Xenoblade 2 - Malos’ ending

What went wrong?

He looks like he has a different artstyle than everyone else in the game. He is one of 5 likeable characters. His motivation is based off of Amalthus, who had very poor unexplained motivations.

he does have a different artstyle. He and jin are drawn by nomura.

That explains why they both look like they fit in the world and nobody else does.

Plot was literally just Seymour from FFX just replace Sin with Tree.

What a fucking shitshow.

What I don’t understand is why he didn’t break away from Amalthus and try to forge his own ideals. He may have been a “””program”””, but he was a sentient one with free will.

This. Why is the artstyle so ugly?

The villains of XC2 were all shit. Malos wasn't as bad as Amalthus at least.

XC2 had so much potential but they chose not to do anything with it and go with the most hamfisted cliches that are shoved right into your face out of nowhere and never referred to again. Shit like Amalthus’ mother dying or Jin and Lora

>Poor unexplained motives
>Being this much of a brainlet

The story is nothing alike, are you actually fucking retarded?


He did forge his own ideals. Amalthus wanted to control all blades and Titans because he wanted to gain control over creation to remake the world in his own image, because in his view it was unjust and evil. Mankind was a lost cause. That was the basis of Malos's motivation, but he eventually breaks off and finds Jin. He decides to take up Jin's cause who lost everything to Amalthus, and to destroy a world that could only create strife and destruction, he himself being a product of that world.

I mean specifically in the final attack sequence where he attacks Rex because Rex wanted to attack Malos but Amalthus wanted to attack Malos faster. His backstory was all fine, but the entire chapters 7-10 didn't really give him a reason to become hostile.

>High ranking religious leader is secretly nihilistic because of human cruelty and seeks to use X to erase all living beings

He wanted Rex to take out Malos and then he'd either take out or control Rex, Amalthus didn't believe anyone was worthy to meet the Architect besides himself.

>he didn’t break away from Amalthus
He did. He wants to destroy the world himself while Amalthus wants to rule over it.

He wanted to destroy all the Blades and the Titans. The party was just in his way.

>his backstory was all fine
No lol
“Wahhh my mom was killed everyone must die and I want to rule the world”

I mean fine as in understandable

Wow just like how Malos also wanted to destroy all blades and titans, so what was the point of attacking him

You forgot
>soldier I treated killed an innocent now everyone must die

Malos wanted to destroy EVERYTHING.
Amalthus wanted to rule over the rest.

Humans live on titans though

Amalthus doesn't care. He just wants the blades and titans dead and rule over what's left as a god.
Malos wants everything gone, including himself.
Both are not sane.

Don’t forget about Jin

Amalthus could be completely removed from the game and it wouldn't suffer in any way.

I feel the same way about Rex to be honest.