Is this Japan's answer to Dark Souls?

Is this Japan's answer to Dark Souls?

it's time to kill you'reself.

Japan made Dark Sou-

Oh I get it this is bait haha lol!!!

is MH more difficult than Souls? Not that Souls is super difficult or anything I just want to know where they lie on the scale.

Pretty good bait.

Definately MH is easier but is also fair and has good responsive controls, Souls is cheap bullshit with artificial difficulty out the ass and shit controls.

Get good

You didnt prove him wrong

You sound like a shitter.

Sorry about your brain tumor.
Get well soon.

how newfag you can be, OP ?

>Japanese "dragons"

Im pretty sure whoever fell for this already killed themselves.

Thank god

>Good, responsive controls

every time. Thnks for the laugh

Depends, it's a different playstyle. Fights last longer and even with Evasion armor skills you don't get as many iframes as the Souls games. But you also have a lot more tools for healing yourself and disabling monsters.

Compared to Souls games they are.

MH is definitely more difficult than Souls, there is not a single fucking doubt about it, not to mention how fucking grindy it gets if you want to reach the very top.

Depends on your definition of difficulty, I suppose.
You're allowed more consecutive mistakes in MH, but fights also last a lot longer.

Skyrim combat is so much better and imersive, this new monster hunter crap is copying skyrim in the way you hunt the dragons, there is not even a first person view in this ugly game.

And having a torn ACL doesn't hurt as much as getting your leg cut off but neither are pleasurable.

Hahaha yes, yes good meme, i give it an upvote !

Depends on the monster and the weapon matchup a bit too. Garuga is pure suffering with Lance since you can't counter multi-hit attacks, and the sidestep doesn't go far enough to just constantly dodge to the left like other weapons. Doable, but frustrating. Meanwhile GS, Hammer, etc make that purple faggot a huge joke. And then there's still stuff that can combo you from full to dead if you fuck up at the wrong time, thanks to stuns or paralysis.

god mode
easy mode
>everything else
normal mode
hunter must die mode

All screenshots of this just make me angry we aren't getting a proper Dragon's Dogma game.

Git gud

bump ig, cb and solo ls to easy

You and me both