what went so fucking wrong?
What went so fucking wrong?
it was created.
>Delete a hero's backstory to make him a gay threesome for no actual fucking reason
Dropped the game like a fucking rock.
lives at the shadow of dota
>Delete a hero's backstory to make him a gay threesome for no actual fucking reason
The new lore is for worldbuilding the darkin and the many ways they get their host bodies, so there was a reason for his rewrite, to setup darkins lore since Kayn was the first one, Aatrox will be next and then the female one
>murder the best champion and spit on his grave because he was underplayed, instead of tweaking him
I haven't played the game in years but this news still made me butthurt
For me I stopped playing after the assassin update, the changes the khazix made me lose all interest with the game
>preseason is a mess
>new runes are unbalanced as shit
>bruisers have no tree of their own
>Riot lumping bruisers into tank tree because they refuse to tweek Precision for melee champions
>ADCs breaking shit and it gets ruined for everyone else
>New champion is a broken piece of shit and unfun to play against
>more RNG with kleptomancy and Zoe W
>towers are still weak as shit
>because of new runes nobody has resists early (particularly mr)
>Champions that abuse runes deal too much damage early
>Mordekaiser has even more bugs with new runes...
I could go on and on
ur a machine that they milk rp out of
That's Sion for me.
From a cool and goofy bursting zombie to a fucking retarded generic angry troll hurrr, still hurts to this day.
Forcing a team comp and lane meta
The problem became a lot less about the champs and a lot more about the community a while ago. Every character's been stale for a long time but there has to be a reason league's playerbase is the most cancerous shitpile this side of universe.
Nothing, the game is fun actually. Even when i only play it four or five times per week.
>preseason is a mess
Like every preseason? Kinda the point.
>new runes are unbalanced as shit
Again, preseason. That's the point.
>bruisers have no tree of their own
You mean a mix spec class doesn't have a purity tree? Go figure.
>Riot lumping bruisers into tank tree because they refuse to tweek Precision for melee champions
Bruisers can benefit from literally every tree, Precision included. Lethal tempo is broken on Olaf.
>ADCs breaking shit and it gets ruined for everyone else
I have no idea what you're referring to. Klepto Ez? That was old news before the first patch dropped.
>New champion is a broken piece of shit and unfun to play against
Yeah. Because you're bad.
>more RNG with kleptomancy and Zoe W
Yeah. Because you're bad.
>towers are still weak as shit
Starting to see a pattern.
>because of new runes nobody has resists early (particularly mr)
Yeah, starting to make sense now.
>Champions that abuse runes deal too much damage early
>Mordekaiser has even more bugs with new runes...
Isn't it just one more?
>I could go on and on
Only if you want to continue to sound like the low-rank shitter you are. In b4 "b-b-but I'm Gold 3".
Game has plenty of faults. The ones you stated are not any of them.
>a reason league's playerbase is the most cancerous shitpile this side of universe
It's free and have never been more popular with esport, YouTube and twitch culture than nowadays.
Sold to the Chinese.
>implying it wasn't a fucking train wreck before then
I mean, tencent didn't do it many favors, but come on
It was redeemable at least before that
People started to be jaded about this game
It was fun while it lasted goodbye
my current peeves with LoL are
-Riot doesnt know WHAT THE FUCK they want Marksmen to be and they literally least fun class to play . Even supports can fucking dumpster them easily and Marksmen cant function without the cock gargling of another ally player 24/7
-AP itemization fucking sucks and needs a massive overhaul
-there are two seasons worth of champions that needs Gameplay updates or Visual+Gameplay updates but Riot moves a fucking snails pace. releasing 4 VGU's a year when there are 30+ champions waiting in line is fucking bullshit
-Horrendous and utterly lazy Gamebalance. Champions like Teemo,Janna,Soraka,Malzahar and Pantheon should have already been reworked or nerfed yet they dont see any changes because theres no profit if doing such things. the balance team instead tailors to LC$ trying to make sure as many people as possible watch it so they stay on the top of twitch along with making sure that champions with rabid autistic fanbases are always strong (Riven,Yasuo)
-Circling back around to Marksmen Riot forces metas. Marksmen only make up like 1/10th of the champion pool yet Riot wants a Marksmen in every single game. Riot promised to not enforce the meta yet they do
>>New champion is a broken piece of shit and unfun to play against
>Yeah. Because you're bad.
>>more RNG with kleptomancy and Zoe W
>Yeah. Because you're bad.
