It’s good

It’s good

if you're addicted to eating shit.

no it's not


It actually is really good if you like games with fun gunplay, good graphix and cool crafting

W-Why are you lying to me, user?

It's an ok game, but a shit fallout game

Just wait for a discount on the GOTY edition.

fallout 4 as a game is good

but as a fallout game its dog shit

It's better now with the dlc. There wasn't much building variety in vanilla. The new AK47 is amazing too

>when the GOTY edition became cheaper than the vanilla edition because of steam discount

It's bad

>mfw the only Bethesda DLC i ever finished was Shivering Isles
>haven't done any DLC in New Vegas either
I always lose interest before i reach that content. Shivering Isles felt like a new game and with the help of level scaling, i think that's why i managed to do it.

Far harbour is a great addition to the fallout name. The base game isnt

Far Harbor is among the best they've done

Last year i tried doing a new playthrough to see Far Harbor but i read it's high level content, so i played along and around level 20, i just dropped the thing. I would need to do another and reinstall the game. One day...


IDK man, but the VR is fun.
It's not easy if you use the pipboy without pause you have to use quick items.
Had more than a few jump scares from regular enemies sneaking up on me.

I liked it, 7.5/10. But Far Harbor was so great, it's best dlc of the franchise and it's far more interesting than F3, F4 and FNV combined.

Just use cheat-mods. All you need is to get to Nick and help him out.

Far Harbor unlocks around level 20.

just go straight there, nuka world is harder at low level
its pretty bad actually.

nothing is level locked its just recommended.
obviously you have to know where it is on the map since the quest doesn't activate til then.

I just pretend it's not a Fallout game and I can enjoy it.

>nuka world
>when you already saved preston from the raiders by the time you get the mission to nuka-world
>and you have to lose a lot of progress if you want to do nuka-world befor the first minuteman mission

Yeah this, they tried to do too many things while removing the core fallout rpg stuff that was in since 1. I had fun but a lot of things felt shallow and poorly executed

Wait, can you use the pipboy with out pausing in VR? where is this setting? mod?

Fallout 4 is alright, not the best thing, but much, much better than tards here on Sup Forums will lead you to believe.
and honestly I am sick of NVfags constantly shitting on it whenever anyone tries to talk about it, specifically here. they treat the game like it is Gods gift and they ignore any and all type of criticism you throw at them no matter how legitimate, I honestly put NVfans on Sup Forums in the same tier as undertale autists, five nights children, and bronys.
And I have nothing against NV at all its a great game, but fucking hell if it wasn't for the fact that I played it I would never touch it just because of how irritatingly annoying its fans are

it's bad

im only doing minutemen quests this time for artillery, I honestly don't know that i'll wait til i get to the raiders to kill preston with his fucking "but another settlement needs help" bollocks. thank [insert deity here] for kill immortals mod.

This is the sun chips of video games

aside from mods and its building mechanics, it's trash

>food analogy

more of a fan of nuka world, weird, funny thing is i went to Disney land for the first time like a week after and i think the creators really nailed they strangeness that Disney theme parks have

i have really falling down the enb mod rabbit hole

The building was ass what are you talking about

not as a fallout game.

I like that they make the creation club things free now and then. I find mods to be a bit of a gamble on whether they work without bugs or not, they conflict with other mods, the textures are usually out of place and they're not really canon either.

I haven't spent any money on the CC though, if it was all free that'd be incredible. Paying money for such small content packs though is garb

many of those building items should have not been dlc in the first place.

its point lookout 2.0 only this time, its pretty good instead of ok. dont get me started on nuke World.

Give recommended mods

Sim Settlements looks very nice

I absolutely love Fallout (even 3, despite all the flaws), but this game is just garbage. I left the vault, roamed for a few minutes and quit the game for good, never even considered to go back to playing it.

This is the pepsi of replies

manufacturing extended
dismemberment overhaul
force save in survival (idk about you but i prefer NV like, not "no saves lol welcome to die")
better eyes (includes synth, ghoul ect)
wacky weapon workshop
animated wires/ropes/bloodbags

I'm having fun with it, but like the typical Bethesda game, it's only fun with mods.

all these

With mods and proper tweaks to make sure the building blocks don't snap and can overlap, it's actually quite nice.

The crafting is really, really bad.

Better than shit vegas thats for sure

>t. Obsidian employees

>t. Todd

How much did they pay you to post that?

>Sup Forums actually likes Fallout 4 now

It wasn't meant to be like this bros

Anyone got any recommendations for good weapon mods with modifications and that fit stylistically (so no post-1960s real world weapons)?

m1 garand is my fav weapon mod and it fits the world

>real life weapon from a war that never happened in the Fallout canon fits the world



ww2 happened in the fallout universe didn't it? the Thompson gun exist in fallout and it was created during ww2

was fun to explore wasteland, everything else sucked

The M1 Garand was in NV and WW2 is mentioned in all the games you mong.

idiot our timeline and the fallout timeline was the same until after ww2, m1 garand which was created during ww2 and later used in the Vietnam war

>takes place in a 1950s-stalled world
>a war that ended in 1945 didnt happen
What did he mean by this?

