What is esentially Adventure Time: The Wind Waker is happening. What does Sup Forums think?
What is esentially Adventure Time: The Wind Waker is happening. What does Sup Forums think?
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>Adventure Time
Dropped it after Flame Princess appeared. Has the show been getting better or nah?
It is consistently pumping out incredible episodes. CN just doesn't ever advertise it sadly.
it's still the best show in cartoon network history, i've watched every episode i'm too deep in to miss out now been watchign for 7 years
I'm not 12, so the idea of a piss easy collectathon tie-in game fills me with nothing but dread or apathy.
Flame princess is barely in the show. AT mostly as good as ever and, sadly ending next week
Also OP to answer your question, that sounds epic if true dude.
Big if true.
Still won't be as good as the lewd anime one i bet
It's 5+ years too late and that one porn game will be better.
Don't forget that we still have a movie coming out in the next 2 years.
This game seems like a final effort to push the IP.
>ending next week
Nah they are going until 2018, but they are ending very soon.
>Mfw the last episode is called "Come along with me"
What a legacy this show had.
I was gonna claim that the combat won't be as fun as the fan game, but it looks like it's going to be "tactical" i.e. apples and oranges so might be good.
>7 years
WHat the fuck
The show is 7 years old. I've watched every episode for the past 7 years, it ends at the start of 2018 probably but they haven't released the schedule yet because they are fuckfaces. It doesn't end until 2018, but probably at the very start, just so they can say that they aired for 8 years and not 7.
There've been like at least 4 AT games so far and none of them have been good. 5 time's the charm I guess? The series deserves at least ONE good game before it dies
It really went down the shitter when they decided to explain everything.
i agree it's a good ip but all their games have been "a link to the past" reskinned or just a literal walking simulator
>none of them have been good.
I've heard good things about the Zelda 2-Style game on 3DS and 'Nameless Kingdom'
I actually enjoyed Flame Princess, but that led to Fire and Ice and everything to follow so I can see how it destroyed everything and caused the downhill spiral. Since then I don't think they've ever gotten as cringe worthy but they've been doing a large abundance of "art house"-y episodes. Like shit that isn't entertaining in any manner but you just know the person who wrote this episode has several pages of explanations for all it's "depth"
What happened to that game? Did it ever get finished or is it still in development
Since your taste in fucking video games is so superior what isn’t for 12 year olds?
I stopped watching this shit after it took itself too serious. It was fine when it was literally just a kid and his dawg go and do random shit but then they had to force retarded lore to make it more "dark and deep"
it's pretty hard to live up to.
It's not fun anymore
It's just drama and Simon and tons of stupid backstory no one cares for
Gunther is actually a eldritch being older than the universe but he can only access his true form in space
Ice king is actually some dude named Simon who went crazy because he put on the crown
And Finn and the lich are reincarnations of two different meteors
And tons of other stupid bullshit
>not playing card wars
>not flooping the pig
My series finale is “Dad’s Dungeon”. The show was always fun and games. The way that episode details their history with dad and how they fought off a huge creature shows how the show doesn’t have to be too serious, it was a comedic and fun episode.
The episode right after that was when Finn was suddenly “oh im so depressed and mopey :((“, then Flame Princess appeared.
>more open world shit
>le Jakes mom was actually a monster that got fucked by Dad, so now Jake is a monster
>Finn’s FMA-tier bullshit going on, no arm
Fuck Cartoon Network forcing this “lore” shit in every show.
Yeah, shit, we're going to miss out on the great linear Adventure Time games like... uh...
What the fuck was this shit about?
They're not bad, just wish that they could be a little more ambitious than making a Zeldo clone with AT assets and calling it a day
Then again, I can't remember a single cartoon game that was actually -great-, so maybe it's just not possible
>come along with me
>rub your penis on my teeth
what was up with that fucking ending song? no wonder cartoon network never shows it
It got updated not long ago and it will have some flame princess bullshit added """"""soon"""""".
Still the update did some retarded shit like remove Fiona's shibari outfit or remove loli Marceline from the poser because they added penises.
teenagers being weird
>we can wander through the forest
>ravioli dont fuck loli
Whoa whoa WHOA. What the fuck did CN mean by this?
We all agree this episode was the peak of the series right?
Not really.
Who does Finn wanna fuck nowadays? How has it turned out between him and Flame Princess?
The first 3 lich episodes are the best
>Watching cartoons
They tried to ship him with the huntress wizard but idk how it will end
finn has turned into an empty void
You and I have the same mind.
What happened to the genderbent versions of the characters
they appeared a few more times
>Adventure Time fanbase is ded while SU is the new hotness
>makes an AT fangame anyways
bretty gud
Screw you bitch, I know you're meming but that song is pure bittersweet kino
Exemplifies the best parts of the show
The artstyle looks pretty damn good, very accurate to the show itself. I just hope it has gameplay to match (read: it probably won't).
>people on Sup Forums having good taste
I don't know what parallel dimension I'm in but I like it
link to update?
hes fucking the huntress wizard now
hey man, if you like the song thats fine. but im just weirded out at how awkwardly sexual and vulgar it is
"Jake the Dog" was the true end of the series
It didn't get good after here until very recently at the end of the series.
