Flopout 4 VR

>Sniper rifles, minigun, Fat Man, all weapons are one-handed
>Melee is stunlocking wii-tier waggleshit
>Scopes are blank textures
>Sights literally block your sight
>Choose between 240p jaggies or blurry AA
>Can't even reach min fps on a 1080Ti, your vr api needs to fake every other frame
>No hands or arms models
>Pip-boy flashlight points behind you
>Need to walk 30 feet away to exit a conversation
>Press [button] to reload
>but if you hold down [button] too long you drop a live grenade

It'll receive a bunch of patches, modders will have a field day, and a year from now it'll be just like any other Bethesda release.

hopefully mods can somehow fix most the problems with time
Though I doubt enough of the most popular modders even care about the VR version so it may take a longer time than it did for regular fallout 4 to get decent mods.
Plus apparently it is piss easy to get regular version mods working on the VR game so chances are modders won't even try other than and untested "this also works for the VR version" in the mod description

>sell a VR version for full price
>half ass it completely

I could understand the shoddy quality if this was a free patch or a $10 addon, but to sell it for $60 in this state is shameless greed.

i told you faggots, but nobody listened.

meanwhile you can play vanilla fo4 in vr for the past year flawlessly by using the vorpx program. or you can play fallout nv with the same program. both allow you to do 1080p rendering with stable frame rates.


Bethesda is incompetent hacks.

>bought season pass
>still have to rebuy the game for minor vr dlc
>meanwhile even fucking payday 2 added its vr mode for free

>was so hyped for it
>not even gonna buy because only 1070
Yea, AAA vr dream is dead until full vulkan/dx12 utilization and foveated rendering.

I heard a rumour that the VR versions of fallout 4 and skyrim were outsourced to some literally whos
which would kinda at least explain why everything feels as if was tested on only like the demo areas where they were showing off the VR versions since as incompetent and lazy bethesda is, they usually are not THIS bad

I have a 1060 and get like 80% reprojected frames. It's playable, just not "The Lab" smooth

I'm having fun so far. The controls are the worst thing about this game, but you get used to them pretty quickly.

>VR fag buys literal shit to justify his VR headset purchase

not him but I got my copy of the game free when I bought my headset.
and I didn't even want the thing for the game, have spent more time playing payday 2's VR beta more than any other game on the thing and have been enjoying the thing

60% of this time is settlement building
seriously there appears to be no "harvest" button

There's quite a bit of fun stuff besides this. I already got my money's worth out of VR ages ago.

stay mad, poorfag

Controls should be like the 2nd main appeal of playing a VR game

Not really. Motion controls have always sucked

Can you play it without the waggle controller shit so it's like an actual game?

Crops can end up in your workbench but there's a bug where none show up with multiple different crop types planted in one place

>Motion controls sucked right up until VR came out

They were probably forced by Zenimax to do this and probably out in as little effort as possible beacuse of it

Skyrim VR and Fallout 4 VR don't have any kind of modding support. Even if there was I doubt the modding community would be hopping on the VR train considering how much more complicated, expensive, and hardware taxing it is to develop for even on the modding level, and especially so for Fallout 4 when its modding community is dwindling due to how restrictive it is to do mods for it.

No one's going to be really using Vulkan because it's so damn hard to program for, there's a reason literally only a few developers have tinkered with it. And it doesn't really give you any error warnings if you fuck something up - if a function fails gg hope you enjoy wasting days figuring out wtf happened. t. someone trying to write a Vulkan game.

That's all true but I'm personally able to really have a good time despite the huge list of bullshit. I would love to see a behind the scenes of who exactly they paid to dev this and what their take on it is. I'm sure they had some really interesting challenges.

its actually piss easy to get regular fallout 4 mods working on the VR version of the game
pretty much all you have to do is swap out the VR versions .exe into the regular fallout 4s folders

There is a mod to fix the scope issue, but its still pretty bad

for all of you clueless fucks out there


google it

now fuck off

This is true.

i don't work there but a few friends of mine told me this before their contracts were up. The staff is too busy working on the new engine, but they still have to release shit every year

>Vive only
Well no buy for me.

>VR is for immersion and "lifelike" controls and feedback
>g..g..guys it´s only the controls that are shit i swear.

neck yourself

>motion cuntrols are a gimik!

"New engine" is it the same rebranded gamebryo/creation bullshit?

Fallout NV says hi