This game's community is complete trash. No one knows how to play a fucking role...

This game's community is complete trash. No one knows how to play a fucking role. Everyone runs off on their thinking they're going to get a super sweet killstreak, and it pisses me off. No one uses a mic, no one plays like a team, at all, period.

If anyone picks a healer other than Mercy, they just try to fucking DPS instead of HEALING and supporting the team. Tanks will run off on their own and any Junkrat player thinks they are the whole team. If you call anyone out on their garbage, they fucking report you for harassment instead of correcting their behavior and it's ridiculous.

And competitive, which should be better, is WORSE. It's just autists fucking screeching at each other and screaming about why they're better than the rest of the team, instead of doing anything to help the team. EVERY SINGLE MATCH I've played has gone exactly like that.

I understand why we think this game is garbage now. I get it perfectly. I hivemind with you on this one, Sup Forumsros.

>playing to win
>not playing to get a sweet Play of the Game
How's your transition going, sweetie?

I'm going to pay someone to shit down your throat with the refund Blizzard WILL give me for this garbage. I'm calling them now

I think people who complain about Overwatch's community should be forced to play R6S

Really, you aren't going to invest those money in a better surgeon? Don't you want your new cunny to look all nice and natural? That's one thing you don't want to cheap out on, dearie.

How about you play a game that isn't complete garbage, you might actually encounter some stable human beings who dont tuck their nutsack behind their legs

Even I did get a cunt I'd at least get laid more often than you, as opposed to your never.

>people actually use mic on competitive

already way better than dota or lol

yeah, even the wacky fun modes arent fun because people tryhard for boxes

i just wanna play Hoovy

>Even I did get a cunt
So you're sticking with your cute little boyclit for now? That's adorable, I'd love to see it dangle around while you're being fucked :3

Don't call it a BOYclit please :s but yeah having it flail around while getting fucked is fun~

Man if you're gonna pretend to be me, don't do it five minutes after your last post on a 100% dead thread and using exactly the same sentence structure.

If you wanna jerk off just go to pornhub

Actually I'm not him I jumped in because I get off to what he was saying

then you two are a match made in heaven

jerk each other off and then find a nice pride parade somewhere to be complete degenerate faggots at

Sounds fun, and I'll still be straighter than you since I don't play fucking overwatch.

>This game is complete trash.

Maybe get out of silver. People use mics, call out kills and ability uses, ult combos and everything above a certain Elo threshold. Seems you are the one that is garbage.

I never played this game but here's my opinion: testicles.

Just like every multiplayer game, ever.

Eat some concrete and harden up sunshine.

PC is cancer. Playing on console is always a fun experience.

This. Someone gifted me an account so now I mess around on it and even playing whoever I want I still easily hit Masters. My real account hovers 3900 as a Zarya main. Anyone who whines about bad teammates needs to realize that they make mistakes too. Just like you see your teammates do dumb shit, they see you do dumb shit too. Once you see the dumb shit you do you'll climb. It's an easy, casual game. Just stop being a retard.

I suck at the game as a gold scrub. In every game there is 2 snipers, no tanks or healers. I want to play as a team but solo thats not possible. Dont play this shit if you have no friends.