Adventure Time is still a thing? I thought it ended a while ago around when Regular Show did...
those episodes have always been overrrated t b h
big deal of them going to a new reality, then that new reality is mostly boring, then they fix everything and it's never mentioned again (aside from that one other episode from like 3 years later).
The Lich was a great season finale that deserved better episodes following it
shit i haven't even watched in so long where do i start to catch up?
When did you stop? Depending on how long ago it was you might have a fuckload of episodes to dig into
Sup Forums has good taste in everything but vidya, but Dad's Dungeon is usually up there in everybody's list of favrits
what's his endgame?
>Gunther is actually a eldritch being older than the universe but he can only access his true form in space
i don't remember that shit
I can get behind this desu. The artstyle is good enough. I wish we had a Naruto open world game.
orgalorg was the worst episode in the series it's best not talked about
He just wants to be a man, but Finn screaming at him seemed to destroy the rest of his confidence forever. Poor nerd.
Went to abominable levels of shit when they started with "lore" and "profound" storytelling.
No idea why american cartoons fall into that trap.
Are Finn and Fionna still banned from interacting with any naked characters? That killed this thing for me
look at this big boy over here with his big boy taste
hard to remember but probably somewhere around the time after the whole flame princess breaking up with finn stuff
>Teen Titans GO > Adventure time
Prove me wrong
I miss when cartoons were fun.
That was a huge amount of time ago man, you're like 150 episodes back. If you wanna catch up I think there's sites like Kisscartoon or Dailymotion and stuff where you can find practically all of it, also downloads around somewhere.
You left off right at the start of season 6, which kind of got up its ass with artsy shit and wasn't overly satisfying, but still with some stand out high points. 7 is less up its ass and pretty enjoyable on most fronts, and everything past that has been pretty cool and exciting.
If you wanna catch up it'll be a pretty decent commitment, but it's not a bad waste of time all things considered.
>Adventure Time
I thought that shit died
People saw ATLA and were like "hey I can do that"
Yes they are still banned from the poser.
Tbh each update will probably make the game less and less perverted.
Personally I don't give a fuck about Flame Princess so I don't care much about her being added as a companion in the last update or whatever story they for her in the next one.
God I miss ed edd n eddy ;_;
Shame, Finn/Breakfast Princess were my favorite thing to come from that
We all do.
Because Americans aren’t allowed to be funny anymore, only dramatic.
The morning toddler show style songs
Waffles Waffles Waffles Waffles Waffles Waffles Waffles Waffles Waffles Waffles Waffles Waffles Waffles Waffles Waffles Waffles Waffles Waffles Waffles Waffles XD lmFao!!!!!
i dont know how this game is coded, but wouldnt the poser function work off flags? as in, they can tick or untick the models that are to be shown in the poser. if thats how it works, then couldnt someone just tick loli marceline and finn?
Name the boat guys
>binging AT right now as i type
>just got through the episode "Puhoy"
>Finn will never remember his wife and kids
time compression episodes and dreams always fuck me up
nice link. almost got me if it weren't for noscript blocking the shit out of it.
I believe there was a mod that enabled everything floating around in /thrash/ but I'm not sure really.
Hmm, it should sound like a name Jake came up with.
Huntress Wizard. Season 9 is setting her to be Finn's endgame
/cotumblr/ needs to leave Sup Forums already.
still mad they turned Princess Bubblegum into an unbearable bitch with no redeeming qualities
Finn's happiest life was in a world he forgot and he'll never remember his perfect waifu and kids
Truly the heroes path is a hard one
Even though it was pretty much a retread of the Inner Light and For the Man Who Has Everything Puhoy was still pretty great
Is Adventure Time even relevant anymore? I dropped it after they started getting all up their own ass with the plot or whatever the fuck, like anybody fucking cares. Really obvious it got new writers who didn't know what the fuck they were doing.
>he isn't an animation IDORT
I like all types of animation. I stay away from Adventure Time as of recent though. Gumball has become really meh since late Season 4-early Season 5 and the first episode of Season 6 was...the same. I really hope better for Cartoon Network.
No reason to be elitist over cartoons.
It's for the best. At least EEnE actually finished.
yeah i think i can manage that, maybe skip a few unnecessary episodes
holy shit
If I recall, Mike Inel is taking a short break from working on it after late August's update- he's going to get back to it after reanimating the nudist scene from Zootopia with human characters.
What did you guys think about the Island Episodes?
I thought it was nice to see some proper human remains and the ending got me really....
I dunno. I feel like its still me
Unnescessary and i didn't like them. The world building was fun in little doses when they started with Simon but adventure time has and will always shine when the episode looks straight out of a tabletop session.
I didn't like season 7 at all except for one episode, the hall of egress, that was straight up D&D shit.
really hope nintendo takes a good look at this and remembers how to do cartoon graphics
BOTW is such a fucking eyesore
>tfw Finn was 12 at the start of the show and is now 17
>Despite that he still looks and sounds the fucking same
Why couldn't the showrunners take a clue from the comic writers and actually age him up like in the Mnemonoid arc?