Not a dime because I'm living in your head rent free

It can be comfy if you treat it as a sandbox survival type game with a bunch of mods installed and completely avoid doing quests

>has pictures of todd saved
>b-but im living in your head rent free
Lmaoing my ass off


fallout 3 is just as bad story wise

Underrated game on Sup Forums because of obsidrones

No it is not.

Only for smart gaymurs.

The Pros:
>Crafting. Make your own guns and shit
>Gunplay. Miles ahead of previous games, much improved.
>Muh Graphics. Finally it's not tinted green or orange and has vibrant colours
>Cinematic Camera while talking is really well done.

The Pros:
>Story is dog-shit tier. Urgency of finding own son is trampled by the fact you can spend 500 literal hours building a settlment. Nothing Fallout comes out of this.
>Also, main writer of the game literally said "We don't need to create a good story because it's like a thick book; players will rip the pages out and make paper aeroplanes out of it" (Reffering to the fact that Fallout players don't want story and would rather spend their time fucking around, thus all the settlement building, crafting etc, to fill your time as they knew from the get-go that the story is going to be shit-tier)
>Voiced Protag. Why? Because Bethesda made that decision some 4 years before release, so of course they aren't going to waste that money and include voiced Protag.
>Console Options: Always 4 choices either make it too little choice and they have to be repeated in a different way, or there's not enough to convey what you want to say.

So can we all agree that this is correct?

Shit I meant "The Cons" for the second one lol


agree with all your cons but here is away to fix those
>dont gives us everything at the start, power amour right from the get go wrong!!
>make it if your settlement get big enough you become apart of the trading system with lager cities like diamond and good neighbour
>open up the opportunities for clans to work together like BOS and the minutemen
thats all i got if you guys could think of some more ideas

Yes, The fact that you get PA 20 minutes into the game is fucking ridicolous. It takes away so much from the game. The 15 or so hours of playing F3 to get to a stage where you could get PA training and the countless hours needed to find the right people to talk to to get PA training in NV and all that excitement and suspense is gone when you can now use PA so early in the game.

Also, they broke their own fucking lore, esepecially the PA lore, and it pisses me off so much.

>Caring about realism in a game with Super Mutants and Ghouls

I said lore, not realism. There's a difference, mate.

It's good for 3 hours when you're just wandering around and haven't seen how bad the dialogue system is yet.

If a Fallout game wants to show off the cool powered armor 20 minutes into the game it should be a used by a difficult boss enemy who's armor is so tough you have to use anti-armor weapons or explosives to kill him since pistols, shotguns, and melee attacks common at the beginning of the game won't pierce the armor.

It'd clearly show the player how big of a deal powered armor is, give them a better idea of what weapons don't hurt someone in it, and make it more satisfying later in the game when they finally do get it.

Also maybe have the sort of weapons required to beat him unavailable in the nearby area to teach the player that fights are just too hard sometimes and to come back later after they're stronger.

i am more triggered about super mutants on east coast

you can fuck up deathclaws and everything else with bear hands

>fallout 4
>game that actually destroyed and raped whats left of the series

That too.

But only because they needed more enemies for the player to fight, instead of coming up with original enemy types that would live in that region.

>Muh Institute
>Muh FEV Experiments
>How did they get the FEV?
>idk lol


yer im like level 99 with like every strength perk and a rocket powered baseball bat
i have like 20 power amours every one completely useless

I'm retarded, I just realized that leaves a dead enemy in powered armor for the player, so there'd also need to be some contrivance preventing the player from taking it.

Unarmed builds should take lots of training to do lots of damage, the player shouldn't be able to punch powered armor and deathclaws to death immediately.

Fallout 1 and 2 were like that, weak weapons and attacks from the early game did 0 damage to powered armor.

you have to shoot the power core then the enemy jumps out or you steal the power core
BOS power amour explodes tho

Regarding the player taking the armour, I mean, it's bolted on there pretty tight and I don't think some pleb from the wasteland would know how to take it apart, yet alone have the frame to hold the armour and the nessecary tools to take them off.

You could make it so that when you click on the pieces to take them, it doesn't let you and a dialogue pops up that says "You lack the knowledge about dissasembling this armour"

And it's a perk that you need to put points in, so if you want to play a PA based character, then you need to put points into it. Otherwise, you can have one free point to distribute elsewhere.

What about the loot tables or lack thereof. Guy at top walkway of plant/factory, perfect sniping point. He had a sawn off. The pre-war locker that contained pipe guns. I fucking paid 40bongs for this too.

The low amout of weapons in this game is an insult.