>>towers are still weak as shit
>Starting to see a pattern.
>>because of new runes nobody has resists early (particularly mr)
>Yeah, starting to make sense now.
Not him but those are valid points.
Just a small pet peeve of mine: When the splash art looks 100x better than the actual champ. Cho'Gath for example. Look at this mother fucker, just look at it, then when you get into game he looks pathetic.
are MOBAS finally dying? Even DOTA's new patches have created a lot of hate
What did they do wrong?
Hiring artists to forge an actual lore with beautiful fmvs and comics?
Making female characters hotter like Eve?
Making a loot system where the average player can actually get paid content for free?
Making the lvl 1 to 30 grind less tedious and deleting runes to go even further? And the new lvl system allows you to get characters easier and ip/be in a greater number.
I don't see any wrong side personally.
>Lethal tempo is broken on Olaf.
oh yes that's why they all take comet
the adaptive damage from Sorcery tree is much more valuable than the attack speed from precision. especially considering precision keystones are shit on most tops
or when splashes look like they belong in another game
like that anime sivir one i forgot the name or old lolipoppy
But he's the biggest entity of the entire game with his 10k hp.
Still doesn't look close to his splash art. He looks like he has skin and flesh instead of the battle armour scales he has in the splash art. Size isn't everything.
>Make a drastic change to a champ with a small playerbase but dedicated fans
>Everyone who hyped up the change forgets about it in two weeks and goes back to their Yasuo and current meta waifu
>The few people that liked the characters before the changes get shafted in the end as voicing against them get bad (you)'s and downvotes
It's really depressing
>Yeah. Because you're bad.
>No actual counter arguments for anything
How to spot the salty fanboy with no argument
Fuck off
Janna and phreak
Copying DotA complete with all of it's design flaws because muh that's what faggots want hurrr
Why would you make this thread? This game died 5 years ago, no one gives a fuck about this anymore, except for twitch kiddies. Play hots instead.
But the bulk of LoL's design flaws are original to LoL.
The snowballing, the excessive farm dependency, the forced meta, the long lane phase, the ranged carry dominance over melee carries, the low kill counts in the early game, the flash cooldown fuckery, all are results of LoL-specific design and features.
Snowballing, farm dependancy, forced meta and long lane phase all existed in Dota before it.
The only way to stop is to to literally end itemization itself, like HOTS, and even then theres snowball due to out-levelling but not as severe.
Too many characters, impossible to balance such a large roster. Also, literally one map.
Except people have complained about DOTA's comeback gold system which has made snowballing less likely to occur
Except that there are heroes who don't need too many items to do stuff
Except that 90% of DOTA heroes have more than one role and can play with different farm priorities
Except that there are some heroes who by pass laning all together and can start killing level 1.
>45 ms, 150 fps
>spike uncontrollably for 10+ seconds at a time due to packet loss
>literally only game where this ever happened to me
I gave it multiple chances over the years, but it keeps happening. I'll never get to know what went wrong
Lol ADCs are probably in the weakest spot right now. Aside from Klepto Ezreal and Twitch most of the ADCs are below 50% win rate while nearly all bruisers and tanks are 50%+. ADC is so shit right now that the supports do more damage. Or a support can go a tank like Shen/Ornn where they take almost no damage.
>Snowballing, farm dependancy, forced meta and long lane phase all existed in Dota before it.
No they didn't
Dota is often criticized for comebacks being too likely, abilities don't scale off stats and items are primarily utility-focused versus carry-style power focused like it is for everyone but hard support in LoL, Dota has absolutely nothing that could be considered a forced meta, and its lane phase is short to non-existent with lots of roaming and high early game damage
How saying "broken piece of shit" is an argument?
>Yeah. Because you're bad
>people actually take this game seriously
You meant WoW pandering because he looks exactly like Garrosh?
everyone hated lane swaps so they don't want to promote that so people don't quit the game
I don't think lane swap is viable now unless you rush towers.
lane swaps aren't the only alternate laning composition that could be done
either way it isn't an excuse to force you to play only one (1) specific way in a "strategy game"
>Teemo,Janna,Soraka,Malzahar and Pantheon should have already been reworked or nerfed
Panth is the only character you mentioned that went untouched this year and he's not even top tier.
Isn't the game doing well? I don't think there is nothing wrong gameplay-wise
Financially maybe. The game's been hemorrhaging western players for years.
