Want to replay game

>want to replay game
>remember THAT part
>shelf if again for many years to come
What's her name, Sup Forums?


For me it's everything after frezeasy peak, except click clock wood. Fuck that desert, fuck that rusty bucket shit

Do people actually have trouble with Furnace Fun? Just pray you don't get a Brentilda question on a Skull space and you'll be fine.

>he didn't have the guide book

>Replay Banjo-Tooie
>Get to Terrydactylland
>Stop playing.

>bro, let's put a shitty board game in our 3D platformer
>what was that? you didn't autistically listen to her sister, hear all the specific grunts, see all the shit N64 texture to get the answers right? tough shit and try again
Yeah no go fuck yourself. Game was great until that point, but I choose to replay and finish Mario 64 any day of the week.

I never beat banjo when I was young and played through it last year. I stopped when I got to the furnace and never came back

Craigscleft and Thieves' Guild in Thief Gold.


It was complete horseshit and apparently there are 256 different random generated answers overall.

nigga a guide book can't help you with the brentilda questions because they're randomly generated for each playthrough

literally all the trivia questions are easy as piss, with the sole exception of the brentilda shit like I mentioned.

It has a list of all the answers

OoT. I'd rather do Water Temple 3 times than Jabu Jabu's Belly


a guide book can't help you with the brentilda questions because they're randomly generated for each playthrough

>Want to replay Ages
>Remember Crescent Island, Goron Dancing and Jabu fucking Jabu
Time to replay seasons for the Nth time

Does anyone have the problem where they only like the early part of the game because that's the
Part they were stuck on the longest as a kid and are most nostalgic for it?
Like Ocarina of Time, after fire temple I stop caring
Banjo kazooie after freezeezy I stop caring
Donkey Kong 64 I stop caring after frantic factory

Listen dumb cunt, it has a list of all the answers I have the guide I've used it I know it works fuck off


Nice reading comprehension, niggerbrain

I've honestly played through BK just to get to this part.

I have the exact problem, thanks for mentioning. Worst thing is, I was an extremely shitty player growing up

Maybe in euro homo land or wherever the hell youre from the game is different, but there's a full list of all the answers. So when they ask the question you can just look at the book and go oh okay that's the answer you know how stupid you guys sound "oh it's randomly generated" okay but there's only so many questions they can ask, they don't have like 1,000,000 random questions it's like 25 or something and the book lists them all

It certainly isn't that part for me. I love that the game checks if you've been paying attention; no other game I'd played at the time had tried this sort of thing so it was very memorable.
I look forward to it on each playthrough and the battle afterwards; the only part of the board I don't really like is the timed challenges, specifically Tiptup's choir.

>he didint figure out how the Dice works.

how to spot a true brainlet.

That's shit was easy and took me all of 5 minutes.

Get good.

It lists them, but how do you know which one was used in your particular game, nigag? It doesn't help

Me too
>get to the end
>think you're gonna fight the final boss
>hah no you need more music notes
Man that sucked, and they reset every time you left the level so you're walking around like a retard trying to find those last ones did Tooie fix this?

>Plebian who didn't pay attention to Brentilda

Holy shit you're fucking retarded
Are you too stupid to look at the screen and go oh look the game asked me this question let's check the book and check the answer to this question there's only 25 choices how did you even get that far into the game being so stupid?

The Xbox version does away with that mechanic entirely and lets you keep notes on death or world exit.
It was never a thing in Tooie.

>remember LITERALLY the best part
>want to shelve it

What was meant here?

Haha okay, fuck off, you got me

Pokémon GS, except that part turns out to be the whole game.
I thought it was my favourite entry but I barely finished HGSS just because I paid for the game.

