About to start a new game in this. What am I in for?

About to start a new game in this. What am I in for?

>large amounts of jizz both on screen and on your hands
Otherwise known as a Friday in Thailand.

don't forget the never ending scenes.

Beastiality with dogs and pigs, BDSM and one scene of guro i believe.

Only one beast scene too

milfs, dickgirls, shotas, ntr - name it and it's probably in there


Surprisingly, yes, there is a vanilla route

A shittier Bible Black.


post the shit ending

Best girl has a dick


You guys mean it literally right?

absolutely this, 11/10 qt, rich, collects sports cars, loves you the most, wants to have your child, has a fat sausage between her legs.

worst king crimson album

Poos and wees mate, poos and wees.


Literally shit everywhere. I stopped being friend with a guy when he showed me why he love this "game".

You must have a shitty friend.

If you stopped being friends with someone because of this I'm guessing you guys weren't good friends to begin with.

Don't they all?

McMahon walking backwards.gif

oh you


Every time someone mentions this game I feel like playing it again. I swear it's my own personal VTMB

Such a shame that best girl has no good ending
I just want to fuck that blue haired cutie to the end of my days as an 80 year old

>friends convince my stepbrother to play this game by photoshopping a HTC VIVE amazon receipt and telling him if he plays it he can have the VR
>my idiot brother spends 10 hours straight playing through every possible choice in hopes of getting VR
>Spergs out when he finds out they were joking

Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines?

Truly an unforgettable game, but not in a good way. I did get a few laughs out of it though
