by some communist
>$10 for the joost
not bad imo
>TFW Rural NMfag so I will have shit internet regardless
friendly reminder that Sup Forums is not anyone's personal army
taking action because someone posts stupid shit on the internet is your decision, but make sure you have accurate and meaningful information
Yes, but now you'll have to pay 10x as much for it!
PER site!