Flash is still in the game
/mute all doesn't mute pings or emotes
Season 3 and the idea that the 5 separate role meta should be static
The game stopped being fun exactly then
katarina got reworked
Wriggle's lantern was deleted
>5 separate role meta should be static
It has always been static since the S1 championships.
I might just be bad, but anyway
>Ranked, playing jungle
>Top laner asks to swap with adc
>"Sure buddy!!"
>Fucker locks in Vayne top
>He's playing against Fiddlesticks
>I hardcamp his lane, and gets him ahead with 3 kills
>He even gets some solo kills after this
>30 minutes goes by
>Goes from 6/0 to 6/6
>Our bot laner is going berserk on him with insults while I just chill and tell everyone to do the same
>more flaming ensues
>We lose huge fucking lead because my teammates literally are just stupid
How can anyone say that 100% of your games are winnable when unforeseeable shit like this will always appear?
I do blame my team for this one, because I did what I should as a jungler, which is getting my teammates ahead
I basically have this huge grudge against the game because you're always reliant on 4 randomly chosen people for up to an hour who may or may not be stupid
>people arguing Dota doesn't have worser snowballing.
You fuckwits should fuck the right off, anyone glancing at the items in Dota compared to LoL can see its way more fucking OP.
>vayne top vs fiddle
Kek. You can say that not all matches are winnable but you can see any unranked to challenger stream and they breeze most of the time until mid diamond. Just take your time and git gud. LS often gets multiple people in low elo to send them their replays or match history and you can instantly see why they stay in that elo.
The problem with lane swapping is that it effectively skips the early game. Not to mention half the toplaners become unviable because they can't sustain on a 3-1 lane, or can't make use of their laning power in a 4-0 scenario.
Yes, but DOTA has much higher gold when killing an enemy hero that has a higher net worth AND some heroes only require one or two items to shut down anyone going out of control. That's not going over heroes which are specifically designed to hurt more the more powerful the enemy is.
it still hurts
also I still miss 2nd gen cleaver that wasn't a fucking bruiser item
That's when I stopped mostly too, when they made his Q his worst ability and his W his main one I realized Riot has no idea what's going on
Season 2 one-shot Kha'Zix is back babyy
>Vayne top
>against Fiddlesticks
>hardcamp his lane
When riot started only listening and catering to the less then 1 percent leaving the non pro/popular streamer player base in the dust. A tip for future game design, don't ignore the people that actually play it. And overall even though they focus all their attention to pretty looking LCS and sending players to Korea, Dota still does everything better and has much better players. Plus Gaben
Sniping isn't bannable
Who the fuck said Dota has less snowball then LoL? are you fucking retarded.
Any decent itemization with PA lets you one-shot or at best 3-shot anyone with her passive ult.
Any decent itemization on void lets you kill anyone in his ult, even entire teams.
Not to mention you have Basher, wich is auto-random stun on items and thats just the tip of the iceberg.
Comebacks in Dota don't come from gold/item comebacks because when your behind you keep getting behind, comebacks come from hard carries farming it up despite your team fucking up most of the game and you get items that let you solo their team (usually with BKB so you can not be stunned).
Or you have hard carries with team initiating ults, like void and catch the entire team in a bad position.
TLDR too many retards here.
>catering to the less then 1 percent leaving the non pro/popular streamer player base
Streamers have the shittiest experience playing this game. As soon as people know you're queued for a game, unless you're master tier +, you get sniped and trolled.
Dota just looks dull compared to league imo, I could never get into it
I am fine with the fact that I'm bad
I got to gold V in s5 before I stopped (was happy with obvious improvement) and didn't play ranked at all in s6 because I disliked the jungle changes
Now I picked it up again in the preseason, and it's more fun than last season to be honest
I play Udyr and Nocturne primarily, should probably start playing a tank jungler like Rammus
Vayne was getting pushed in to tower and crying in chat about being poked to death, so instead of angering the Vayne and ignoring, I tried to give the player a lead, which worked until the mid-late game when our comp's faultiness started to really show
Did you forget to quote me or something?
Also these items are the best items for comeback situations since they are cheaper than most end game carry items
>Blade mail
>Ethereal Blade
>Heaven's Halberd
>TP boots for those initiations
>Force staff
Before you say BKB, there are many things you can do to make them pop it early to put them in a bad situation
PA is a mid game carry and will get stomped by late game carries that know what they are doing. As for void, he hasn't been a hyper carry in so long, he is more utility now like Magnus. If you want to talk about hyper carries, there is Medusa and AM, but you actively have to hunt them as a team because they need so many items to get good.
