Now that I'm an adult I question whether he actually did anything wrong

Now that I'm an adult I question whether he actually did anything wrong.

he didnt he was just a guy trying to make his way in the world.

Murder is wrong.
He didn't setup Geralt on purpose though, he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

>Doing dirty work for Nilfgaard and expecting them to keep their

Right thing or wrong thing, he's still fucking retarded.

Yeah he killed the best King in the northern realms and sent the region into disarray leading to Nilfgaard's invasion and Radovid's sadistic rise to power. Foltest dying was the worst thing that could happen.

Which ending in the third game is canon? I hope it's Radovid assassinated, Nilfgaard dominates whilst ultimately restoring Temerian land, with Ciri choosing a Witcher's life with Papa Geralt.

>impregnates sister

Apart from killing Foltest, alongside the usual sins that people commit in the Witcher universe, he's no worse than any other main character

He was just doing what he had to do to keep his family together. Same as Geralt might have done. 2nd game was weak in a lot of ways, but I'll always love it for letting you sit down and talk over your differences with the final boss before going your separate ways.



might as well get this out of the way right now so that we can discuss the actual topic at hand.

1 >>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2

This. He has standard motivations that Geralt would basically share given any other circumstance and the only real conflict comes from the fact that the only way for Letho to get what he wants is to get in the way of what Geralt wants.

Game is just two chill dudes crossing paths in the worst way.


Faggot village deserved it.

not really. geralt was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.


Left a witness.

i too would have killed those peasent fucks for trying to kill me just for not wanting to pay me in peanuts.

If the villagers really did attack him first, I won't fault him for defending himself. Whether or not everyone he killed was in on it is another story.

He didn't have to kill EVERYONE, just the faggots that attacked him.
But killing him would be wrong too. Dead he won't be able to atone for what he's done.


>play Elex
>I kinda agree with the villains
>I can't directly join them but in the end I have the option to let most of them live and make my entire game progression kinda pointless, only having achieved to restore my own honor and not making a difference, while I could have gone full genocidal and exterminate all of them
Reminder: Piranha Bytes CD Pr*ject
Good games let you choose.

*Piranha Bytes > CD Pr*ject

dead game, average reviews, tiny fanbase, shitty gameplay as usual from PB

you must be seething

He was naive to expect the nilfgaardians to let him go on with his life after all the fucked up shit he was a part of. He's a dangerous loose end begging to be tied up.

>Defending himself?
>Killing many other villagers that were likely innocent in a rage?

I still let him go though because I couldn't blame him after he got screwed over like that.

Plus, Geralt really isn't in any position to judge him for those actions.

Wasn't his whole self defense story bullshit since Geralt says he can tell this isn't the first time he's done this?

Y. He was a rabid dog, and needed to be put down. It was pretty clear that he had committed massacres before.

And if you go to his hideout after the quest there are 3 other monster heads from villages that didn't pay him and a note saying his Witcher school was invaded by Radovid's troops.

>geralt is after all the butcher of blavican
KILL YOURSELF YOU FUCKING RETARD. Geralt killed a gang of bandits that were about to massacre a town, not defenseless women and children.

He didn't kill the child, it was just a little 3 house village.

He spared that one child because she happened to remind him of his sister not because he had any qualms with slaughtering children in general.

Foltest was great, but don't hate on mad rad the lad.

He didn't in his context, and attempting to kill him at the end of W2 makes no goddamn sense given what he's done for Geralt. He saved and handheld an amnesiac Yenn, and if you ignored her, he also saved Triss from getting lynched

Might have gone a bit overboard, but ultimately - no. The plebs shouldn't have tried to double cross him in the first place


>playing witcher 2 when you werent an adult


Sometimes heads just gotta roll

>he also saved Triss from getting lynched
That's the one thing he did wrong. Should have let the rapist whore sit on the stake

>Geralt wanting to restore the witcher's at all

No stupid, Geralt would have thought his quest was repugnant AND moronic, Nilfgaard would never honor his request afterwards (oh and look what happened)

The Witcher 2 is 7 years old user.

Honestly there was no reason to fight him from a role playing standpoint, people who fought him just for a boss fight weren't role playing, they were meta gaming.
Hell, midway through Act 2 I actually thought "Why do I want to kill letho again?"
Not only are you already cleared for wrongdoing but he also doesn't want you dead, so there's literally no gain in killing him, no sane person would even bother doing so.

Unless you’re role playing an evil geralt.

I wish I could’ve invited him to Khaer Morhen, that probably goes against the lore or something though

He worked for the main villain of the witcher series. He was retarded.

Going through TW2 for the first time on a new year's eve two years ago, binging rum and coke and being a dick to everyone in the game was a good time and probably the last time i enjoyed a new video game to a decent degree.

Too bad I expected TW1 2.0, and got a consolitis experience that wasn't that great overall and had shitton of bugs. But still, it was a good time.

>someone who played witcher 2 at 11 years old can now post on Sup Forums


Even as "Evil" Geralt he still did you several favors.
Unless you're full "Joker" tier Chaotic evil, which is, well, still not sane.

>user realizes that video games are a product designed for children

alvin would have probably been great as a replacement



your mothers suck dwarf cock

>Butcher of Blaviken

>that fucking letter in his hideout that one of the witchers of cat school was named schodinger


he was a murderer
there was nothing personnel about framing geralt, he wasnt supposed to be there in the first place
he also saves triss if u go with iorweth

Hit me chicky

There's absolutely nothing in the village to suggest he killed any children. Don't try to tell me they were afraid to put dead kids in the game, there's a house with a dead child inside of it elsewhere on the map. I think it's the house with the hanging man outside.