Seriously, why?!? I've been religiously nostalgiafagging the 2007/9-2012 era of modern fps shooters on the console platforms so much and literally feel like every other era of gaming is irrelevant and can go fuck itself, ngl. Idk, but some of you will know what I'm talking about: the simpler time where there was a more comprehensible and tightly focused market with a natural aura of AAA competition ie COD v. BF. The terms were alot simpler and and the themes felt fresh and well defined enough to generate that static energy and huge online multiplayer bases for them, compiled with the YT scene being way more wholesome and taking off before it devolved into the desperate and watered down shit it is today, which is imo how I feel the games industry is reflected in as well.
I dont even consider whatever technological advances made past this period within this industry to even be worth it if I had to chose a timeline, although they would be nice.
Is it possible to ever achieve another similar series of cultural phenomena like we saw in that period wherein we gather a massive amount of bodies all playing one or a few things that's not totally fucking gay or a big disappointment? Or are we stuck in this over-saturated and fractured hellish limbo of a market forever with a million inferior copycats that stretches the dollar just a little more each time?
Am I a lil bitch for not wanting to move on & participate anymore or am I right? Meme replies allowed.

this except I'm nostalgic for actually good games

>quality of the game matters in multiplayer games more than the atmosphere the games largely create

by that logic csgo should be regarded as like a 4/10 game at best

People want to be successful. Successful games =/= creative or good, they just have to take advantage of economic powers and human nature.

Thats why lots of modern forms of entertainment seem like shit. We've made selling to consumers a science of mind control, economic force and advertising.

Sure you could go off and make a new genre with new mechanics that seem like to you like a fun idea but why do that when you can make an MMO copying the WoW template and guarantee millions? Or copy BF/COD for your shooter, or the FotM genre like MOBA was and PUBG now is.

daily reminder

those were the worst times for FPS IMO. It's that time I stopped playing FPS all together.

I'm with you on that train of thought for sure. I totally understand the economic incentives for reducing risk and piggybacking other (groups of)people's more ambitious and creative projects for more guaranteed success(heck, even cod has done this to themselves for a while now).
Ive got to admit, I, like many others, bought and paid alot of money for alot of these copycats in a desperate attempt to get a slice of that old, nostalgic era of more innovative and fresh gameplay in this genre, but even with slight advancement(and now regression), I only become more disappointed with each diluted imitation of the original generative force.

It was a better time for the gaming community. Sure games were worse but you can't honestly tell me you think that today's ultra-normie filled nightmare is preferable. 2006-2010 gaming was getting big but gamers were still considered nerds. Nowadays nerds are the cool guys.

That's literally the worst gen of FPS you should kill yourself today

I assume you mean worst times up until that point, and not after that point(post 2012). If so, I respect your opinion, and I'm guessing you're probably a bit older than me.

Basically this. I prefer that community with slightly less advanced games(if you can call half of the buggy as shit low player count games today "more advanced")but a bigger and growing base focused on fewer games(we have more now, but again, most are inferior copies which only divide the markets and server counts ever lower) and the mixed reactions of social acceptability for gamers(see rise in esports and yt gaming vids), but also no lack of the stereotypical nerd labels. Off topic but bullying has its benefits lol. But anything other than the cancerous fetishism of hipster gamer aesthetic we have today where people will voluntarily give money to watch even average fucking nerds game.

I probably will kms if there's alot of people out there like you that honestly think post 2012, shitty lootbox and inferior imitation-filled, fps gen is superior to its predecessor.

You type like a 12-year-old retard and you have nostalgia for shitty games.

seealso, your fedora is also showing c/:^)

Away with you, underaged fag.

it was only good because people talked
now everyone is toxic and no one wants to be a team

>has never experienced the musty atmosphere of millions of people on the same game for more than 2 weeks without cancerous, monetized spin-off content 'creation'

Hi, Gen Z (or Gen X nuGamer) :^)

vidya was best between the eras of quake/UT and "don't dew yourself in yet, kid". this is an objective fact

You were 10 years old.

>today's ultra-normie filled nightmare
It started a decade ago though. Games like Team Fortress 2, CoD4 and LoL all helped kickstart the normie gamer generation. Web 2.0 was in full swing too which further made this hobby more visible and thus more likely to attract others.

Let's not forget the modern day worship of open worlds and the formula that persists to this day came with Skyrim and Far Cry 3 ("Skyrim with guns"). By now the gaming community's even worse, but the degradation effect started a long time ago.

Real nostalgiafags are playing PS1, N64, SNES, old PC games

The true golden age of gaming.

>nostalgia for fucking Call of Duty
Jesus fucking christ, imagine having taste this poor.