Most of champions are fine now but Udyr is pretty fucked, not because he's weak but because the best junglers right now, which are K6, J4 and XinZhao, are way too strong against him. You'll find a hard time climbing with Udyr and Noc but if you have fun there's no problem. I play Rengar most of the time for fun even when he's not that good.
I'm more surprised by the match-up than anything. It's not really one that you ever see in ranked outside of bronze V.
This thread tilted me
How to fix league
>remove flash
>remove triumph
I value this advice, thank you
By far the most fun I have is with Udyr, but I just find him to not fit in with most of the playerstyles in low ELO
The reason I got to gold was because I spammed Nocturne where I could always babysit any laner who had a hard time with ease
What the fuck us a nigga supposed to do when you're just fucked from the get-go
You do realize you lose gold when you die in Dota2, not in LoL.
So Dota2 by definition snowballs much worse then LoL, this in combination with items being much more powerful.
Also items don't do comebacks except hard carries getting dps items, comebacks in Dota2 come from good team-wiping ult initiation like Void or Tidehunter.
>because of their design philosophy, which they don't even understand the meaning of themselves, nothing is allowed to feel impactful or fun in anyway
>characters feel uninspired and do nothing unique to add anything to the game itself
>enforces a stale meta instead of allowing for their playerbase to come up with new strategies and playstyles
>most items are just raw stat boosts with passives attached and of the few active items barely any of them do anything impactful or interesting
>old characters that fall out of the meta are reworked but have anything fun or interesting about them removed in favor of boring gimmicks
And this isn't even scratching the surface
>Also items don't do comebacks except hard carries getting dps items, comebacks in Dota2 come from good team-wiping ult initiation like Void or Tidehunter.
Are you implying that League does not have Initiators or wombo combo enablers too? Because they do, hell one of the most fond moments in last worlds was when the tigers were losing hard and then Smeb landed a 5-man Kennen ult and single handedly swinged the tides of the game and won
This guy mains yasuo and rushes lucidity boots
they should have remade the game in another engine after season 4 ended, but greed and e-sports (aka greed) won
Nowhere on the same level as Dota2, tell me when LoL has team wide time freeze like void.
So fuck off.
Malz needs another rework, what a stupid fucking champ.
>Feeds his assoff
>Makes someone equally as useless
At some point the started removing everything I liked playing, reworked most of the champions I enjoyed until they were unrecognizable and pigeonholed everything into the meta at some point around S3-S4.
>characters feel uninspired and do nothing unique to add anything to the game itself
They've been getting a bit better at this, but the game is still massively inhabited by the ability to only control one unit. Ivern, Kled, and to some extent Zoe all feel like pretty earnest attempts at innovation from a design team stuck building a game around flash with no additional unit control permanently locked in the same meta. Even all those guys are unfortunately saddled with sorta samey tools so they each function in the role they were designed for. It's so infuriating because it's clear the design team could actually make something of the game without design fossils like flash inhibiting the game from growing. But at this point it's so deeply ingrained in the players and the game there's no way to just rip it out in one patch
>this is what the lolbabby understands from the dota games he watched
>all he sees are the big items and damage and the hard carries. No mentions of warding, teamfights, supports that properly line their cc's . Typical loltard vayne main tunnelvision
No wonder every other moba's players consider you to be drooling retards
I used to main spy in tf2 but then i realized the game was shit and left the thread
I broke my mouse for the 3rd time yesterday over this game. I don’t know why I even play this shit. Every time I finish playing this game I look at the time and see that hours have passed and I’m just sitting there pissed the fuck off and wishing I was doing literally anything else during that time.
>the game is fun when you play with friends, bro
My friends are so bad at this game that I’d rather play solo than with those feeding ass silver retards
Stop playing then. If you are not having fun then what's the point? Multiplayer team based games do that, if you can't have fun in them just don't do that to yourself.
Game died at the end of season 2, once they discontinued the ingame RP newsletter they had moved direction from real lore/champ design and into gimmicks
Is Tryndamere still good these days? If so I might play again. It's been several years, though.
His winrate dropped and he struggles a lot against bruisers and tanks so no, however, in low elo that barely matters since everything is random
Not their problem the west sucks so much at league rofl
Zoe is still my queen desu.