Fucking synths reeeeeeeeeee

>fucking synths reeeeeeeeeee
>is a synth himself
excellent writing you have there bethesda

You're about a year late user.

It's an allegory for homosexuality and how you should accept yourself

It's a shame Fallout 4 had one the few best characters in Fallout series only the be the worst game of all them.


>really like Nick Valentine
>he's stuck in Fallout 4
At least they gave him more stuff in Far Harbor, even if it's more fucking Fallout 4.

mfw battlestar galactica did the same thing

Nick is a synth though, I'm sure they'll find a away to put him in FO5.

deacon is a better twist
>pretends to be synth
>is infact not
the absolute madman

“I have... To kill... The Synths...”
“No Danse... You ARE the synths!”
And then Danse was a synth.

Valentine still doesn't make any God damn sense to me

but what if YOU were the synth all along
Oh my goood

he's a synth what part did you not understand


i miss arby 'n' the chief

Is this true?
So they stole the Frank Horrigan idea?

It's like all you faggots didn't read "Do androids dream of electric sheep" or something.

No, they were very obviously referencing something else.

>Implying Deckard was an Android

Was he a synth?
Nobody seems to give a shit about the fact he is a robot.

In the book no, in the film yes he was

except being gay is a choice, being a synth isn't

>in the film

Well fuck me, I better go read the film.

>Pirate fallout 4 with all dlcs and shit
>mod it with Start me up, silent protag, expanded dialogue, skill/perk system and all that good shit
>Game is shit anyway

Why did they had to go and fuck shit up so hard even mods can't fix it?
And I know about frost and horizon survival overhauls, but I rather go play stalker.

There's mods that put him in new vegas i think

Go away Riddley Scott

>Implying most the faggots here have even heard of Phil, let alone read anything by him.

Honestly I really liked paladin brotherhood of steel. He seem like an honest guy who kills mutants and doesnt' afraid of anything

frak you

Just play it like you're playing Mass Effect and it suddenly becomes fun.

I have a mod that removes laser weapon recoil and changes the projectiles to look like star wars. I can run around with a gatling laser juicing with psycho and jet shooting faggots in the face in slow motion.

>is a mutant himself
Avellone you fucking hack

No one cares Ridley

Thanks for the spoiler, asshole

fucking zozzle