Greatest Castlevania ever made, period

Greatest Castlevania ever made, period.

>inb4 some dumb argument about Aos/SotN

it's a school night, all the metroidvania babies have to go to sleep for school tomorrow. only college chads done with finals are up to discuss classickino

Is that 3 or 1.

>The jap version is easy mode but has the best soundtrack

>The american version is fucking hard but the soundtrack is total ass

Who wins?

Rondo > 4 > Bloodlines > 3 > 1 > Chronicles > XX > 2

I never cared for those games. Too gear reliant for a metroid style exploring game.

>have good gear/weapon
>enemies are a complete pushover
>have bad gear/weapon
>enemies are tedious as fuck

Original Castlevania wins

I disagree. I though IV was the best Castlekino.

Was ritcher belmont a cuck?

>Not playing the Japanese version

It is my favorite classic castlevania, but you need that japanese version for top quality, and I'm not just being a weeb right now.

Gameplay. I can just download the soundtrack and listen whenever.


It is easily the best of the classic style Castlevanias.
I do actually wish they'd remake this one as a modern game.



Not a dumb argument, user. Castlevania is divided between styles (because we don't count the shitty 3d ones). The classic games and the Metroidvania games.

Same franchise, but very different focuses.

What's your fav user?

The person emulating because you can make a savestate at the start of the second loop and enjoy the difficulty, music and Grant all at once.


>4 > Chronicles
Chronicles is literally what 4 should have been

I don't know.

Julius seemed to come from some far removed Belmont who didn't even know he was a Belmont, so I would say yeah. Richter never scored and you're just playing as Simon's illegitimate great great great grandson or something.

>1 and 3 not at the top
>4 second best
>lumping in a tansakuvania with classicvanias
>Rondo of Moeshit in #1 and above XX
fucking awful taste, lad

I've played Chronicles the least and it's the only one I haven't finished yet, so you I could be wrong. I'll give it another shot.

name 3 reasons XX is better than Rondo of Moeshit

If you don't save his girlfriend then he gets cucked by dracula, but I'm pretty sure that ending isn't canon.

1=3>Rondo=Bloodlines>4=Chronicles=Dracula X>2

I can get behind this.

no playable op loli plus bible was removed
more challenging level designs and bosses
better graphics

anyone that prefers rob to xx outs himself as a casual scrublord


What about wageslaves?

>Rondo of Moeshit in #1 and above XX
Dracula X is a shittier version of Rondo in basically every way except for graphics, and even then the first stage is probably the best looking one.

>Don't worry, I'm in every game so that you'll hate at least one part.

CoD and LoS were fun faggot

>4 that high

Okay but swap Rondo with 1

You lie you bastard, plus I'd rather fight a cute werewolf girl than see some fucking dude's dick after becoming one.

They're too tired to enjoy classicvania anyways

you are right

sometimes i feel like dark souls was what a 3D castelvania should have been, a lot of the core gameplay mechanics are similar

>plus I'd rather fight a cute werewolf girl than see some fucking dude's dick after becoming one.
Well you're not wrong there

Agreed. This was one of the most fun playtroughs I ever experienced. I neglected retro games lately.

imagine getting sucked by these things

I love Castlevania 3 so much that I made my own cartridge of the translated Japanese version with the extra audio channels.

I did not use the Japanese game for a donor cart since that'd be a kind of pointless waste. The only other games with that chip have a bigger board with a save battery so I really had to cram to fit everything inside, including filing down both the board and the inside of the cartridge, and putting the audio chip on the backside of the board. But hey, it works, looks clean from the outside, and sounds great.


>except for graphics

I don't get it
It's so you can play it on a regular NES?

Jap, the difficulty differences are minor

Nah rondo is not as good as 1 or 3, it looks better but that’s it

>>Rondo of Moeshit in #1 and above XX

Would the NES even support the extra audio channels?

Disregard that, i'm retarded

No this is

>this thread
So the CV is just as autistic and divided as every other.

I only started getting into the series but I rate the games I played so far as SotN>AoS>I>II, excluding the abomination that is LoS which I could only bear playing for an hour or so.

I really loved the exploration/progression in SotN and AoS, but I don't mind more streamlined/challenging style of I, although it's bullshit at times (fucking clocktower is impossible without abusing time stop). II is boring as fuck.

Recommend me some some essential CVs.

I also have LoI on my PS2 which I haven't played yet, but looking forward to.

>So the CV fanbase is just as autistic and divided as every other.
is what I meant to say

The NES can play the extra audio channels if you solder in a resister on the motherboard.

Play 4, it's babby's first classicvania and will ease you into that style. Save the NES ones for last since they are the clunkiest and require you to git gud.

>Couldn't beat Castlevania as a kid
>Emulate it a few months ago
>Beat it in an afternoon

gitting gud feels gud

castlevania isn't actually hard, it just has jank ass movement for the player character while all the enemies fly around the screen like rocket ships, and yet despite this, you can find a multitude of ways to trivialize the game, like holy water in the first game

Is Simon's Quest the Dark Souls 2 of the series?

Don't listen to the other guy, play I and III, if you're good and patient you'll have a blast
If III is kicking your ass too much you might play the japanese version
Also, i like the PS2 Castlevania games, they're fine as hack 'n' slash games and have some of the best music Yamane has done

Chronicles has perfect controls, go trivialize it :^)

>Iga was at PAX having an autograph session
>So drunk he was almost falling out of his chair
>Eating chicken wings and playing with his whip

Got my Dracula X Chronicles signed. That was neat.

Castlevania 1 is better.

Castlevania is dead. Bury it.

It'll come back in a hundred years.

Order of Ecclesia is best CV game for me

Is there any redeeming qualities in LoS?

Should I even bother? It looked like a braindead GoW-clone back when I first tried it.

I like it a lot
I was going to redeem it meh until i reached dracula's castle

You do this with a different game every single time. You're pathetic.

PoR and OoE's level 1 hard modes are a bit like what I wish metroidvania games were like. Give all those weapons, items and spells some actual use. And MP/heart management becomes a thing again.

I remember this. This is fucking annoying.

>letting a bullshit part you can skip ruin a game consisting mostly of great creative levels more impressive than anything in 1 and consistently solid boss fights with the exception of doppelganger
I feel bad for you desu

The whole stage is a load of shit, not just that part, though that's most likely the part where you'll come to the conclusion that you should have picked another route.