Imagine if 5 years ago somebody told you that in 2017 Pewdiepie is going to become the most based personality on youtube

Imagine if 5 years ago somebody told you that in 2017 Pewdiepie is going to become the most based personality on youtube

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5 years ago he wasn't even the most popular youtuber.

>faggot who's salty over the fact that the youtube popularity cycle has run its course

I would have said bullshit but it's crazy how much he's changed

This but he was the most fast growing.

I wouldn't have given a shit then and I still don't now.

He's still cancer, but you're such a simpleton that him being outspoken against SJWs is enough for you to worship him.

>dude who's now rich as fuck and can do whatever he wants

did he ever stop making random yelling noises and the babyspeak?

Can you tell past me to buy as many bitcoins possible and hold on to them

Something happened to him at the start of 2016. I like his videos now, but can't watch old pewdiepie, it is truly cancerous. He even said it

>the swedish Hitler keeps redpilling teens





Is he trying to become the bext Varg?

Why would I so cruelly meme your past self

I wouldn't be surprised, dude is like Benjamin Button where his mental age is 5-8 years younger than his physical state. Right now he's going through his edgy teenager phase after moving out of screaming overly excited prepubescent stage.

I find a lot of his old-non horror playthroughs to be nice. Like his SOTC or Heavy Rain. He's honestly a really cool dude, even back then. Just did the whole screaming garbage for views.

>he said nigger (never mind he apologized) wtf he's based
Kill yourself

>X says something slightly edgy

Every time.

>pol siding with PewDiePie
Ulimate proof that 80% of you are underage edgelords

Pewdiepie is based as fuck
>literally the biggest youtuber is secretly redpilling all of his viewers

Damn, you're so smart and grown up... #Bernie2020

why is he even making videos anymore? he can just chill with his gf and his countless money till they die

Same thing that happened with JonTron and a bunch of other people. Insane journalists and Twitter SJWs drove them to the right.

not videogames

for the lulz, of course

>drove them to the right

What, how?

There is literally nothing wrong with journalists and twitter. They're just saying that white people should all die and that's pretty much a given, you fucking shitlord.

tfw pewdiepie has been well-known on youtube for 12 years

but he is a weeb
nothing based about it

The whole medium is over-saturated and has become more about who has the most noticeable snorkel in a swamp of feces.

>have spent most of my time on the internet for well over a decade
>still never bothered to really learn about who he is
>never even really bothered to pay attention to what gamergate was

He love making them and it takes like 1 hour to make one, then his editors do the rest of the work.
the rest of the time he is just playing with his dogs, having sex with Marzia and playing a lot of games.

>says nigger


Probably same reason notch shit posts on Twitter, he has fuck you money and the free time to do whatever

I'm shocked he's still able to stay on top and relevant. Shows he's somewhat business savy

is this a shitpost? pewdiepie didn't start blowing up until the amnesia days. and his first video was fucking minecraft

You missed out, it was hilarious.

>I don't like social justice
>makes edgy joke

>unironically getting triggered over someone dissing PewDiePie of all e-celebs

Goddamn that's a new low, even for Sup Forums.

How does this have anything to do with video games?

he need to shave

He's a pretty cool nigga.

>ape of 2017

not sure about /our guy/, but he's definitely /my guy/

I'm pretty fucking sure Felix made this thread and is shitposting.

Didn't used to watch your stuff but your quality has improved a lot on everything but YLYL. Keep up the good work, save the animals and let's kick cancers butt. HOOOOOOYPE and greetings from germany

How do i block this nigga posting his legit 2/10 feet

>Right now he's going through his edgy teenager phase
He just has a dark sense of humor that you haven't seen from him before

he unironically goes to /gif/ for half his videos

>This thread

You can smell the underage and redditors

State of this board

The amount of footage of Sup Forums posts he keeps showing in his YLYL videos keeps increasing soon he'll be reviewing reactions to Sup Forums posts.

He was just making lp´s for 13 year olds.

Once he was at the top he stopped giving a fuck and now he just does what ever he wants.

>images are spoilered
>guy writes the same thing every time
>yet you still click to reveal the image and look at it for some reason


>Kids will come to this website because of Pewdiepie

>tfw when minecraft came out 15 years ago

Future me just told me to buy as many LINKs as possible and hold onto them, so it sounds like we have a second chance!