>>remember THAT part
This game is "THAT part - The Game"

Oh I never played it on Xbox, they should have done that from the start
Okay I checked the Wiki, there's a total of 30 questions, and each question has 3 variations,
So the book would say like
"Grunty brushes her rotten teeth with salted slug/moldy cheese/tuna ice cream flavored tooth paste!"
You check the TV and it would say like shit, piss, vomit or moldy cheese, you check the book and go oh look shit, piss, vomit isn't a choice that means it's moldy cheese.
Do you get it now?

I tried to reply it I got to the first dungeon and just said fuck it, those spiders are the worst they're harder than any boss trying to hit behind them is impossible

I wanted to play HGSS because of nostgalgia. Its so unbelievably slow though. If I speed it up with Desmume, the music sounds like some dolphin rape.

Hey, this means you didn't have to do the underwater tadpole searching mission.

Oh God I forgot about those, what was Nintendo thinking with that game it's like maybe a 6/10 at best, the only reason anyone gives it good scores is because it's zelda

I agree that in the case of Squidward Sword the Zelda bonus really does exist, but I also think it is fundamentally a well put together game. It just has a lot, and I mean, a LOT of weird or downright wrong ideas.

Levelling up Pokemon

It gets really easy once you have a strong Pokémon, even before EXP share, just put the weak guy first, switch him out, and he'll level up quick.
And you can use a level 5 togepi in the ghost gym and win, I always just use her and gain like 15 levels just from that one gym battle with the leader

You mean, something that happens while you play the game? Or can you only beat gyms if you overtrain by 5 levels beforehand?

I love grinding in games, like I over level my guys so much in RPG's that I kill the bosses in 2 hits, but in Pokémon it's so pointless there's no reason to grind. You can keep your guys at like level 40-50 and beat anyone

Wow, you weren't baiting. Do you get what randomly generated means? I'll assume that you don't. It means that every time you start a new game, there are numbers going from 1 to 3 in each possibility of gruntilda questions. As a result, it's either salted slug (1), moldy cheese (2) or tuna ice cream (3) and it stays that way during the whole playthrough. The guide will only list you the possibilities, just like the wiki does, but it can't physically predict what number your game file will generate.

Dude are you fucking stupid, what country are you from that you don't understand simple English?

>what is multiplayer

>multiplayer on cartridge
Why? Just play on showdown.

>Replay Banjo-Tooie
>Remember cross-level jiggies that take so much work for so little reward

Meh. Banjo-Kazooie’s more streamlined approach is much more fun to revisit. Tooie is just too sprawling and every other jiggy is a mini game with unique controls.

Explain to me how I'm wrong instead of attempting an attack, negro

Dude you're still wrong. The Brentilda questions never ever show fake answers. There are only three answers per question, and the only way to know which one is to talk to her.

Nah mate, I swear it works
You check the 3 answers the game gives you let's say

A) shit
B) puke
C) the correct answer

And you look at the book and go okay let's see, oh look puke and shit aren't a choice for THIS question, so it has to be the correct answer.

The entirety of Pokemon.

uh... this was one of the best parts of the game. why the hell was this hard for you?

>honestly played through BK just to get to this part
this, it was one of my favorite parts of the game

I had lots of fun on that level what the fuck are you bitching about!?

Imagine being such a tough guy that you completely forget about multiplayer in your haste to establish yourself as being a better player than someone else, and then having this much of a non-response when your idiocy is called out. Proper embarrassed yourself there, mate.

>pick up TY the tasmanian tiger
>get to snow worries
>stop playing immediately
It really kills the momentum of that game

Isn't a part of the game but thinking about dusting off a console and setting it up prevents me from playing a lot of games like DeS

Not him, but how can anyone who plays multiplayer on cart call someone else an idiot? At least inject Pokemon.

What the fuck are you talking about? I suck shit at competitive Pokemon, I just don't get why anyone would play multiplayer on cartridge when showdown is the same experience but without grinding.

>you can only do furnace fun and the grunty fight once per save file
I replayed this game a bunch of times just to experience that final fight again.

Unless you are a brainlet and didn't talk to Grunty's sister this was easy.

