Boss laughs at you and calls you a loser when you die

>boss laughs at you and calls you a loser when you die
Besides Star Successor, why don't more games do this"

nagatoro is my gf

Arkham games

nagatoro is fucking disgusting

i will murder you






Don't post images like these.

I remember a bunch of old games when I was a kid doing similar stuff, not so much now though.


Nagatoro a shit.

you heard me


Most of the newer batman games did this. Loved those little things, like the joker laughing at your face when your on the ground. I think I died more to random baddies then bosses :| swarms.

>tfw no /gfd/ bully gf

So Sup Forums... Nagatoro or Takagi?


Both are annoying little cunts, but at least Takagi isn't complete shit and a nigger

>can't tell the difference between delicious brown girls and niggers
How new are you, lad?

>bullying the bully

Nagatoro really is shit, her whacky facial expressions look dumb and her black belt talk is laughable and breaks all immersion because I still could sack some malnourished tiny gook.
Yupiel is my mistress of choice.

Takagi only teases the MC because the MC is constantly trying to pull one over on her. They're both endearing kids, you dense, bitter manchild.

She's sexy but femdom isn't my thing tbqhwy

A nigger is a nigger


>someone else likes thing so I HATE IT
classic Sup Forums

Post the edit

who is this cute brown anime girl

How long is this manga? does it goes somewhere or is always insults? what about gore? i think someone talked about gore on that series years ago.

Your waifu is shit

>tfw not a disgusting masochist

A-user, I...

>implying calling me disgusting doesn't make me even harder

that series literally started like a month ago and there are 5 chapters out
its just cute teasing

Well, cute bullying, all in good faith of course.

But someone told me that this artist is a porn artist but got popular because of brown bully girl from years ago did i travel back in time?

You're right, official manga started recently, but he's been doing this shit for a long time.

Nanashi-san is somewhat different these days, even Nagatoro has gotten a tad softer.

He decided to turn his early Nagatoro picture series into a non-h manga not so long ago. Great idea actually.

But does it go somewhere? how much she is willing to do?

Wait, Nagatoro's author is Nanashi?

Manga is new, but there have been a few CG series with these two characters years ago.
The artist is known for making guro porn before this but Nagatoro-chan is clean.

How the fuck can you not notice? His art style is so obvious.

No way man, his rough colour art for his older Nagatoro stuff and his cleaned up art for his doujinshi looks totally different, I'd never have pegged them as the same guy.

He started drawing horrible things done to women out of resentment for them. Then he started drawing hard femdom to punish his own self inserts for how he treated this women. Nagatoro is him reaching an equilibrium where he has a bully to softly keep himself on the straight and narrow.

She's an asshole, but stops immediately whenever she realizes she's genuinely hurting him.

So a japanese furry that never came in contact with furries right? because that amount of self insert is perfectly for those fags.

She`s willing to have senpai`s babies.



And to think, it took the best Naruto ship to see the error of his ways

what's going on here

Only people like that are willing to be such autists when it comes to self insert senpai, for a jap to do this is truly a weird thing to see.

probably going for a slap but stopping after lookin at how much of a soyboy the guy is

I am cum.

Accidental cop-a-feel


She accidentally touched his dicc.


>jeez, did I pick a bad day to wear white

Femdom sucks.

U suck.

Fucking gamestop.

Femdom followed by rape of the said fem is god tier tho

Not when its lolidom.


Coming from the bitch with Uncle Ruckus eyes.



Pic related.

Wasn't there some sort of ntrshit involved? Or did she lie about having a boyfriend?

She lied, it was her brother.

If you are talking about what happens in the second CG set, yes she lied. It was her brother.

Pearl in Battlerite

Jesus christ, now that's some advanced bullying.

in the regard that she has no porn

It will eventually get a NTR doujin, I think.
With Nagatoro being forced to watch Senpai fucking a bunch of mature hot ladies with big titties until his hips move on their own.

I thought he found a dom IRL and then switched to drawing femdom

Cuphead bosses make different quips.

She's just tanned.

>Like gentle femdom
>Most femdom is orgasm denial, public humiliation, life ruining, castration shit

into the trash it goes then

>most gentle femdom doujins have the girl turn into a sub midway through

I want to see Yupiel dominate and enslave Nagatoro.

I can actually get into the orgasm denial, but somehow chastity cages are the line for me.

>he likes femdom
Is there anything more cuckish, more soy?


Pornographic content, especially the drawn stuff is about things you won't be able to find in the civilized world. If you're too much of a loser to find completely acceptable things in real life then you better make that content yourself because gentle femdom is only a pipe dream to the likes of you.

I totally get you.


>not yupiel

Literally who?

Killing Floor 1 does this. The Patriarch is a real bully if he wins.

vampire loli grandma, dominant yet affectionate.

How fucking new are you?