>thinking anyone today will learn of Sup Forums from Pewdiepie

>has a hard time staying relevant


the absolute state of nu/pol/ fags

You sound pretty upset about it, which is entirely what he was looking for. So congrats for taking the bait?

>t-thank g-d for me

I wouldn't give a fuck and I still don't give a fuck
stop posting this e-celeb shit you cancerous miserable piece of shit

>Sup Forums is now full of underaged pewdiepie watching faggots
Kill yourselves.

I'm 29 and I've just started watching Pewdiepie a year ago.

I actually like some of his content now. The ones were he ask his fans to make content for him.

>has had 2 controversies about him being racist this year
What went wrong?

That's pathetic.

It's weird watching Grand Tour and realizing how old Jeremy looks. The smokes really fucked his skin over.

So, around the same time he started saying nigger and kill all jews?

He has money and the most subs. He has no need to calm the SJWs.

It all changed when YouTube told him, they didn't want him being the face of YouTube because he was white straight male

A very long time ago

pewd is a 4chin oldfag though

>realize that 5 years ago that the 13 year olds who loved him would come on this website

Never watched one of his videos, never plan to.

Yeah, I got interested in all the controversies, checked out the videos and find him genuinely funny and relatable.

>Says racist shit
>Calls someone who acted dishonorably in a video game a nigger
>Said immigration has ruined Sweden
>Called an African American youtuber ugly
>Just makes him more and more popular with teenagers

What did millenials mean by this?

imagine being this deluded.

He's stopped being so forced, so in a way he's probably the most natural high level youtuber because he doesn't give a fuck for most things besides saying nigger with the hard R.

he backstabbed his following of underaged girls

What did you expect? He is sweedish it must hurt seeing how your country going to shit, living with cucks burn your soul trust me

i dont care at all for his regular content (lets plays and shit), but i've seen a few of his videos where he just discusses shit and honestly he is pretty based.

just down to earth and sane, he was clearly doing the youtube shit for the money and i mean really who fucking wouldnt

>Said immigration has ruined Sweden

He literally said the opposite. said he was done with sweden because people were voting for a right-wing party.



>steals his memes from reddit
>makes casual nazi jokes
>same content over and over

>14 year old humor is funny now
The guy is neither original, nor funny. He just copies whatever Filthy Frank used to do, and only reacts to YLYL threads on Sup Forums. You only like him because LOL HE BTFO SJW XD !!!!

>called an African American youtuber ugly

That was like 3 years ago dude.
This was him 1 month ago.
clips twitch tv/TenderReliableElkSpicyBoy


>>Said immigration has ruined Sweden
Well you tell me
>lower salaries
>higher taxes
I work at night and my health got worse because I can't sleep in my fucking house because I have 5 africans talking loud during hours, yeah that doesnt happen to all those famous talking about not being a racist while living in their own bunker

Mid 2016 - beginning of 2017 pewdiepie was the best
>started not giving a single fuck anymore
>actually put effort into most of his videos
>edgy humour but not too obnoxious
>exposed bullshit like wsj
He's now objectively run out of ideas and he still tries to shit out like two videos a day, not to mention stretching them out all the time to get them to 10 minutes for dat revenue. For some reason he's also become painfully unfunny, I don't know what happened.

What's dark about him. His vids are positive

>14 year old humor is funny now
It's funny now, it's been funny before and will always remain funny. Felix is inspired by South Park which is the greatest cultural achievement in the history of western civilization.

I keep forgetting he has the most subs. He's making too many edgy jokes to be the most popular

He and other youtubers constantly shilled here just steal shit from here and you idiots eat it all up.

His audience of meme spouting prepubescents is now a bunch of ironic meme spouting adolescents, he's had to adapt
It's still trash

just don't live in the fucking swedish ghetto?

No one said he was.

Video where he does a 'murder/ fuck' video of other popular youtubers, he called them ugly and said they had a wide nose

Im rich and also always salty

Never doubt salt user its within all of us, rich, poor, old, young, smart, stupid, we are all salt

heh, i like le pickle rick too

kill yourself underage poltard

Jacksfilms is better