I would just have to get up and take my Wii U pad from my desk to play Megaman X and I am just too lazy to do that.

Probably gonna starve to death in a few months.

Games when link wasn't a feminized trap faggot.

But that's one of the highlights of the game.

Huh? He was looking basically the same just without the hair.

>What the fuck are you talking about?
dude what??
>I suck shit at competitive Pokemon,
lol what does this even mean?
>I just don't get why anyone would play multiplayer on cartridge when showdown is the same experience but without grinding.
youre not making any sense, i can't comprehend anything you're saying right now...see a doctor!!!

You are as deep as a bowl of soup and your tongue is as sharp as a soup spoon.

>want to replay KotOR II
>remember that Peragus II and Telos exist
>reluctantly play the first KotOR instead

>friends keep bothering me about playing on a WoW private server with them
>reach level 2
>suddenly feel chest pains and start dry heaving

>want to replay Morrowind
>make my character overpowered and dick around instead of questing
>see sunrise shining through my blinds
>question my life

>bro, you're as brainlet if you didn't expect a quiz at the end of your platformer game
Literally who fucking plays a fucking platformer to be quized on it? Introducing a dumb mechanic in a game out of the blue is the worst shit you can do in a game. I understand you were all little kids scribbling answers in your notebooks in 1998, but get fucking real. Take the googles off and play a better platformer.

>getting this buttblasted when your own tactics are used against you

Why are people so buttmad about a piss-easy ten minute quiz show?

You sound like the ugliest son of a bitch I ever heard.

Because I played a platformer to platform, not to be quized on the game's nonsense. Sorry if that is too much for you to understand. Some people don't like silly surprises like this. It's not a matter of it being hard or easy, it's a matter of "I didn't play this game to do a stupid minigame barring me from completing it." If it was optional I wouldn't care, but even with the skip I still have to waste time getting to half the board to move on.

I never did bother beating this game when I got to this part.

Why are you so angry user
It's just videogames

Please settle down, Anonymous. I am sure we can settle this disagreement in a mature and friendly manner.

You look so superficial you probably judge things by their physical appearance.

I did that board game skip and it was still tedious.
I'm not angry. I'm just telling you it was kind of silly to put that in a platforming game. It should have been made optional, and unlock some special reward if you cared enough to complete it. Like, the red honey combs for taking the quiz or something like that.

Oh now I get you. If it works this way then you were right. I never played the game so I couldn't remind myself how it was specifically

>furnace fun
>its the least fun part of the game

The Evil Within 1: Chapter 11, specifically the final Laura segment. I was trying to kill her to get the one key I was missing but she's such a pain in the ass with a million HP and always sprinting at you with instant death bullshit, I ragequit. I don't think I'll ever touch the game again, I'll just replay The Evil Within 2 whenever I feel like revisiting the series.

>5 hour tutorial

What did they mean by this

It's not that it's a tutorial, it is also shitty high school drama.

>never played the game
>has arguments over what does or doesnt work in it

Fuck you with a rake.

Reddit, leave. Just because you didn't understand what he said to you doesn't mean you can jump on a high horse and try to undermine whatever he says. I'm a bystander and it doesn't affect me, but I just wanted to say that you're pathetic

Too far, bro. Too far.

Should have took notes, faget.

Are you so dumb that you even answer rhethorical questions?

>I'm a bystander and it doesn't affect me

Great, I only had to explain it twice

>you should have taken notes on a game you were playing for the first time
>how dare you not know there was a surprise test at the end!
Please drink a gallon of Clorox Bleach from the nearest Costco asap.

Sorry mate, you didn't make any sense

Because you're pathetic and I wanted to let you know that

Edgy white guy detected

>I never played the game so I couldn't remind myself how it was specifically
dude. it was explained pretty well, and multiple times

Not that guy and it really doesn't affect me either way, but I just wanted to let you know that you're pathetic.

>being so dumb that you think anyone would fall for such obvious bait