Lets talk about the greatest game ever produced. What made it so flawless?

Lets talk about the greatest game ever produced. What made it so flawless?

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custom games

only chinks still love it. It's old and shitty.



This mainly

Customfags killed the game with their cancer.

>greatest game ever produced
That's not Half-Life or Oblivion tho

Did absolutely nothing wrong. I lost my shit when Cuckfurion just forgave Illidan for all his crimes because he helped to retrive his waifu.

I think you're confused with starcraft. chinks never gave a shit about warcraft. WC's always been more about the gameplay, music, customs and artstyle not gookclicking competitions

OP posted WC3 not Wrath of the Lich king

i'm tired and saw that wrong, this is my fault, sorry for being a faggot.

I think he meant actual chinks, as in chinese. Wc3 is far more popular in China than Brood War

I played WC3 but never tried StarCraft is it worth the time?

Depends, Starcraft is macro-oriented while Warcraft is micro-oriented game, pick whiever appeals more to you

>Wc3 is far more popular in China than Brood War
Really? What's the appeal? I don't think they give two shits about actual qualites of the game.

I suck at macro game management I know this because of lol

Good graphics for its time; everything is very distinct and easy to make out. Even big fights didn't feel cluttered or messy.
Relative good balance with FOUR unique races, all with their own strengths and weaknesses.
Solid storytelling that actually made sense and kept you interested in the heroes.
Hero units in themselves.
Amazing voice acting and lines. 20 years later and I STILL find myself saying random quotes from it sometimes.

>everything is very distinct and easy to make out.
This is my favourite part of WC3 art direction. Even in mirror games, clarity was absolute. Compare it to the clusterfuck that is every SC2 battle.

I think the multiplayer meta is dogshit compared to many better RTS games.
Campaign and races were great though, and the graphics were stellar at the time.

Official dindu nuffin list: Arthas, Maiev

>I'm blind, not deaf
>I feel... edgy
>[peasant]yes sir[/peasant]
The lines are good but I can't think of anything distinctly quotable like in Starcraft.
I still say 'absolutely' like the fucking Siege Tank operator.

lmao such shit taste

Pizza boi

nigga what

I hated Undead campaign because it jumped all over the places.
I also hated Blood Elf campaign because it felt so short.

Yeah the campaigns pretty fun. I like that YOU the player are a character in the campaign.

>hating an RTS campaign which allows you to play a race not playable anywhere else

>literally just humans, only led by the weakest hero in the game
Its a good thing you quickly get to control lvl 10 Illidan

Nah nigga the Naga buildings
Though the elves are a neat change as well.

I want to fuck Sleinsama! discord.gg/uUXr7YD